“The 1844 Bible of Mary B. Storier”

+7 votes
Hi Wikitreers,

I have in my collection a wonderful vintage M. E. Church Bible dated 1844 with writing inside. I’m curious about the writing and how it relates to Mary Storier from Kinsman, Ohio. The bottom date is challenging to decipher. Id like to connect her genealogy.

Any help in her genealogy is appreciated.

Thank you

Note: see profile for photos. The Bible is small and fragile but still a testament to its endurance
WikiTree profile: Mary Storier
in Genealogy Help by Andrew Simpier G2G6 Pilot (826k points)

2 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer
I added a link to Mary's FamilySearch profile on her Wikitree profile.
by Julie Klar G2G6 Mach 7 (74.8k points)
selected by Andrew Simpier
The writing appears to say

“Mary B. Storier Kinsman, Trumbull Co, Ohio Jan 25/94 From Grandma written Jan 27/48” (or could be 98?)

I’m not sure where the middle initial B fits unless Mary B Storier is the granddaughter ? A bit of a mystery

Thank you for the Familysearch link profiles need creating
I would think the last date is 98.

I agree yes 1898

+4 votes
If there are multiple people documented in the family bible, then you can also create a Free Space Profile (FSP) for the Family Bible itself, and use that as a source on multiple profiles. You can categorize the family bible FSP here: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:Family_Bible
by Eric Weddington G2G6 Pilot (556k points)
Hi Eric,

It just dawned on me. The dates match Laura the grand daughters year of birth 1894. So her date of birth if it is January 25, 1894 is a match. States from grandma written January 27, 1898 it appears. The middle initial isn’t J for Jane but appears to be a letter “B”

So grandma must of been so proud of her granddaughters birth recording it in her small pocket style Bible with date of Bible being 1844 which matches her years  

I didn’t know about the Bible free space as I do have some vintage bibles that might be a nice way to save it’s history or bring new resources to the genealogy of the families

Thank you

Edit: it does appear the faded old pencil type was written over or traced over to preserve the original and the B over the J is possible
I'm working on my own Weddington Family Bible FSP here:


I don't have photos uploaded to it yet, but you can see what I'm doing with the section "Using As A Source".

Really nice free space page. yes

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