April 2023 BioBuilders - People who died before their 18th birthday

+27 votes

This month’s Bio Builders Challenge theme is People who died before their 18th birthday.

Be sure to add {{Died Young}} after ==Biography == in the narrative.

You are not limited to profiles on your Watchlist.

Thank you for your support.

Here's our checklist:

Data Section:

  • birth date/place
  • names of parents
  • marriage date/place and spouse name
  • names of children, if any
  • death date/place

Biography Section:

  • Written (full) sentences stating the facts above, adding inline sources to each fact.
  • Is the profile '''Genealogically Defined?'''
  • As a general rule biographies should be in your own words. Paraphrase and rewrite, don't copy/paste.
  • Baptism, burial, military, and other life events with inline sources.
  • Something to "humanize" the person, such as career or avocation with sources.
  • List of children with at least one pertinent fact.
  • Some list siblings. (I think this takes up real estate.)
  • Explanatory remarks, if needed (e.g. disputed persons information, Research Notes, whatever needs extra explaining).
  • Photos or pictures, background. Not a must, but nice (you need to own the copyright unless they are in the public domain).
  • Categories.
  • Connection to the Global Tree.
  • All duplicates merged or initiated.
  • Links to persons and events, perhaps from Wikipedia.
  • Historical context as related to the person's life.
  • Sources, Sources, Sources.

You can see some ideas on where to find some of this information on the Biography Builders space page.

Use "comments" below to ask questions.

NOTE: Biography Builders will not show on the tracker. Please add a list to your answer.

[edited to add link to challenge page]

in The Tree House by Bob Keniston G2G6 Pilot (283k points)
Ok - I know that Wikitree+ can help me narrow this down a bit, but I'm a bit confused by all the options. I would really prefer to start with the profiles I manage and branch out from there. Can someone please help me with out? How do I use this to find people who died young in my own profiles? After I finish those, I will do those outside of my managed profiles.
How do you accomplish this in Wikitree+?

Thank you

Alicia, have you tried the CC7 app yet? https://apps.wikitree.com/apps/beacall6/cc7_table.php

Add your own WT ID to top left box and give it time to work through your connections

You will then get a table where you can easily see birth and death dates in columns

I can't use WT+ yet either laugh

I have looked at my CC7, but it was on this page and :

And THANK YOU! I will definitely make use of this. It's completely different than the link I usually use.

You're welcome! smiley 

I have it open continuously now - it is a great app and you can sort by any column and see where your gaps are too for parents, siblings and dates.

Don't think I'll be getting anything else done now that I know about this app wink

Alicia - your managed profiles with the Died Young template can be found by doing a WT+ search for Manager=Bonner-1839 TemplateFull=Died_Young. Anyone else can do the same thing, but replace her WT ID with yours.

One more category people can use (or look at): Stillbirth.

Thanks Melissa!

Also another place to find profiles would be Children on the Titanic - There were 68 children who perished in the Titanic disaster... Many of them could use connecting, sourcing and biography love!

We should do a month on surnames that are/variations of adjectives (Hott, Lacy, Boney, Cooley, Gurley, Manly, Gross, Sweet, etc.). Except I'd probably have to stick to orphan profiles that month since most of my watchlist wouldn't work!

35 Answers

+13 votes
by Jennifer Robins G2G6 Pilot (309k points)
+12 votes
by Patricia Roche G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
edited by Patricia Roche
+14 votes

I'm sure I'll come across a few I can do.

