Galicia Emigrant Categories

+10 votes

Hi Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria Project members,

I am working on a family member, Mordechai, born in 1872 in Dębica / Dembitz, Galicia. For the birth location, I have Dębica, Bezirk Ropczyce, Galicia, Austria by using the place name suggestions dropdown. Dębica is the birthplace according to the family story. I have found a source that gives a birthplace as Sklobnyer. I have been unable to locate this as a place, via Google searches. Has anyone come across Sklobnyer?

I have placed Mordechai in Category:Migrants from Ropczyce (District) to Middlesex, creating the missing higher-level categories as required. I have seen that Austria is divided into 9 states. These appear to be the states of present-day Austria. I am not sure where the former Galicia fits in.

Can someone confirm if I have used and created the correct categories?



WikiTree profile: Marks Zuckhaft
in Policy and Style by David Weinberg G2G6 Mach 2 (26.2k points)

2 Answers

+10 votes
Best answer
Not quite my area, however I recommend which is Level 3 (Administration Entity) category that sits under the Level 2 category of Austria-Hungary.

Like Prussia, I would not like see the Kingdom subdivided into smaller administration districts for emigration.

Steve Thomas
Project coordinator for Prussia
Germany Project
by Steve Thomas G2G6 Pilot (150k points)
selected by David Weinberg
Steve is right, Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria is established as the admin entity level. Steve has added the correct category to the profile.
Thanks Steve and Margaret. The profile looks great, that is exactly the category I needed. I can see that you also removed the categories I erroneously created.

You're welcome, the great benefit of our G2G forum. smiley

+8 votes
I have had a go at adding a migration category for Galicia (in Austria-Hungary Empire) to Middlesex. My attempt isn't quite right. I haven't got the connection to England correct. I'll keep working on this.
by Steve Thomas G2G6 Pilot (150k points)

All fixed Steve, I cheat, I copy the CIB from one of the "Kingdom of Galicia etc to ......" and change the "to" country. smiley 

Thanks Margaret. I knew I was close, but not quite there.

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