Northwest Terriers 2023 Connect-a-thon team chat

+13 votes

Welcome to the Northwest Terriers chat page for the 2023 Connect-a-thon for members of the team and anyone else who would like to cheer us on. We'd love to have you join our small, friendly group...because Midwesterners are just the nicest folks. If you can join us, pre-register on the April 2023 Connect-a-thon page. Check out our team page for more information on the Thon.

in The Tree House by Karen Lorenz G2G6 Pilot (141k points)

7 Answers

+14 votes
Best answer

As of 5:30pm (PST) on Friday, April 21, 2023, Team Northwest Terriers has added 841 profiles and our team is sitting in 8th place out of 34 teams!!! Go #teamnorthwestterriers!!!!

We just crossed 1,000 profiles at 8:50pm (PST)!! Our team is still in 8th place! Let's go #teamnorthwestterriers!

We have moved into 7th place with 2,330 profiles as of 1:47am (PST). One more day to get these profiles added. Let's go team Northwest Terriers!! Scout is cheering you on!

We passed the 3,000 mark today with 3,261 profiles as of 6:15pm (PST)!! We are still in 7th place out of 34 teams! Less than 12 hours left! Let's go, Northwest Terriers!!

What a great Thon! We ended up with a total of 3,582 profiles added and as Julie said below, we remained in 7th place out of 34 teams! Scout is proud of you all!!

by Shonda Feather G2G6 Pilot (527k points)
edited by Shonda Feather
Still in 7th place for the Noon (11am central) Hangout. Great work everyone!
Great job Northwest Terriers! We held on to the 7th place finish. That's excellent.
Good job, gang.  Next time, let's move up a couple places. The teams ahead of us are catchable.

There may be 6 teams ahead of us, but we still have a cuter logo. We win on style!
This was a lot of fun!  And I found three people not connected in Minnesota that are now a part of our tree.
That's awesome, Phillip! Thank you for participating!
I agree, Norman, that some of those teams are very catchable. That should be our next goal, to go up a couple of notches!
If we each did 35 more next time, we should move up the standings.
I'm willing to shoot for 6th place next time. I didn't get to prep this time and still almost had 100.
Thank you for letting me join you guys for my first Connect-a-thon. I don't feel I was much help, but it was a great learning experiance. Now I know what to work on to be ready for the next one!

This was my second Connect-a-thon. The last one I went into it with no preparation. Figured I would just take random names off the Category Civil War Needs Connection. That did not turn out so well.  This time I had a list of names where I could start down family chains. That made it a lot easier. That first attempt for me was just a learning experience.

The first one is probably a learning experience for most of us.  Glad to have you aboard. You'll be ready for the next one.

The first one was rough for me. I had no idea what to do. I had no preparation. I took random names off the category Civil War Needs Connection and tried to connect them. I would spend 1/2 hour to an hour researching to see if I could find a connection for that name. At best I would connect to a wife or to parents. That would be the end of the information and I would start over with another soldier's name. I was not very productive for the team last time. But it was a learning experience.

This time (my second Connect-a-thon) I had a list of names ready. Folks who I knew had at least a few connections visible and ready. Things went much easier. I did not have to spend time searching for a name I could make a few connections for. I just took a name off my list and starting running through the family, the in-laws, and the cousins. Preparation was a big change in this Connect-a-thon for me.  I learned my lesson on the first attempt.

I suspect most of us had a big learning experience with the first try.  Glad to have you aboard.
+11 votes
I hope to be back on the team this April. January was mostly a learning experience. Now with the experience of one, I will be more ready for the upcoming challenge.
by Norman Jones G2G6 Pilot (200k points)
You rocked this Thon, Norman!! Great job!
Thank you,.
+11 votes
I'm looking forward to the Thon tomorrow (April 2023). I'll be working on unconnected Hays/Hayes, building our my family groups, and adding families for DuPage Co., Illinois. What is everyone else working on?
by Julie Bartimus G2G6 Mach 2 (23.0k points)
+10 votes
Getting ready for tomorrow's start to the April Connect-a-Thon!