  1. John Smith died aged 2 years 11 months
  2. Charles William Molloy less than 3 months old
  3. Louisa Isabella Bremner 4 years
  4. Raymond John Curnick aka Dunsdon 8 years
  5. Ellen aka Nellie Fenwick aged 12 years
  6. Isabella Fenwick less than 9 months old
  7. John Richard Curnick aged 3 years
  8. Susan Prudence Molloy 3 weeks
  9. Gladys Violet Oxbrough less than 3 months old
  10. Isabella Kathleen Molloy aged 1 year
  11. Cecilia Molloy less than 1 year old
  12. George Lawrence at less than 3 months old
  13. George Kemp aged 17 years
  14. James Kemp aged 6 months
  15. Thomas Kingsland aged 11 days
  16. Sarah Ann Kingsland aged 6 weeks
  17. Harriett Kingsland aged 9 years
  18. Charlotte Pilcher aged 4 years
  19. Mary Ann Pilcher aged 6 weeks
  20. George Smith aged 14 years
  21. John Smith aged 15 months
  22. Edward Smith about 3 months old
  23. John Coppins aged 1 year 10 months
  24. Betty Aylward aged about 2 and a half years
  25. Agnes Aylward about 6-7 months old
  26. Edward George Phillpott aged 4 years 3 months
  27. Matilda Elizabeth Kennett age 1 year
  28. Emily Edith Dove aged 4 months
  29. Samuel Rufus aged 3 weeks
  30. Herbert Rufus aged 2 weeks
  31. Samuel Ruffis aka Rufus aged 1 year
  32. Eliza Rufus aged 5 months
  33. Phoebe Catherine Rufus aged 8 months
  34. Alice Elizabeth Ruffus aged 1 year
  35. William Robert Rufus aged 13 days
  36. Eliza Rufus aged 13 years
  37. James William Nicholls aged 2 years 2 months
  38. James John Curnick aged 1 year 8 months
  39. Harriet Lockyer aged 3 weeks
  40. Frederick Lockyer aged 2 years
  41. John George Lockyer aged 4 years
  42. Eleanor aka Ellen Curnick aged 2 years 6 months
  43. Alice Curnick aged 1 year 2 months
  44. Elizabeth Catherine Curnock aka Curnick aged nearly 2 years
  45. Alice Curnick aged 4 years 6 months
  46. John Henry Curnick aged 6 weeks
  47. Susan Mary Curnick aged 1 month
  48. Julia Curnick aged 5 weeks
  49. Robert Curnick aged 1 month
  50. Minnie Florence Jackson aged 17 months
  51. Alfred Jackson aged 8 months
  52. Robert Jackson aged 10 months
by Michelle Wilkes G2G6 Pilot (185k points)
edited by Michelle Wilkes
+16 votes

Oh this month's challenge is great! I have LOTS of children on my watchlist that I put there to finish "on a rainy day". Now this gives me an incentive to sort out as many as I can!! smiley yes
Here's my final edit of profiles for this month.
The first five are brothers who died on Titanic.  

1. Albert Rice (1902-1912) age 10 years
2. George Hugh Rice (1903-1912)  age 8 years
3. Eric Rice (1905-1912) age 7 years
4. Arthur Rice (1908-1912) age 4 years
5. Francis Rice (1909-1912) age 2 years
6. William James Rice (1899-1899) - age 7 weeks
7. Patrick Hand (1936-1936) - age 11 days 
8. Thomas Michael Kenealy (1908-1908) - age 3 weeks
9. Anne Connors (1882-1882) - age 2 days
10. John Mathew Abbott (1897-1903) - age 5 years
11. Alfred Thomas Ellis (1874-1876) - age 2 years
12. George Henry Ellis (1881-1882) - age 1 year
13. Ellen Ellis (1884-1887) - age 3 years
14. Ellen Josephine Ellis (1872 - 1884) - age 11 years
15. Florence McDonnell (1899-1908) - age 8 years
16. Norah Bridget McDonnell (1904-1918) -  age 14 years
17. Catherine Martha McDonnell (1896-1908) - age 11 years
The next five are siblings:
18. John O'Connor (1908 - 1908) - age 3 weeks
19. Anne O'Connor (1904-1904) - age 3 months
20. Anne O'Connor (1906-1908) - age 22 months
21. Michael O'Connor (1915-1916) - age 4 months
22. William Oliver O'Connor (1921-1922) - age 9 months
The next six are siblings:
23. Lucy Teresa Holahan (1894 - 1894) - age 7 months
24. Agnes Holahan (1903 - 1903) - age 21 days
25. Margaret Holahan (1903 - 1903) - age 5 days
26. Bridget Holahan (1902 - 1902) - age 7 days
27. Christopher Holahan (1897 - 1897) - age 6 weeks
28. Marcella Holahan (1896 - 1896) - age 5 days
29. Christopher Wayne (1911-1912)  - age 3 months
30. Mary Christina (Wann) Wayne (1898-1910)  - age 12 years
31. Mary Wan (1872-1874) - age 2 years
32. Margaret Newman (1897-1897) - age 2 days
33. Fanny Newman (1895-1896) - age 20 months
34. Joseph Christopher Newman (1898-1901) - age 2 years

