12 Months of Photos April 2023 Couples

+17 votes

January 2023 12 Months of Photos sharing theme: Couples

To participate, simply:

  1. Choose a family photo that fits this week's theme.
  2. Add it to this month's free-space gallery.
  3. Reply with an answer below to let us know which photo you're sharing. If you want to include the photo but don't know how, click here.

The photo you share might be featured on the WikiTree home page and in our social media channels.

It is requested that no "best answer" stars be given to any photo, as they are all great pictures without exception and none should be preferred over the other.

in The Tree House by Dallace Moore G2G6 Pilot (165k points)

14 Answers

+19 votes

This is a 1946 photo of my aunt and uncle Marietta and Scott Marvin. They were the great love that I saw though out my childhood.  In this photo, he has recently returned from England, where he worked an aircraft mechanic during WWII. He has been working with his father near Hill City, Kansas, and this is where they met and fell love. 

by Alexis Nelson G2G6 Pilot (933k points)
Alexis your aunt and uncle where absolutely adorable I love the photo thank you for sharing
Susan, their love for each other was amazing. I remember, when I was about twelve, that she wanted a coat like my mother’s, and he went to every store he could find until he found her an almost identical coat.

See above: 

It is requested that no "best answer" stars be given to any photo, as they are all great pictures without exception and none should be preferred over the other.

It's a great photo and story, Alexis. Thank you for sharing, and thank you to Susan for a way to give a star in comments,  which respects the tradition as mentioned by M. Ross.
Thank you M. Ross i did not know
Thank you Anonymous Reed for your nice comment.
+17 votes

This is a photo of my 3 x GGPs, Joseph 'Fogger' Ross 1820 -1907 Ross-20039 and his wife Mary Ann Wootton 1824-1897. I don't have a date for when the photo was taken, obviously before she died in 1897. There are a series of family pictures taken about 1903, in which he actually looks younger than he does in this photo. My grandfather is in those pics about age 5/6. 

It's possible it was taken in 1896 as that is when his grandson Leonard was married. There are photos from that wedding day, but darn it, all pictures of only 1 person, a group picture would have been marvellous. They lived in Bloxwich, Staffordshire, England. 


by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (965k points)
Thank you for sharing this image, M.  I wonder what Mary Ann is holding in her hand.  How wonderful to have photos of your 3rd great grandparents.
Thanks Pat, I don't know what the book is, there are other family pictures where people are holding prayer books , and other pics with bibles.
Your 3rd great grandmother had a sweet face, M. Thank you for sharing this family treasure.
M, when I saw this photo, 'Fogger's' coat, fastened by only the top button, caught my attention, as I have photos on WikiTree of a grandfather and a cousin wearing similar styled coats in the same period......after studying the situation, I finally latched onto several publications, such as 'The Etiquette of Men's Dress (1888 edition)' that explain the style.
+17 votes

My parents met when they were students at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.  Dad fell in love and asked my mother several times to marry him over a two-year period, or "the campaign" as he called it.  Mom wouldn't say no or yes.  She just said: "we'll see."  Finally he asked on Valentine's Day in 1942 and she said yes.  They were married December 18, 1942 in a civil ceremony due to the War.  Years later I asked Mom why she hesitated.  She said she knew he was the right man for her from the day she met him but she wasn't ready to be married.  She said: "one must be ready."  John's Pursuit of Evelyn is on my father's profile http://wikitree.com/wiki/Miller-56461.  This is a "date photo", John and Evelyn attending the Masonic Ball in the fall of 1939.

by Pat Miller G2G6 Pilot (267k points)

Pat, thank you for sharing the wonderful photo and story about your mom and dad. The “we’ll see” is such a good answer to keep the relationship going.heart

Thank you, Alexis.  They both needed to get their degrees before they settled down.  For them it was the right way to handle it.
Thank you Pat for sharing this gory photo of your parents, they look really sweet, you really look like your mother

They really are a handsome couple
Thank you, Susan.  To my eyes they are a bit nervous, not relaxed with each other yet, as one would expect on a date.
Pat I think you are right but they certainly are sweet
They look so young! Your mom was tactful and wise beyond her years.
Thank you, Anon.  I learned a lot from her.
Thank you for sharing their story. They are a cute couple!
+18 votes

One of my favorite family photos, great grandparents, Christoph and Augusta (Heiden) Lembke, picking green beans. She died in 1936, so before that.

by Sally Kimbel G2G6 Pilot (110k points)
I adore the casual pose and meaningful setting of this photo. Thank you for sharing with us, Sally!
+15 votes

My great-grandparents, Carl and Lovey Jane (Hoover) Budd. By 1885, Carl (Native New Yorker) had moved to Iowa. Carl married the girl next doorLovey Jane Hoover on November 21st, 1886.

