Which Irish notable are you most closely connected to?

+43 votes

In last week's WikiTree Challenge to benefit the North of Ireland Family History Society, WikiTreers made 3,931 new connections for Irish notables, so we're featuring them in the Connection Finder this week.

Here are our featured Irish notables:

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Help us find and improve the profiles for next week's Colorful Names feature for Easter.

in The Tree House by Abby Glann G2G6 Pilot (825k points)
reshown by Chris Whitten
Fanny Parnell 12th cousin 6 times removed through my 17th great grandfather Geoffrey Dormer.
King James IV , whose family relatives are connected with the Inquisition and later SEven Yeasss war  killing 20 million Protestants.
Jonathon swift 11th cousins 11 times removed through my distant great grandfather Ralph de Stafford.

Anonymous Whiting i trust this is on the wrong thread?

My step mom is connected to all of them, depending on the accuracy of the profiles.  I didnt examine the lists closely..so some may be through marriage.

71 Answers

+22 votes
I am most closely connected to Harry Ferguson at 20 degrees.
by Samantha Thomson G2G6 Pilot (294k points)
+24 votes
My closest by degrees is William Pirrie at 16 degrees (no known relationship) followed by Arthur Guinness at 17 degrees (also no known relationship).
by Roger Stong G2G Astronaut (1.8m points)
+26 votes
Figured I should check the namesake. Turns out Jonathan Swift and I share Bridget Cope Dryden (Cope-51) as a common ancestor. She is one of my favorites and a Magna Carta Surety Baron gateway ancestor. She is his 2GGM and my 13th.
by Jonathan Pudas G2G6 Mach 1 (12.0k points)
I do too cousin☺️
+20 votes
18 degrees from Harry Ferguson.

18 degrees from Fanny Parnell.10th cousin 4 times removed. MRCA Margaret St. John (abt 1480 - 1562).

18 degrees from Jonathan Swift. 10th cousin 9 times removed. MRCA Edward le Despenser (abt 1336 - 1375).

19 degrees from Arthur Guinness.

21 degrees from William Parrie.

21 degrees from John Synge. 14th cousin 3 times removed. MRCA Margaret (Grey) Bonville (abt 1397 - abt 1427).

24 degrees from Jack Kyle.

24 degrees from Stephen Boyd.

24 degrees from Ruby Lamar.

27 degrees from Seamus Heaney.

32 degrees from Robert Moore.
by Frank Blankenship G2G6 Pilot (166k points)
+22 votes
Once upon a time I though I was at least half Irish.  Ancestry DNA cuts that to 41% with only 38% from Dad, who turns out to also be German and Scottish.

It doesn't help that names like James, Timothy, Bridget, and Mary Ryan are as common as bottles of Guinness.

Bottom line:

18 degrees to Jonathan Swift. Two each at 19 and 20 degrees.  No cousins closer than 10th, 3 times removed (Edmund/John Synge).
by Steve Ryan G2G6 Mach 9 (91.4k points)
+19 votes
17 degrees from Arthur Guinness
19 degrees from Harry Ferguson
19 degrees from Fanny Parnell (11th cousins, 4x removed)
19 degrees from William Pirrie
20 degrees from Jonathan Swift (8th cousins, 12x removed)
23 degrees from Ruby Lamar
23 degrees from John Synge (11th cousins, 5x removed)
24 degrees from Stephen Boyd
25 degrees from Seamus Heaney
27 degrees from Jack Kyle
28 degrees from Robert Moore
by Mike Wells G2G6 Pilot (157k points)
Same her Mike 17 degrees.
+20 votes

18 degrees from Arthur Guinness
18 degrees from Fanny Parnell
21 degrees from Viscount William Pirrie
22 degrees from Jonathan Swift
23 degrees from William Millar
23 degrees from John Synge

by Roy Tonkin G2G Astronaut (4.5m points)
+19 votes
by Joel Zummak G2G6 Mach 7 (77.2k points)
+17 votes

I am most closely connected to Jonathan Swift at 20 degrees of separation.

by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.3m points)
edited by Tommy Buch
+18 votes
27 degrees from Harry Ferguson

28 degrees from Jonathan Swift

29 degrees from Arthur Guinness

29 degrees from William Pirrie

30 degrees from Fanny Parnell

32 degrees from John Synge

35 degrees from Stephen Boyd

35 degrees from Ruby Lamar

37 degrees from Jack Kyle

39 degrees from Seamus Heaney

41 degrees from Robert Moore
by Aiden Cruse G2G3 (3.8k points)
+18 votes
18 degrees from both Jonathan Swift (8th cousin, 10 times removed) and Arthur Guiness (no relation)

More cousins:

Fanny Parnell -- 10th cousin, 5 times removed

John Synge -- 15th cousin, twice removed
by Cheryl Cruise G2G6 Pilot (196k points)
+17 votes
17 degrees from Harry Ferguson, no relation


Jonathan Swift--8th cousin, 12 times removed

Fanny Parnell--12th cousin, 5 times removed

John Synge--12th cousin, 6 times removed
by Sean Delius G2G6 Mach 4 (47.7k points)
+18 votes
I am related to a few of our Irish Notables!

1) Fanny Parnell: 18 degrees; 16th cousins, MRCA Joane (Holand) Radcliffe

2) Jonathan Swift: 20 degrees; 16th cousins 8xr, MRCA Thomas (Despenser) le Despenser

3) John Synge: 24 degrees; 19th cousins 2xr, MRCA Elizabeth (Samlesbury) de Holand

Other non-related Irish Notables by degree:

18 degrees: William Pirrie; 21 degrees: Arthur Guinness; 22 degrees: Harry Ferguson; 23 degrees: Ruby Lamar;  24 degrees: Stephen Boyd; 28 degrees: Seamus Heaney and Jack Kyle; 30 degrees: Robert Moore
by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+17 votes
21 degress from Arthur Guinness, via the McGuinness family in Tasmania. I didn't check the others.
by Robert Judd G2G6 Pilot (141k points)
+17 votes
I am 20 degrees from Arrthur Guinness

21 degrees from Fanny Parnell

21 degrees from John Synge

23 degrees from Jonathan Swift

25 degrees fron Celia Marsh

26 degrees from William Pirre

28 degrees from Jack Kyle

28 degrees from Harry Ferguson

31 degrees from Robert Moore

31 degrees drom Stephen Boyd

32 degrees from Haney Seamus

33 degrees from Ruby Lamar
by Kari Undbekken G2G6 Pilot (104k points)
+19 votes
19 degrees from Jonathan Swift which is interesting because I am directly related to his notable best friend Dr Thomas Sheridan so they were also related by marriage.

18 degrees from Arthur Guiness also via Thomas Sheridan. He was also grandfather to my notable literary ancestors Mathew Carey, William Paulet Carey and John Carey.
by Michael Carey G2G2 (2.8k points)
edited by Michael Carey
I aaaam related to Strongbow welsh Norman overlord who tried to seize welsh Maaarches. and Leinster.
+18 votes
I am closely connected to Harry Ferguson at 22 degrees.
by Catherine Robinson G2G4 (4.9k points)
+18 votes
Fanny Parnell is my 15th cousin twice removed, 18 degrees, direct bloodline.
by Nancy Freeman G2G2 (2.7k points)

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