Images disappeared after new system started

+5 votes
In-text images do not show - the image is a clipping from a birth record.


|caption=Robert Blair birth record


but the image doesn't show, just the background text.   This happened on many of my profiles.  Also, backgrounds are gone.
WikiTree profile: Robert Muir
in The Tree House by Jo Gill G2G6 Pilot (189k points)
retagged by Jo Gill

Jo, can you please tag this question with the following tags: 

data_doctors db_error_971 sysops

Also refer to my related question:

Thx, Mike

3 Answers

+4 votes
Are you using the WikiTree Browser Extension? This has options to hide those things. I'm not sure if this is currently only in the preview version of the extension or in the main version. But if you have it installed that might explain it.
by Rob Pavey G2G6 Pilot (287k points)
Rob, I'm not using BEE, I tried it, but didn't like the clutter. So I removed it.
+4 votes

Welcome To my world!   74 pictures vanished of my Free Space page.

The address was there, but no picture. My post was moved to the Tech help page.  It is still there, But, I went ahead and restored the pictures I really needed.

The other thing I did, that could be my own fault, was I edited each photo by clicking on the "REMOVE FROM IMAGE" button.  I didn't like the pictures displaying on the right hand side of the page.   The pictures displayed just fine after I did that.  Now I have been told that after 30 days those pictures will be automatically deleted!  Arghhhhh!

It took 3 hours to restore the pictures last time.sad

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (5.0m points)
David, I, too, used the "Remove from Image" option.  It worked forever, suddenly, no images.  I do that a lot, so I don't know how many profiles have this problem.  A lot of them are clipped from documents, such as a marriage license. Also, some backgrounds are gone.  

I'm blaming it all on the new system!  There's no emoticon to convey my feeling.
So what I am going to do, instead of clicking on the  "remove from image" button, is load up white pictures (nothing in the pictures but white background, as many as it takes so the others end up on the second page.!  There is always a way!

I posted this in 2 places, here, and on the New System thread (

Sandy Patak posted this:

Thanks for posting this Jo... I thought it might have been just me that the .pngs were not showing.  I added a few obituaries that are just white space.

Example Profile:  Henry Willis Smedes  And, shows up as white space on the image page as well.  If I click on the white space, from the image page, the image appears.

edited to add BUGS tag
David, did you see the post from Jim Richardson? Apparently, a free space page does not solve the problem.
Yes, if you remove all attached profiles from an image the image will get deleted after a period of time. (We are going to add a warning message soon, since this is a common mistake people make).

One thing you can do is upload the pictures to a Free Space Page instead of the profile. You can still embed the photos in the biography of the profile, but they won't show up on the side and won't get deleted.

Henry Willis Smedes might be a bug. We did have an issue with a security update the night before we made the changes to the add person form, and this might be related to that.
We've added a warning message when you go to remove the last profile that says "Caution: If you remove all profiles from an image, the orphaned image will eventually be deleted. Referencing an image from within the biography of a profile will not prevent this. Background/primary photo settings will be cleared for orphaned photos."

Hopefully, that will prevent some people from accidentally haven't their photos deleted.
+9 votes

Jo, this is not related to the new profile creation system.

If you remove images from all pages and profiles, they will be deleted completely from the system after a delay, possibly some days or longer. See this link.

If you want a photo to appear in the body of a profile but not in the right margin, you need to make a free-space profile specifically for images, and attach the photo to that to avoid it being deleted.

by Jim Richardson G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)

See Jamie's comment about an excellent new warning message. It looks like this:

Image deletion warning: If you remove all profiles from an image, it will eventually be deleted.

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