Sourcerers Challenge (April 2023) [closed]

+22 votes

Hello, Sourcerers! It is time to start sourcing! Prior month Owl Stickers and Sourcerers Badges will be posted soon.

To participate:

  • Review the Rules
  • If you are new to the Sourcerers' Challenge, click the "Answer this post" button (not the comment link) and tell us you are participating

You only need to answer this month's post if you don't already have the Sourcerers' Badge. You are welcome to add an answer to ask questions or offer encouragement.

If you have a problem with the Tracker let us know by using the comment link to the question that opened this thread. 


The tracker should only be used when the profile meets the Monthly Challenge definition of Unsourced (see the Rules). Add a comment to the question if you are unsure if something counts as Unsourced. You can use either the Unsourced Profile Category or the DBE Report for Unsourced profiles to find profiles that will definitely qualify. The Orphaned profiles category is another great place to look for unsourced profiles. 

After you save an edit, a green banner appears at the top of the profile edit page with a dark “button” labeled Challenge Tracker is a link to the Tracker page. Click the link and, on the page that comes up, select Sourcerers challenge and click the appropriate hint in the right column (or fill in your own if none of the canned answers fit what you did). Click Add Action and you are finished. The Tracker records the number of profiles to which you have added sources. You can see the results for any monthly challenge using this link. The current month is at the bottom

Remember, your sources need to be as full and specific as possible, so others find them useful. That means, if the source is online, you should link to it. If it is a page from a book, the page number should be included so others can easily see where you found the reference. Some books and magazines have free-space profiles to help with citation formats. Find them in the Sources Category. If the book does not have a free-space profile, consider adding the WorldCat permalink to help others find the book.

When you can, it is great to do a bit more while adding sources, like clean up the GEDCOM leftovers or help the formatting from older profiles. Sources are important, but if you cannot find them among all the other stuff, they are not helping as much as they could.

If you attempt to add sources to a profile and cannot find any, please add a note under a == Research Notes == section (click the link for examples and instructions on placement) giving where you tried to find records. Something like "Looked for John in the US Census records for 1900-1940 and could not find him on FamilySearch or Ancestry" would be fine. Or, "Searched google for an obituary and did not find one." That way the next researcher knows where to start. Do not remove the Unsourced Template and do not use the tracker to count in your tally.

The Monthly Challenge runs from the first of the month and ends on the last day of the month, GMT time. 

The Current Challenge Tracker Results Page has up-to-the-minute stats for those of you using the Challenge Tracker.

Ask any questions here in the thread, otherwise, SOURCE!

closed with the note: Challenge for May 2023 initiated
in The Tree House by Wendy Taylor G2G6 Pilot (150k points)
closed by Wendy Taylor
Fairly new sourcerer badge here - if I add a source to comments for an uneditable profile does that count towards any points?
Sorry, Tracy, it doesn’t, but is still a good thing to do.
No apology needed! I just hit five in row this weekend of no edits so I was curious. They all have nice comments now :)
I'm new to this. How do I join?

Welcome, KD! Answering this post allows you to join in, but you get a Sourcerer badge if you meet the sourcing rules set out above.

I don’t see you on the Tracker yet, so will check back in a day or two.  I recommend using for citing sources, but if using Ancestry this page may help -

Let me know here if you have any questions.

Thank you for the information on where to go and what to do to cite sources.

Do I need to do anything like clicking an icon on the profile page for WikiTree when I'm updating sourcing for this challenge?

After you save an edit, a green banner appears at the top of the profile edit page with a dark “button” labeled Challenge Tracker which is a link to the Tracker page. Click the link and, on the page that comes up, select Sourcerers challenge and click the appropriate hint in the right column (or fill in your own if none of the canned answers fit what you did). Click Add Action and you are finished. 

37 Answers

+14 votes
Hi Wendy, count me in for April 2023! I love this challenge and Integrators.
by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)

Thank you, Carol! I love sourcing too!smiley

+12 votes
Count me in for April!

by Laurie Hughes G2G6 Mach 1 (18.6k points)
Welcome, Laurie!  Let me know here if you have any questions.
Hi Laurie!  I still don’t see you on the Tracker. Just checking in case you have any questions.
Not sure why.   I only completed a couple anyway.   For the future how do I join...  I must have done something wrong last time.


Hi Laurie! After you save an edit, a green banner appears at the top of the profile edit page with a dark “button” labeled Challenge Tracker which is a link to the Tracker page. Click the link and, on the page that comes up, select Sourcerers challenge and click the appropriate hint in the right column (or fill in your own if none of the canned answers fit what you did). Click Add Action and you are finished. 