The next seven are brothers who all died before age of 5 years:
35. Gerard Keenan (1913-1915) - age 2 years
36. Michael Joseph Keenan (1897-1901) - age 4 years
37. John Joseph Keenan (1907-1910) - age 3 years
38. William Patrick Keenan (1898-1901) - age 3 years
39. Patrick Keenan (1911-1911) - age 12 days
40. Christopher Keenan (1902-1902) - age 7 hours

41. Francis Keenan (1909-1910) - age 8 months
42. Patrick Wanne (1874 - 1889) - age 14 years
43. Christopher Wanne (1860 - 1866) 
- age 6 years
44. Peter James Fitzgerald (1906 - 1906) - age 1 month

45. Catherine Mary Fitzgerald (1899 - 1908) - age 9 years
46. John Fitzgerald (1905 - 1905) - age 2 weeks
47. James Fitzgerald (abt. 1903 - 1909) 
age 6 years
48. Thomas Ellis (1882 - 1887) age 4 years
49. William Henry Ellis (1882 - 1891) age 9 years
50. Mary Elizabeth Ellis (1884 - 1890) age 6 years
51. James Wane (1906 - abt. 1907) age 8 months
52. William Wann (1864 - abt. 1864) age 5 months
53. Peter Paul Carabine (1917 - 1917) age 3 weeks
54. Bernard Carabini (abt. 1888 - 1889) age 9 months
55. Francis Dominick Carabini (1912 - 1912) - age 2 months

by Fionnuala O'Connor G2G6 Mach 2 (27.4k points)
edited by Fionnuala O'Connor
+13 votes

I have quite a few profiles of children that could use improvement, so I'm in again this month.

  1. Clarence E Anderson (1895-1895) - 4 days
  2. Rova M Anderson (1897-1897) - at birth
  3. Almiry Davis (1853-1861) - 6 months
  4. Charles Murray Kemp (1895-1895) - 6 weeks
  5. Eugenie Zachar Rivet (1861-abt.1864) - abt. 3 years
  6. Elmore Murray (1888-1888) - 7 months
  7. Lozema Rivette (1888-1901) - 13 years
  8. Alfred Joseph Rivette (abt.1918-1928) - 10 years
  9. Marie Mathilde Landry (1872-1872) - abt. 5 months
  10. Georges Samuel Henri Rivet (1870-1887) - 17 years
  11. Joseph Arvilien Rivet (1873-1874) - 1 year
  12. Helie Rivet (abt.1888-1888) - 2 months
  13. George Rivet (1882-abt.1882) - 7 days
  14. Alfred Rivet (abt.1881-1882) - 15 months
  15. Joseph Agamar Lanclos (1865-1866) - 1 year
  16. Marie Selimane Lanclos (1870-bef.1880) - under 10 years
  17. Alvin Carlyle Rivet (1912-1912) - 1 month
  18. Marie Denise Rivet (1905-bef.1910) - under 5 years
  19. Unnamed Infant Bergeron (abt.1790-abt.1790) - infant
  20. Joseph Araban Rivet (1905-1910) - under 5 years
  21. Margaret Genevieve Landry (1896-1897) - 15 months
  22. Edward F Freeman (abt.1933-1934) - 1 year
  23. Joseph Arthur Rivette (1866-1866) - 1 month
  24. William Americus Wells (1850-1860) - 9 years
  25. Raphaël Vital Boutin (1810-1820) - 9 years
  26. Theodore Israel Mollere (1880-1881) - 1 year
  27. Henri Elphege Legleu Jr (1900-1917) - 17 years
  28. Camela Rivet (1915-1919) - 3 years
  29. Dominique Ignace Guilhas (1869-1871) - 2 years
  30. Irma Rivet (1870-bef.1900) - poss. age 17 (age in question)
by Joyce Rivette G2G6 Pilot (189k points)
edited by Joyce Rivette
+12 votes

I will participate this month.

