Supposedly twins but born in different locations

+4 votes
Supposedly my bio dad had a twin brother, Arthur Elwood Grant however he shows being born in a different location.  Not sure how that is possible.  My bio dad was born in an almshouse in Burlingnton Township NJ and Arthur was shown being born in Cherry Hill NJ.  Arthur was tall, my father was only 5'7".  I have looked online for almshouse records but am having difficulty locating any.  I would appreciate any help as I am a novice at this type of research.  Arthur Elwood Grant is not found on WikiTree.  I don't want to inconvenience anyone but if you need additional information I will try to provide it.
WikiTree profile: Everett Grant
in Genealogy Help by Debby Grant-Williams G2G Rookie (260 points)
If they were fraternal twins, which it sounds like they were, their height, skin tones, hair coloring could be different as they were from two different "eggs."
I apparently had a brain lapse regarding fraternal twins.  I called one of my cousins she was told that they were born on the same day but my dad was born in an almshouse and Arthur was not,  Numerous records I have found indicate them being born in different locations.  I even spoke to someone in the NJ Historical Society that referred me to another person that specialized in almshouse births.  I left numerous messages but never hear from him.  I have 2 half-brothers that will not take a DNA test and won't talk to me either.  I just need confirmation.  My dad had 5 brothers.  Three I can eliminate as their kids show as 1st cousins. I am at a loss as to further avenues to take.

3 Answers

+6 votes

They both show up on next to each other on this record
Open the document here:
New Jersey, Reclaim the Records, Geographic Birth Index, 1901-1929

Edward Sr's obituary mentions both of them:
Link: Courier-Post Camden, New Jersey  Wednesday, July 26, 1944

by Darryl Rowles G2G6 Mach 7 (73.1k points)
Darryl, thank you for your efforts it is appreciated.  I have spent 2 years, as a rookie geneaologist (sp) and all I want is to have confirmation that Everett Elmer Grant is or is not my father.  If he isn't that only leaves one brother it could be.  Do you think his military records would have his blood type? I ask because I am RH negative. Since none of his sons will do a DNA test I'm left holding an empty bag, so to speak.  His grandson does show as my grand nephew is that means anything.  There are such discrepancies regarding the birth of my dad and Arthur.  Would appreciate any direction you can provide.  Regards, Debby
+4 votes
I found this but it does not show birth place, if this is the one you are talking about.
by Doug Tabor G2G6 Pilot (114k points)
Yes, that is my uncle, supposedly my dads twin.  Arthur's son shows as my 1st cousin.  I I'm just wondering if they really are twins because of the discrepancies I've run into.  I want to be assured that Everett Elmer Grant is definitely my dad.  At this point I am only using process of elimination.
+4 votes
My dad Arthur Elwood was born to Edward and Mary in 1915, the twin of Everett (Chip) Grant.  I created his profile Grant-22082.
by Arthur Grant G2G Crew (320 points)
You might want to add your grandparents to him, then.
Father = Grant-17605
Mother = McBride-5255

Once they are attached, you and Debby should show as cousins once the system updates.
I tried adding Edward (Grant-17605) but got a message that I was not authorized access to that tree.
You shouldn't be locked out as that profile is unlocked and you are a Family member.  I added your Gfather with no problem, you can do your Gmother.

Yeah, Arthur, you may need to upgrade your membership level, as it seems grandparents are a generation too far for Family members.   It's FREE!  And then you can do so much more. smiley

Specifically, you need to sign the honor code to edit other profiles, including connecting them to your tree.

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