im looking for info on Erie Dale Spence. 1929-1985

+2 votes
Looking for info on my Grandfather, Erie Dale Spence, 1929-1985.   I know his parents were William J. Spence and Jessie May Coats.   When I Google him I get info about Erie PA.  I am stuck and have no relatives on my fathers side to ask about them.  Just throwing this out into the information universe to see if anyone knows something.


Cheryl Spence Sherman
in Genealogy Help by

3 Answers

+2 votes
There was an Erie Spence, born 27 Jan 1929, social security no. issued in Michigan. His last residence was Isabella, MI, and he died July 1985.

Erie D. Spence per the 1930 US Census in Michigan, has him in Coldwater, Isabella, MI. His parent is shown to be Jenie M. Spence. His mother, Jenie is 39y, older brothers are Gerals A. 9y, William J. 8y, and older sister, Sarah J. 3y. Erie is 1y old at the time of the census. The mother and all the children were born in Michigan.
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
+2 votes

These names seem to match but the location is off and the son 'Orrie' was born abt. 1910.  Do you know if Erie's wifes name was Ethel (Rowell)?

Michigan, Marriages, 1822-1995

groom William J Spence

bride: Jessie Coats

marriage 17 Oct 1906 : Mt Pleasant, Isabella, Michigan

groom's father James Spence

bride father Edwin Coats

bride's mother  Sarah M Sowle

groom  Orrie Spence

birth 1910  Michigan  age: 20  White Single

father   Wm. J. Spencer   mother: Jessie Coats

marriage date: 18 Jan 1930

marriage place: Mesick, Isabella, Mich.

bride's name: Ethel Rowell

birth  1908  Michigan age: 22 White Single

father   Lyman R. Rowell   mother  Mae Easlick



U S Census, 1910  Coldwater, Isabella, Michigan

self  William J Spence M 27y OH

wife  Jessie M Spence  F 19y MI

son  Orie S Spence M y 5m MI



U S Census, 1920  Isabella, Michigan

self  William Spencer M 37y OH

wife  Jessie Spencer  F 29y MI

son  Ora Spencer M 10y MI

son  Russel Spencer M 5y MI 

by Chris Hoyt G2G6 Pilot (936k points)
+2 votes
Hi cousin!

Your Grandfather and my Grandmother were brother and sister. My Grandmother is in her 90's and still living. I have copies of old family photos.

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