1. Carlton Earl Newman - died at age 2 years

2. Charles Flowers - died at about age 22 months

3. Claudie Gilchrest - died at age about 20 months

4. David Harvey Gilchrist - died at age 2 years, 2 months

Faye Marie Smith - died at almost 3 years

6. Frederick "Fred" Ballard Jr. - died at about 2 years 8 months

7. Hazel Aymett Hopkins - died at almost 3 years

8. John Alex Holden - died at 2 years 10 months

9. William Allen Drury - died at 2 years 4 months

10. Joseph Charles Dunnavant - died at 2 months

11. Dorthy "Dot" Stewart - died at 3 years

12. Cleophas Willoughby - died at 13 years

13. Michael Lee Adcox - died the day he was born

14. Annie Tindol - died at 21 months

15. Sybil Tindol - died at 3 years

by Nelda Spires G2G6 Pilot (611k points)
edited by Nelda Spires
+13 votes
by D Grosvenor G2G6 Mach 5 (59.1k points)
edited by D Grosvenor
+13 votes
I’ll try to add a few.
by Cheryl Skordahl G2G6 Pilot (304k points)
+12 votes

Hi Bob,

Glad to see this challenge appear, appreciate the work you do.

I am in, think I have done those on my watch list, but will review them and then look at the English mortality categories. Starting with Hampshire, Surrey, and Northumberland.

  1. Mary Langridge (bef. 1751 - bef. 1752) aged 19 months - Hampshire and her sister
  2. Mary Langridge (1766 - 1772) aged 6 yrs - Hampshire
  3. William Langridge (abt. 1770 - abt. 1771)
  4. Daisy Langridge (1908 - 1925)
  5. Samuel Bones (1760 - 1760) and his brother
  6. Thomas Bones (1755 - 1757) 
  7. Stephen Bones (1790- 1791)

Didn't get as many done as I would have liked, as life got in the way.

by Janet Wild G2G6 Pilot (357k points)
edited by Janet Wild
+13 votes
I'm in! Have some on my own branch to bio-build and will look for others after that.

[[Warren-22863| John Warren (1869-1875)]]

[[Haggar-236| Joyce Haggar (1922-1938)]]

[[Kendrick-3743| Frances Kendrick (1793-1795)]]

[[Kendrick-3744| Ann Kendrick (1793-abt.1797)]]

[[Kendrick-3740| Eliza Kendrick (1839-1839)]]

[[Kendrick-3699| John Kendrick (1829-1829)]]

[[Kendrick-3813| Henry Kendrick (1886-1890)]]

[[Kendrick-3690| Samuel Kendrick (1828-1842)]]

[[Little-21082| Bertha May Little (1877-1883)]]

[[Little-21066| Edith Florence Little (1894-1895)]]

[[Matthews-16457| Bob Matthews]]

[[Payne-19862| Jean Payne]]

[[Murduff-23| Hazel Murduff]]

[[Litherland-254| Harriet Litherland]]

[[Warren-22989| Rebecca Warren]] *

[[Warren-22990| William Warren]] *

[[Warren-22993| James Warren]] *

[[Warren-22991| George Warren]] *

[[Warren-22992| Catherine Warren]] *

[[Warren-22994| Thomas Warren]] *

[[Warren-23003| Phyllis Warren]] *

(these seven * youngsters were from the same family - eight children in all and only one lived to an old age; the others all died of the diseases of the day - croup, scarlet fever, etc. Heartbreaking)

[[Cooper-39521| Ann Cooper]]

[[Henley-2494| Percy Henley]]

[[Henley-2499| Ethel Henley]]

[[Henley-2501| Bessie Henley]]

[[Pink-904| Matthew Pink]]
by Donna Henley G2G6 Mach 3 (31.3k points)
edited by Donna Henley
+12 votes

I'll see who I can find, here is one to start,

1. Eliza Reeves

2. Annie Mc Minnies

3. Daniel Alexander

4. Elizabeth Alexander

5. Mary Ann Hills

6. William Akers

7. Daisy Skipp

by Christine Frost G2G6 Pilot (162k points)
edited by Christine Frost
+14 votes
Looking forward to participating again this month. Thank you.
What is the best way to find profiles that fit this category?

