Is there an expert in the English Peerage that can help with this family?

+7 votes

On 12 Nov 2022 Debra (Adams) Akin wrote on De_Courcy-119:

This information cannot be correct. Joan de Courcy married John Pelham in the 1400's. It did not happen again in the 1600's. Pelham-19 and Courcy-5

Joan married Sir John Pelham of Laughton, Sussex, son of Sir John Pelham of Laughton, Sussex and Unknown, before 20 May 1425.1 (Sir John Pelham of Laughton, Sussex died after 20 May 1457.)

WikiTree profile: Joan Pelham
in Genealogy Help by Janne Gorman G2G6 Mach 4 (45.3k points)
retagged by Michael Cayley

2 Answers

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Best answer

This duplicated set of profiles moved two centuries later seems to be on the radar of the England Project Sussex Team as this note is on John Pelham's (abt.1618-abt.1666) profile:

Failed to find sources for the dates listed, but the profile appears to be a variation on John Pelham (abt.1375-abt.1471). If this is the case, then a number of relationships will need to be detached and merges for this profile, together with Joan de Courcy (abt.1622-abt.1657) and Cecelia (Pelham) Lunsford (abt.1650-), will need to be carried out. The profile manager has been messaged accordingly. (Chris Weston, Sussex Team, 17 Nov 2022).

by Andrew Millard G2G6 Pilot (221k points)
selected by Janne Gorman
So, that message is from November, but I don't see that a merge has been proposed.  Will the England Project be doing that?   I have several Lunsford descendants that are on my merge list that cannot be cleared until the ancestors are merged
+7 votes

If we think that the 15th century couple Pelham-19 and Courcy-5 are the real ones and that Pelham-201 and De_Courcy-119 are 17th century unsourced replicas, then would there be any reasonable objection to disconnecting Pelham-201 and De_Courcy-119 from their emigrant descendants and merging them away? And merge the daughter Cecelia Pelham-70 away too.

The England Project Managed Profiles team can take the lead on this if required.

Jo, England Project Managed Profiles Team coordinator

by Jo Fitz-Henry G2G6 Pilot (198k points)
That sounds like a logical way to deal with it Jo; with the minimum of disruption to other profiles.
Thanks Elizabeth. The parish registers for Laughton, Sussex are imaged in full colour on Ancestry. There were Pelhams in Laughton, these were the Pelham Baronets, later the Dukes of Newcastle and Earls of Chichester. But there are no entries for this John Pelham and Joan de Courcy in the time frame given.

I see what you are talking about now.--Gene

Edited to add ... For the immigrant, Anderson mentions him in GM2 (3), 224 (AmericanAncestors, by subscription), sketch of Roger Harlackenden, whose second wife Elizabeth Bosville married (2) by 1640, Herbert Pelham. 

For this claim, Anderson cites "TAG 18:139-45." 

Anderson's source is Meredith B. Colket, Jr.'s 1940-1942 article, "The Pelhams of England and New England." Colket states it is not his objective to consider the medieval family history, but does list sources for it. Colket's series appears in at least ?six installments/?seven parts, on AmericanAncestors, by subscription, 16 (1939/1940):129-132, 201-205; 18 (1941):137-146, 211- 218; 19 (1942):197-202; 20 (1943):65-76. 

I didn't review these in detail, bur each is subtitled, Part "I An Interesting Heraldic Pedigree."  Part "VI The Royal Lineages" One might review especially those two parts to see if the source of the false lineage appears, or if those articles repeated the falsehoods.

Jo Fitz-Henry are you part of the England Project Sussex Team?  I did not find your name on the list:

No I'm one of the Project Coordinators of the Managed Profiles team. We tend to handle the dodgy merges especially where one or more of the profiles might need protective management afterwards.

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