:) az

by Azure Robinson G2G6 Pilot (811k points)
edited by Azure Robinson
Carl is king of his cottage- and it is a lovely setting.
Your family has great names, Azure.  Not just yours but your great grandmother Lovey.
And Lovey Jane married 'the boy next door'......I must say that this is probably the first time I have looked at it from this perspective.
+18 votes

When my father and his two brothers enlisted for WWII, their parents sent each of them off with 2 items for the breast pocket of their uniforms: these photos in a leather folder and a New Testmant & Psalms with a metal cover that would help to shield their heart.

by Anonymous Reed G2G6 Pilot (203k points)
That's beautiful and moving, Anon.  The photos in their cases are excellent too.
+19 votes

When I saw the subject of Couples, I immediately thought of this photo I have of three couples in their wedding clothes. It was taken in 1912 of two Eastman brothers and their sister with their two Rowley and Kosier spouses. (Verne Eastman & Grace Kosier, Harry Eastman & Merle Rowley, and Harold Rowley & Frances Eastman)

I tried to insert the photo by going to the photo and adding the Space:Edit_Profile_of_12_Month_of_Photos_2023_Couples as directed. The photo I am trying to share is photo/jpg/Rowley-1050-1

ERROR: Unable to find a Person or Space record for Space:Edit_Profile_of_12_Month_of_Photos_2023_Couples

It doesn't work with Months either.

by Judy Bramlage G2G6 Pilot (267k points)
I have edited the address to add a photo to the Free Space page. it should be: Space:12_Months_of_Photos_2023_Couples

That is what you would add to the photos page to add it to the Free-Space page.

Judy, I took the liberty of adding your lovely photo to the space page.  Here is the image:

Thank you, Vik-Thor and Melanie. I'm so happy that someone will step in and overcome my deficiencies. I tend to be literal when I read directions.

Also of note, the wedding dress in the center that my grandmother was wearing was worn by my daughter on her wedding day
+16 votes

This is an image of my Wisley great-grand-parents. [[Sneed-1382|Ruby Wisley]] and [[Wisley-22|Victor Earl Wisley]]. He died in 1982, so this is sometime before then, but unsure how much before. I think no more than 3 years before. (I need to find out when he went blind, and what caused it...) When her hair was down, it was quite long, but I only ever remember her with it in this crown braid. (At one point, I had a cassette recording of him singing a song, but it has gotten lost in my multiple moves...) I was named after him (for my first name) though I have changed the spelling of it.

An image of an older couple, taken from in front and to their right. They are looking off frame to the right (in front of them.)

by Vik-Thor Rose G2G6 Mach 3 (39.2k points)
edited by Vik-Thor Rose
+14 votes

These are my Grandparents, Wayne (Mitch) and Carolyn Mitchell.  This photo is from the earlier 1940's. He passed in 2002 and her 2005.  They were amazing grandparents and highly missed by all my family.

by Douglas Kohn G2G6 (7.7k points)
+13 votes
Here is a photo of my parents wedding in 1956. Only my mother was still alive by the end of 1977 but she is now in palliative care.
by Liza Gervais G2G6 Pilot (536k points)
I can’t seem to get the photo to show up here. I forget how.

My parents right after their wedding in 1956. My mother said her dress was blue.

+16 votes

Mixed Couples..................

In my early teens, I remember my father telling me about his Polo playing friend, Harry Hastings, in California and the memory has stayed with me ever since.   Randomly removing photos from his album, in search of identification, this one (1925) had, written on the back, Harry Hastings and his fiance (Aimee Angela Raisch), her Cadillac behind, Inspiration Point, Santa Cruz Mountains, California.   Now, further searching on Google produced a middle name for Harry Coghill Hastings and from there I was able find him on WikiTree.

by John Thompson G2G6 Pilot (411k points)
PS   My father, William and his 'Harley', top photo, with Harry's fiancé, Aimee, in both photos......off to play polo.
Great photos, John.  I notice your Dad is wearing knee socks and shoes, the others in boots. Was there a difference for motorcycle riding?

Pat, I have photos of my father similarly dressed for bicycle and motorcycle riding a few years prior, in England.   He and his younger brother, Jack, had then crossed to visit New York, my father soon hiring on to a San Francisco bound ocean liner where, upon arriving, he bought the 'Harley' and eventually continued on to visit his favorite boyhood home, in the Okanagan, whereupon, in January 1926, on his 'Harley", he headed south to San Diego and then across the Southern States, returning to England to marry his sweetheart and become a couple......being a sailor he travelled light, wearing what he could pack in a duffle bag.  smiley

+14 votes

I cannot be certain when this photograph was taken but this couple were employers of my gt grandmother and he was the first captain of the Titanic. He captained the ship on its voyage to Southampton from the shipbuilders in Ireland prior to its fateful maiden voyage. He was the captain of the Olympic at the time of the Titanic disaster. This is them probably after he had retired.

Herbert James and Mabel Eliza Haddock

by Hilary Gadsby G2G6 Pilot (354k points)
Wonderful photo, Hilary......my father's mother eventually sailed on the Olympic.
+12 votes

This is a photo of my grandmother's brother and his wife, John Janco and Eva Gallo.

by Kim Kolk G2G6 Mach 2 (27.9k points)
Wonderful photo, Kim.  Interesting to note the short wedding dress in the era of the 1920s Flappers.
+11 votes

Oh, I'm a day late, but I just have to add this. I saw this thread a few days ago, so I was looking at some pictures I have. I found this one of "Samuel Bean and wife". That wasn't very descriptive, but I knew it had to be a relative of my grandmother. Eventually I found him in my records, but he wasn't in WikiTree yet. So I added the profile and attached the photo.

It's a "carte de visite" (card for visiting, I think). It was a popular size in the 1860's to early 1870's, before the cabinet photos took over, so it's one of the older photos I have.

by Rob Neff G2G6 Pilot (156k points)
edited by Rob Neff
I'm glad you posted this photo. It really caught my eye. There is something about the way that the woman's hands are posed.

Just in time for me, Rob......getting to know Samuel, along our connections path, allowed me to solve a mystery, on my end, that has puzzled a few of my relatives for some time.  laugh

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