Completed profiles:

[[Walker-59246|Joan Walker (abt.1928-abt.1941)]]

[[Bentley-6845|Alfred Bentley (1876-1876)]]

[[Morley-632|Martha Morley (1806-1807)]]

[[Morley-634|John Morley (1761-1764)]]

[[Bentley-6858|Joseph Bentley (1806-bef.1819)]]

[[Danbom-2|Gilbert Sigvard Emanuel Danbom (1911-1912)]]

[[Ford-14018|Robina Margaret Ford (1904-1912)]]

[[Ford-14026|William Neil Thomas Watson Ford (1898-1912)]]

[[Goodwin-10174|Sidney Leslie Goodwin (bef.1910-1912)]]

[[Goodwin-10172|Lilian Augusta Goodwin (bef.1896-1912)]]

[[Goodwin-10170|Charles Edward Goodwin (bef.1897-1912)]]

[[Goodwin-10173|William Frederick Goodwin (1898-1912)]]

[[Goodwin-10171|Jessie Allis Mary Goodwin (bef.1900-1912)]]

[[Goodwin-10168|Harold Victor Goodwin (bef.1901-1912)]]

[[Pålsson-69|Gösta Leonard Pålsson (1910-1912)]]

[[Pålsson-68|Stina Viola Pålsson (1908-1912)]]

[[Pålsson-67|Paul Folke Pålsson (1906-1912)]]

[[Pålsson-66|Torborg Danira Pålsson (1903-1912)]]

[[Sage-4060|Stella Anna Sage (bef.1891-1912)]]

[[Sage-4058|Frederick Sage (1895-1912)]]

[[Sage-3360|Anthony William Sage (bef.1899-1912)]]

[[Sage-4064|Thomas Henry Sage (bef.1907-1912)]]

[[Sage-4063|Constance Gladys Sage (1904-1912)]]

[[Sage-4059|Dorothy Florence Sage (1897-1912)]]
by Jayne Stidham G2G6 Mach 1 (11.7k points)
edited by Jayne Stidham
Ditto, I keep getting a long list and have to read through the birth and death dates. There must be a way to do this in Wikitree+ but I can't figure it out.

Some of us non-WT+ users are using the CC7 app? https://apps.wikitree.com/apps/beacall6/cc7_table.php

Add your own WT ID to top left box and give it time to work through your connections

You will then get a table where you can easily see birth and death dates in columns - and it even highlights the {{Died Young}} for you too

Thank you! I was able to pull some existing family members.

I would still like to utilize the WT+ so if anyone feels they could provide some direction on how to pull data I would be very appreciative. smiley

Also another place to find profiles would be Children on the Titanic - There were 68 children who perished in the Titanic disaster... Many of them could use connecting, sourcing and biography love!

Thank you for this great suggestion!
+14 votes

I added this to my great grandaunt's profile: Mary Elizabeth Hutto, 1901-1916

Died at age 14 or 15.

Looking for others

by Laura Ward G2G6 Mach 5 (54.7k points)
+11 votes
Can someone provide the string to use to search WT+ for all my “Died Young” profiles? I assume it would have to compare the dates of birth and death, when present, but can’t figure it out. I am just starting now to use WT+.
by Francesca Murphy G2G6 Mach 6 (63.7k points)

Have you tried the CC7 app? https://apps.wikitree.com/apps/beacall6/cc7_table.php

Add your own WT ID to top left box and give it time to work through your connections

You will then get a table where you can easily see birth and death dates in columns

I can't use WT+ yet either laugh

Thank you! It is mixing profiles without dates with those with dates for me (maybe a glitch on the Mac?), but it is showing the image that comes with {{Died Young}} so it's really easy to identify the profiles I need.

Who knew? smiley yes

Also another place to find profiles would be Children on the Titanic - There were 68 children who perished in the Titanic disaster... Many of them could use connecting, sourcing and biography love!

