Ideas for local resources in Perthshire, Scotland

+12 votes

Hello Everyone,

I am trying to get more information about my McLellan family history by figuring out more information about John McLellan's family in Scotland.  They lived in the area of Fenduie, near Alberverdy, in Perthshire, Scotland.

I am asking because my cousins are visiting Scotland this summer, from the US, and wanted to do some research if needed.  

What local resources might be helpful for our search that my cousins can check out.  What recommendations might people make about how to find this local history information in Scotland.

Thank you for any suggestions.

WikiTree profile: John McLellan
in Genealogy Help by Bob Land G2G6 Mach 3 (34.9k points)

5 Answers

+10 votes
There are a few geneological societies in Perthshire that could be contacted, see further down page on following link,_Scotland_Genealogy
by Rich Moss G2G6 Mach 9 (98.1k points)
Thank you for this!
+10 votes

Culture Perth & Kinross AK Bell Library would be a must-visit I would think Check their webpages

I know that they have some specific collections relating to the Blair Atholl estate, eg the Stewarts of Invervack

by Neil Stewart G2G6 Mach 1 (15.9k points)
Thank you, I will check out their page and forward this to my cousin.
+8 votes

Have a look at the GENUKI Perthshire page lists of archives and societies.

by Andrew Millard G2G6 Pilot (225k points)
I did!  Thank you, there is so much here!
+9 votes
I do not recognise these places in Perthshire. Do you mean the Findowies Meikle and Little which lie in Strathbrann about five miles west of Dunkeld and nealy 20 miles south of Aberfeldy? So many inhabitants from this area emigrated to North America in the 19th century that the church at Amulree four miles west of Findowies held recently a good number of local records copied from the National Archives to show to interested visitors during the summer. Unfortunately I do not know if this is still operating.  Amulree Church is now incorporated in the Parish of Dunkeld along with Dunkeld Cathedral and Little Dunkeld.
by Jack Blair G2G3 (3.6k points)
edited by Jack Blair

Yes, Jack, that's the location. I put a copy of the OS map on his profile, but the live map is here. (Hoping the link works.) "Little Dunkeld" was a parish just up the river, and down river is the village of Amulree. 

The town name that Bob gives should be Aberfeldy.

Thank you, Bobbie, the links works well.  I am just going by what is written in that source I provided over the weekend.  It mentioned that he came from Fendowie, but I am sure that is Findowie.  It says that it was near Aberfeldy.  Thank you for this.
Yes Bobby, I sometimes walk in that area from Amulree up the path which goes round Craig Bheag then down to the old mill at Turrerich. On the track back by Glen Quaich we pass deserted villages and the evidence of run rigs. My McLeish forbears (McLeish-130) lived in the parish of Little Dunkeld on Balintuim, a croft-town now in ruins opposite the old kirk of Lagganallachie.These are shown on your map just beyond Trochrie near the top .
Thanks, Jack. That's fabulous. Are you aware of any local resources to try to find more about either the McLellan family or the properties? Our John McLellan apparently was born there about 1742 and left by 1774. On his arrival in New England it appears he had a fair pocketful as he quickly bought land.

I don't find any relevant court (probate) records for any McLellans, but that wouldn't necessarily apply. And the OPRs don't help as they start in 1759.

Any ideas to help bring this family back further?
As mentioned Amulree Church holds a good collection of records copied from the National Records of Scotland (NRS) to assist descendants of emigrants from the area.

Re court records, Dunkeld Commissary Court records are held by NRS see their catalogue ref. CC7

Other sources Murthly Castle Muniments NRS ref GD121 and Stewart of Grantully NRS ref GD237/22.

Regarding McLennans in Findowie I have drawn a blank but  John McLeish in Ballintuim (probably my ancestor) made a claim against Donald McLaren in Little Findowie for a half boll of meal in 1725.    In December 1735 James MacFarlane in Meikle Findowie borrowed £20 contained in a bill from Patrick Cameron in Little Trochry.

Items such as these in the Dunkeld Comissariot records could prove useful.
Thank you for this, I really appreciate this.
+6 votes

Hi John I used to live in perth and am now in Inverness. The Perth library , which is in cenral Perth does have a section for family history. 

Scotlands people the government register is a good place to check before leaving.

Scotlands people

I take it he place is Aberfeldy! which was called Breadabane in the past



by Brian Robertson G2G6 (9.8k points)

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