Looking for anything about my wife’s Father who’s name was John Tyrrell

+2 votes
Denise Tyrrell now Jamieson doesn’t know anything about her father. Her mother won’t tell her anything about him. Denise was fostered from a home very young. Her birth certificate states her father’s name John Tyrrell and that he was a truck driver.That’s all she knows. Can anyone help please?
in Genealogy Help by William Jamieson G2G Rookie (190 points)
What country and approximate dates when he lived would help.
Hi sorry for the lack of info. John Tyrrell would approximately be around 80 something if still alive. Said to be Scottish of Italian descent. My wife was born in Market Harborough 1964. Her mother was Evonne Griffiths. My wife Denise was taken from her Mother at a very early age.She has a sister called Debra(Debbie) ,they are both dark skinned of Latin appearance.

William, sorry to give bad news, but we cannot discuss living people on G2G, unless they are WikiTree members or notable public figures. See


Denise Jamieson nee Tyrrell, is a member if that helps. It would be great if she could find her roots especially as she was taken from her birth mother at six weeks old. She would be grateful for any help at all. Her mother is not at all in her life, and through me who has had great success in my own family history, I have tried without any success in finding her Paternal lineage.

Thanks for the clarification, William.

Perhaps the WikiTree Adoption Angels could help.

If he was born in Scotland, you might find him in Scotland's People. When I looked for John Tyrrell, born 1930-50, I got 8 results.


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