I looked up your photo on Ancestry. They look like the same person but the photos are different. Your photo is square with no background and cropped close.
The photo posted to WikiTree as John Doggett Brown is in an oval mat with writing at the bottom of the mat and a background with trees to the left and shows his legs (I doubt he went to the trouble of adding legs and a background to your photo).
The ancestry tree of Jim Morgan (he commented on your photo) has the same ancestors (he has William Charles Mankin in his tree and his wife Dorcas).
My guess is this, you both have the same ancestors and you both had access to a family photo album with these pictures. The photographer probably took more than one photo and the family distributed each to relatives. The question is, whose picture is correctly attributed to the correct person? Did someone verbally state who the photo was of or was it written on the back of the photo etc etc etc?
I would try and contact Jim Morgan on ancestry (you can message people directly instead of posting a comment on a photo) and see if the two of you can figure it out.
Good luck. Maybe you will find new cousins in the process!