Hi Laurie! I see you on the Tracker now. Be sure only to use the Tracker when adding Sources to completely unsourced profiles! Do not use the Tracker for newly created profiles, as this challenge is to add sources to completely unsourced older profiles.

Let me know if you have any questions.
+11 votes
Please count me in again, Wendy. Thank you!
by Robin Shaules G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
Thank you, Robin! Have fun!
+10 votes
I'm in again. A new month already.
by Luther Brown G2G6 Pilot (637k points)
Thank you, Luther!  Time certainly flies.
+10 votes
Hi, I would like to participate in April. A little bit of work every month :-)
by I. Caruso G2G6 Pilot (124k points)
Thank you, I! Every source helps.
+11 votes

ooh new month and Saturday Sprint at the same time so count me in too! 

If anyone wants to specifically help with unsourced Caribbean profiles that would be great yes 

by D Grosvenor G2G6 Mach 5 (59.1k points)
Thank you, D! Happy sourcing in the Caribbean.
+11 votes
Please count me in too!
by Katherine Bauer G2G6 Mach 1 (13.7k points)
Welcome, Kathy!  Let me know if you have any questions.

Hi Kathy!  I see you on the Tracker now. You should get your Sourcerer badge at the end of this month’s challenge. If sourcing from Ancestry, you may find this template useful -

The Sourcer App is very useful also - see

+11 votes
I'm in for April.
by RL McAdoo G2G6 Mach 4 (43.3k points)
Thank you, RL!  Have fun!
+12 votes

Another month another Owl cheeky

by Roy Tonkin G2G Astronaut (4.6m points)

Thank you, Roy! Have a hoot! smiley

+10 votes
I'm in! Let's get sourcing!
by Carol Turner G2G6 Mach 2 (20.5k points)
Thank you, Carol! Enjoy yourself!
+9 votes
I'll be contributing again this month...thanks!

Sally K.
by Sally Kimbel G2G6 Pilot (110k points)
Thank you, Sally! Have fun!
+9 votes
If it's not too late, can I be added to Legacy Heirs? I've participated before but I think I forgot to mention my team.

by Roxanna Malone G2G6 Mach 3 (34.7k points)
Hi Roxanna! The Sourcerers Challenge doesn’t have teams. Are you confusing this with the Source-a-thon?
+9 votes

I suppose I should make it offical - 

Let me in Please laugh

by Graeme Olney G2G6 Pilot (164k points)

Thank you, Graeme! You are officially in. smiley

+9 votes
I will "do a few"

by John Machell G2G6 Mach 1 (13.8k points)
Thank you, John. Every source helps!
+10 votes
Of course I am in for this month
by Darren Kellett G2G6 Pilot (563k points)

Thank you, Darren! Once you start, it is hard to stop smiley

+9 votes
Consider me a Starter
by Bryan Simmonds G2G6 Mach 2 (23.2k points)
Welcome, Bryan!  I don’t see you on the Tracker yet, I will check back in a couple of days.  Let me know here if you have any questions.
Hi Bryan, I see you on the Tracker now. You should get your Sourcerer badge at the end of this month’s challenge. Ideally, you should copy and paste the individual sources from FamilySearch, not just cite the profile ID.
Hi Bryan! Please do not use the Tracker for newly created profiles!  Also SmartMatches do not constitute a valid source.
My apologies Wendy, i will endeavour to do it right next time.
+9 votes
Please count me in! :)
by Gina Sutherland G2G6 Mach 3 (37.5k points)

Thank you, Gina! We have counted you smiley

+9 votes
Looking forward to giving this a go
by Mark Leighton G2G1 (1.2k points)
Welcome, Mark! I don’t see you on the Tracker yet.  I will check back in a day or two. Let me know here if you have any questions
Hi Mark! I still don’t see you on the Tracker. Just wondering if you have any questions.
Sorry - just haven't found the time to get going yet. Good intentions!
No worries!  Life can be busy!
Hi Wendy - I have made a start at this now - my first time at it so I am ready to be corrected in what I have done!

Hi Mark!  You should get your Sourcerer badge at the end of this month’s challengesmiley

+9 votes
I am in a saucy mood at the moment. Oops I mean Sourcey. Sign me up please?
by Paul Burlinson-Ely G2G6 Mach 1 (10.8k points)

Thank you, Paul!  A splash of Worcestershire adds zing smiley

+9 votes
I would like to join up.
by NG Hill G2G6 Pilot (125k points)
Welcome, NG!  I don’t see you on the Tracker yet, but will check back in a day or two.  Let me know here if you have any questions
Hi NG! I see you on the Tracker now. You should get your Sourcerer badge at the end of this month’s challenge.
Thank you Wendy,

I look forward to the badge.  

Sourcering helped pass the time while I could not sleep last night.

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