Hi Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria Project members,
I am working on a family member, Mordechai, born in 1872 in Dębica / Dembitz, Galicia. For the birth location, I have Dębica, Bezirk Ropczyce, Galicia, Austria by using the place name suggestions dropdown. Dębica is the birthplace according to the family story. I have found a source that gives a birthplace as Sklobnyer. I have been unable to locate this as a place, via Google searches. Has anyone come across Sklobnyer?
I have placed Mordechai in Category:Migrants from Ropczyce (District) to Middlesex, creating the missing higher-level categories as required. I have seen https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Migration_Category_Structure that Austria is divided into 9 states. These appear to be the states of present-day Austria. I am not sure where the former Galicia fits in.
Can someone confirm if I have used and created the correct categories?