15 Nations Global Tour: Kenya Wrap-up

+9 votes

As you might expect, Kenya was a truly amazing adventure. We did come across some elephants and lions early on, as well as a slew of fascinating human beings. This time around, we were able to connect 5 of our 15 notables to the Global Tree: Kenya's first president, Jomo Kenyatta; author Joy Adamson of Born Free fame; elephant conservationist Daphne Sheldrick; Academy Award winning actress Lupita N'yongo; and Kenya's first published female author, Grace Odot, whose family took us from Kenya to the United States (New York City and Georgia) and then on to Italy, Czechoslovakia, Cuba, and Ireland. On top of that we grew Kenya's WikiTree footprint by almost 200 additional family profiles.

Here are the statistics for our first four nations to date:

India: 264 profiles created; 0 global connections

Argentina: 433 profiles created; 8 global connections

Ukraine: 162 profiles created; 1 global connection

Kenya: 197 profiles created; 5 global connections

Total: 1,056 profiles created; 14 out of 60 notables connected to the Global Tree (23%).

If you have not yet joined the 15 Nations Tour, I encourage you to do so now as we sail on over to the Caribbean nation of Haiti. We have lined up some fascinating characters to meet while there and will certainly have our genealogical research skills put to the test. But don't worry if you don't know anything about Haitian research - most of us don't. We will learn as we go along and together we will accomplish some amazing things, as illustrated by the above figures. Keep in mind, that in addition to researchers, we also need bio-writers, sourcerers, proofreaders, photo-finders, etc. There really is a place for everyone, so please consider joining us.

WikiTree profile: Space:15_Nations_Kenya
in The Tree House by David Randall G2G6 Pilot (466k points)

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