Seeking parents of Dorothy Shipley Smith Ripley, born 1838 in Chignecto, Cumberland, Nova Scoita

+3 votes
She married James Ripley on 3 September 1857 in Amherst, Nova Scotia.  The 1881 census listed husband James, wife Dorothy, and children C Allison, J Hilliard, G Rupert, Anna, and John W Ripley. She died on 16 April 1882 in Chignecto, Cumberland, NS, and is buried in the Nappan, Cumberland Methodist cemetery.  Her tombstone has the full name as above, so maiden name may have been Smith.
in Genealogy Help by Greg Ross G2G1 (1.5k points)

1 Answer

+2 votes

Hi Greg

Is this the profile in question? Smith-202122? Have you connected with the profile manager? Would be good to add some sources.

I know this time period and before starts to get tough for researching Nova Scotia families. In this region, I had some luck with this FamilySearch collection: but is unfortunately only viewable from a Family History Centre or Affililiate Library.

Failing that you could try probate records:, but looking for an unknown Smith in the hopes of finding one who may have mentioned a daughter Dorothy (Smith) Ripley in a will would likely be a tough slog indeed.

by Matthew Sullivan G2G6 Pilot (183k points)

Thank you for your prompt response.  Yes, Smith-202122 is the correct person and profile.   You were correct about the FamilySearch links you provided; they can't be accessed from our home computer, but we do have a FamilySearch Centre not too far away and will try there in the near future.  I also checked the FamilySearch database and Dorothy Ripley's father is provided there, without any source information.  We appreciate having some options to explore.  Thank you!

Greg Ross

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