Join us: April 2023 Puritan Great Migration Profile Challenge

+18 votes

We had such fun in March participating with BioBuilders that this month the Puritan Great Migration Project (PGM) is launching our own Monthly Challenge series.

Our theme for this month for the PGM Profile Challenge is PGM Ancestors who were born or baptized, immigrated, got married, or died in April, with a special emphasis on profiles in the category Puritan Great Migration Project Needs Biography. (Pre-1700 certification is required for editing all PGM profiles.) 

If you can work on some of PGM's profiles, please be sure to follow PGM's Editing Guidance and remember to collaborate with the profile managers. 

To participate, please read the material in this post about the PGM Profile Challenge, let us know you plan to participate, and then report your progress here as well. Participants in the Puritan Great Migration Profile Challenges will be eligible for Achievement Stickers recognizing their work.

Thank you very much for your help!

Challenge Specifics:

You are limited to profiles which are PGM-project managed (ie. have the PGM Project Box 500px-Puritan_Great_Migration_Editing_Guidance-1.jpg at the top.)

You are not limited to PGM Profiles which Need Biographies

Please be sure to follow PGM's Editing Guidance 

Abbrieviated PGM Checklist: (full editing guidance linked above)

Data Section:

  • birth date/place
  • names of parents, if known
  • marriage date/place and spouse name
  • names of children 
  • death date/place

Biography Section:

  • Full written sentences stating the facts above, adding inline sources for each fact;
  • Immigration information;
  • Is the profile '''Genealogically Defined?''';
  • Please write biographies in your own words; don't copy/paste;
  • Baptism, immigration, marriage, burial, civic, and other life events with inline sources;
  • List of children with at least one pertinent fact each;
  • Explanatory remarks, if needed (e.g. disputed persons information, Research Notes, whatever needs extra explaining);
  • Interesting fact about the person, such as career or avocation with sources;
  • Appropriate Categories;
  • If applicable, merges initiated for duplicate profiles;
  • Links to other mentioned persons/profiles;
  • Historical context as related to the person's life (please don't add timelines);
  • PGM Reliable Sources; general information about Sources

Any Questions? Please respond with a comment below.

To let us know you will join us, please answer this question, and also be sure to come back and report the IDs of the PGM profiles you have finished.

Good luck and Thank You!

in The Tree House by S Willson G2G6 Pilot (238k points)
edited by S Willson

7 Answers

+13 votes
I’ll try to do a few.
by Cheryl Skordahl G2G6 Pilot (304k points)
Thanks very much Cheryl :)
+14 votes

Being a new PGM research team member, I would really appreciate the opportunity to participate as well. I was thinking to start with the profile of Alice (Fenn) Clark. If possible, I would prefer to vet any of my findings / sources with you prior to editing the actual profile in order to be more confidant of its overall validity. 

Thanks so much,

Brian Quesnell (Quesnell-14)

by Brian Quesnell G2G6 Pilot (112k points)
Thank you Brian. Hers looks like an excellent profile for you to work with! We will be happy to help you as you go.

S Willson
+12 votes
Will try to get at least one done
by Jennifer Robins G2G6 Pilot (309k points)
Thank you for helping out, Jennifer!
+9 votes
Hi, I would like to be involved in this project.  All four of my grandparents trace to the Puritan great migration (Smith-6207, Carpenter-19, Bate-84, Spalding-11).  I recently adopted a bunch of orphaned profiles who are all relatives of mine and are from this period.  I'm new to WikiTree, greatly helped by my cousin Kitty Smith.
by Gregg Smith G2G5 (5.3k points)
Welcome Gregg. We are happy to have you help out! It is always exciting to find connections to our ancestors!
+9 votes
by Chris Hoyt G2G6 Pilot (938k points)
edited by Chris Hoyt
Yay! Thanks for joining in, Chris!
+7 votes

Hi Sharon, 

I'm not sure this qualifies, but have updated the profile of Rev. John Warham, who died 1 April 1670. 

The profile is PGM and had been flagged as needing inline citations for genealogical items and a child list. 

We got 'er done, citing Anderson, but including that author's source of the source in each of the inline citations. 

Hope this helps.--Gene

by GeneJ X G2G6 Pilot (132k points)
Thanks very much for your help, Gene!
+7 votes
This is right up my alley with one of my research goals for the month!
by Victoria Fachner G2G6 Mach 2 (26.5k points)
That is great, Victoria! Thanks for joining in.

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