Conflagrated with brother

+4 votes
I suspect [[Law-315|William Law (1754-1799)]] was conflagrated with his brother Nathaniel to create [[Law-316|William Nathaniel Law (1748-1823)]]

William may be correct h/o [[Talmon-12|Louisa Geneva (Talmon) Law (1747-1787)]]
WikiTree profile: Nathaniel Law
in Genealogy Help by Melissa McLaughlin G2G1 (1.5k points)
I think that you mean "conflated".
I like the new version - Conflagrated makes me think of conflagration, which is a destroying fire. So I suppose if you think of mashing profiles together as consuming someone's profile in the conflagration, perhaps it's the new term for us to use - maybe even the new word of the day for Webster's in 2023.

2 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer

So let me see if I can come up with a more "useful" answer than my initial comment.

William Law (Law-315) appears to be the son of John Burwell Law Sr. (Law 319) and Sarah Elizabeth Cockerham (Cockerham-32).

Nathaniel Law (Law-316) appears to be the son of the same parents and appears as a brother to William. OK - so that much I get.

William is married to Louise Geneva Talmon and Nathaniel to Rachel Powell, so they appear to have completely separate households, separate children, etc. The profile of father John Burwell Law, Sr. appears to explicitly mention both children Nathaniel and William, and their birthdates appear to be in line with the information listed. There appears to be "some" primary or secondary source documentation that backs up the profile and the two children in question, but I don't see anything that might indicate they are either supposed to be the same person, or that their information has become mingled together in any way.

Can you let us know more specifically what made you believe these two had become conflated or where the confusion might be? It is very possible that there was a William Nathaniel Law and a William Law, the second William may have even had a second name that we're just not aware of. Thanks!

by Scott Fulkerson G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
selected by Susan Laursen
Well, you seemed to have doused that fire.
I see Grandpa was also named Wm, which lead me to believe a William and a Wm Nathaniel was also a possibility.
We already corrected the profiles.  See changes to profile.
+2 votes
I'm not seeing the Wm Nathaniel Law, just Wm and Nathaniel? Has this been corrected already!
by K Smith G2G6 Pilot (450k points)

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