+15 votes

I will try to do a few this month. Notes for me:

Category:Infant_Mortality for those who died between birth and exactly one year of age

Category:Child_Mortality  for those who died between age 1 and 18 





Category: Premature Births

  1. Sandra Jean Bonner https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Bonner-1833
  2. Charles Ray Downs https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Downs-3028
  3. Romie Lee Armstrong: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Armstrong-13568
  4. Infant Henderson https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Henderson-15868
  5. Robert Henderson (1922-1922) (https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Henderson-18978 : accessed 04 April 2023).
  6. Cynthia Ann Inglett https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Inglett-160
  7. Baby Boy Inglett https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Inglett-168
  8. Doris Mae Taylor https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Taylor-54575
  9. Lou Ella Jeter https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Jeter-822
  10. David Earl Robinson https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Robinson-38475
  11. Julia Ann Harding https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Harding-5488
  12. Almer Idell Henderson https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Henderson-15865
  13. Maggie Irene Henderson https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Henderson-15867
  14. Eddie Tilley https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Tilley-1022
  15. Infant Manwiller https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Manwiller-18
  16. Infant Boy Price https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Price-17553
  17. Infant Boy Price https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Price-30748
  18. Ida Bell Jeter https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Jeter-648
  19. James Wesley Jeter https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Jeter-649
  20. Lou Annis Thomas https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Thomas-45217
  21. Lucilla Kate Price https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Price-21356
  22. Delbert Robinson https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Robinson-32658
  23. Dida Thomas https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Thomas-45222
  24. Amanda Harding https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Harding-5667
  25. Paul Elmer Thomas https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Thomas-45154
  26. Thomas Streets https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Streets-232
  27. Edward Thomas Price https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Price-17575
  28. Lawrence Everett Borg https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Borg-441
  29. Unnamed Infant Franklin https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Franklin-3559
  30. Mary Elizabeth Ray https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Ray-7843
  31. Vira May Anderson https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Anderson-40631
  32. Alban Maher https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Maher-1047
  33. William Thomas Maher https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Maher-1050
  34. Elliot Bowers https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Bowers-618
  35. Nellie Conerly https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Conerly-326
  36. Unnamed Infant Conerly https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Conerly-327
  37. Unnamed Infant Crooke WikiTree contributors, "Infant Crooke (1928-1928)," WikiTree: The Free Family Tree, (https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Crooke-307 : accessed 10 April 2023).
  38. John A Streets https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Streets-310
  39. Emma J Streets https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Streets-313
  40. Albert Price https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Price-17594
  41. Joseph Benjamin Crismon https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Crismon-30
  42. Ann Elize Crismon https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Crismon-56
  43. Richard Troy Stapley https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Stapley-211
  44. Edward Johnston https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Johnston-18342
  45. Ethel may Hughes https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Hughes-16448
  46. Albert Price https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Price-27167
  47. Dora Jones https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Jones-24907
  48. Josephine Maher https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Maher-1046
  49. Samuel James White, Jr. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/White-52908
  50. Thomas Streets https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Streets-311
  51. Annie May Price https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Price-17595
  52. Sophia Alice Daniels https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Daniels-5555
  53. Maud Isabella "Bett" Spencer https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Price-17824
  54. Nettie May Crismon https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Crismon-32
  55. Olive Crismon https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Crismon-60
  56. Fienettie Harding https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Harding-5487
  57. Lidia Grimes https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Grimes-3266
  58. Lydia Streets https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Streets-314
  59. Hazel Myre Carnley https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Carnley-116 
  60. Gloria Levene Cook https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Cook-48015
  61. Selena Hall https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Hall-67478
  62. Kimla Ann Cook https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Cook-48019
by Alicia Taylor G2G6 Mach 9 (95.0k points)
edited by Alicia Taylor
+11 votes
Still looking for help, please. How can we find these types of people who died young / thier profiles outside of our own family tree? Is there a way to do this such that I don't have to read rows and rows of birth and death dates to find those that died young? Obviously if they already have the "died young" tag it not difficult. But looking for the ones that do not have the "died young" tag and need biographies; I would like to find and work these. I'm assuming this is the point of this challenge??
by Laura Ward G2G6 Mach 5 (54.7k points)

Here is a WikiTree+ search for orphaned profiles with the Died Young template that are also in a "Needs Biography" category - there are currently 126. You'll need to hit the blue "Get Profiles" button on the left to bring up the results.

You can also search on WT+ using the keyword age which limits results by the age of death. So this search, for example, is orphaned profiles in a Needs Biography category who died at age 3 (again, hit that button to bring up the results). Replacing age3 with age10 would give profiles of people who died when they were 10 years old.

 Hope that helps and gives you some ideas!


Based on my post, I'm not trying to find them within my own family, I'm trying to find others to fix. Using the info from Christy I have been able to find some to work on. Thank you

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