Brick Wall Profiling Notable: Arnold the Pig!

+4 votes

Arnold Ziffel the Pig is a Hollywood Actor and Notable and is buried in Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills, California.  His ern is located in the casket of his trainer Frank Inn (original name Frank Freeman)


Find A Grave:

But I'm having a hard time with his birth and death dates and those of his parents, who were probably eaten by people who love ham and sausage!  I'm not sure how he connects to the WikiTree Family Tree!  hmmmmmmmdevil

Isn't he cute!

My wife ran the connection finder and she says he is related to my family!


April Fools Day is TODAY (this is a joke post)  What is great is that I had 1 up vote and now got 2 down votes!  bahahahaha  I fooled you!devil

What April Fools Joke have you played on some one?  

Answer or leave comment below!  Thanks!wink

WikiTree profile: David Draper
in The Tree House by David Draper G2G Astronaut (5.0m points)
edited by David Draper

I'm sorry you got downvoted for a prank on the day one should be expecting pranks. 

I don't have any tales of pranks played, but perhaps telling you that Mister Ed commiserates might help soothe the pain?


After all, the horse was a ham!  cheeky

Love you Melanieheart

All joking aside (my tradition says pranking ends at noon) -- maybe "non-human stars and their voice actors" might be a free space "project", if it doesn't already exist in some form.  After all, there's also Babe the Pig, Wilbur the Pig, Charlotte the Spider, Baloo the Bear, Po the Panda, Donkey (from Shrek), Scar the lion, Dory the fish, Bagheera the panther, Shere Khan the Bengal tiger, and countless others.

David Randall would likely know, as he has done a number of this type of mini-project.

As I was searching the cemeteries where the Hollywood Stars are buried, I found a lot of of their pets interred there also with headstones!   I grew up on a farm in Illinois, and we had a different method.... welll it doesn't matter!devil

I have known farmers who have "graveyards" for their dogs (and an occasional house cat or fish (children's pets)), and our early ancestors also often had burial plots for their pets as can be seen by any fan of Time Team (I don't remember the specific episode, but one pet's name was . . .  drumroll . . ."Tony").

1 Answer

+3 votes
I don't know how others generally handle it but all ten of my animals from the last 32 years have been or will be cremated and so will I. And, after I'm buried next to my husband's grave, he won't be cremated, so to will the ashes of our four legged friends. A heavy bronze plaque will mark their spot and will include their names, nick-names, species, birth and death. I may also pay extra and wax poetic leaving a brief story behind of some characteristics and deeds of which there were many. Call me crazy but I'm deadly serious. And my husband buys into the project because he loved / loves them as much as I do.
by Leigh Anne Dear G2G6 Pilot (170k points)

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