I've gone through existing profiles to identify missing children, siblings, aunts and uncles. Making sure I have a good starting point.

Ready for the starting bell!
by Sally Kimbel G2G6 Pilot (110k points)
+11 votes
This is my first time joining in. I have a lot of my information on Ancestry/Family Search/Rootsmagic. I am hoping to become more familiar with entering data correctly this weekend.

I am adding mostly ancestors from Chicago. All 4 of my biological lines and 2 adoptive lines have lived in Chicago since the 1880's up until the 1980's.
by Gigi Maddox G2G1 (1.4k points)
My first time was a learning experience. This time around, I was more prepared. Just hope you had fun.
+9 votes
Hi All! I have added several profiles to my tree but have hit a bump in the road and was hoping for some help so I can keep going.

Having issues with my paternal great-grandmother - my father's mother's mother. David Dale Barna > Rosemary Dale > her mother.

Everything I know indicates that my grandmother (Rosemary Dale) was born in Terre Haute to Franklin Kinzy Dale and Aurelia Ruth Lloyd (or could be Ruth Aurelia Lloyd, and I have seen Aurelia also spelled Arrelia). The Dale family moved to the Detroit area at some point, which is where Rosemary met my grandfather, Stephen Barna. The wrinkle comes that my grandparents marriage license lists Ruth GALLAGHER as Rosemary's mother, and I am seeing the Gallagher name pop up some more. The birth certificate I believe to be Rosemary's lists Ruth Lloyd as her mother (albeit misspelled as Loyde). Rosemary was not the last of the children in her family - she had something like 9 or 10 siblings, and when Ruth passed her last name was still Dale, so she didn't remarry. I would like to get to the bottom of this before throwing more profiles into my tree. Any thoughts?

[Also, I have hit a dead end with my paternal great-grandparents - Stephen Barna's parents. I can find no information other than the census records, and death certificates for both that don't have any real, actionable information. All I know is that they were both born in Hungary and immigrated in the early 1900s, lived in Cleveland for a bit and then moved to Detroit. I have my great-grandfather's birthdate, my great-grandmother's approximate year of birth and that's it. I assume both of their names have been anglicized. I have found no marriage record in the state of Ohio under their names as I know them, despite Cleveland being the reported place of birth of my great-uncle and great-aunt. (I have ordered his birth certificate but haven't received it yet. The state of Ohio has no birth certificate on record for my great-aunt, but I assume that she was delivered by a amid-wife and the birth never recorded.) My great-grandfather was not religious, but my great-grandmother was, but the Archdiocese of Cleveland has no marriage or baptismal records for any of them. Neither were naturalized or received Social Security numbers so my inquiries with the USCIS and SSA have been fruitless. I haven't been able to locate either of their immigration details under their known names. My dad just did a yDNA and mtDNA test, so my best hope may be to see who the relatives are in Hungary and work back that way, but thought I would see if anyone else has any suggestions as to where to look in the meantime. I would love to be able to solve the mystery and add more to the tree in that direction as well! Thanks!]
by Anonymous Barna G2G1 (1.3k points)
All other records have her listed as Lloyd, so it could just be an error on whomever was giving the information. Or is it possible she was adopted? Have you done your DNA?
Have you looked into newspaper research?

I think it's challenging in big cities. People don't get the longer obituaries that they tend to have in smaller towns. It also depends on which newspaper site you try, whether it has the right papers that match the time and place you're exploring.

Also, have you done broad searches on Find A Grave? Sometimes others have connected the relatives (and sometimes not) from far-flung locations.

Hope this helps!
+3 votes
What is the normalized sum?
by Norman Jones G2G6 Pilot (200k points)
Mindy or Alês would be able to answer that for you. My guess is it divides the total profile of a team by the number of participants on that team. But that is only a guess.

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