Where was "Waste Wollescote"?

+2 votes

The Birth PDF for Elizabeth Stopford shows she was born in "Waste Wollescote". What does this mean? Would you understand that to mean she was born in Lye Waste?

WikiTree profile: Elizabeth Stopford
in Genealogy Help by Susan Stopford G2G6 Mach 4 (49.3k points)

2 Answers

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This might be of help:


It's a bit later than the certificate by some twenty to thirty years. Notice the place called Waste Bank just below the Wollescote name in the middle of the map.

The location makes some sense as her father was described as a Colliery Engineman on her birth certificate. Plenty of colliers and tramways around there.

by Mark Stevens G2G6 Mach 1 (17.2k points)
selected by Susan Stopford
Thank you, this is really helpful. From my searches so far, I think "Lye Waste" and "Waste Bank" are the same place and were possibly larger than shown on this map. I found one site which says Waste Bank shifted east as Lye grew. One researcher thinks the Lye Waste Primitive Methodist chapel was actually in what is now Hill Street Wollescote.

Anyway, as Waste Bank is much closer to Wollescote than Lye, I will enter the birth location as Waste Bank, Wollescote, Worcestershire, England and categorise to Wollescote. :)
This map is a bit earlier and shows Waste Bank a bit more to the west and less developed.

Thanks for the Star Susan, glad to help.

There is a chapel on Hill Street on the map I linked to, though a quick visit on Google Streetview shows it was built in 1900, maybe on the same site as the former chapel which could have been just a hut.

Joe's map doesn't feature the chapel. Worryingly it looks like they built some of the streets and later buildings right on top of old shafts - no doubt subsidence is an ongoing issue in the area.

Here's an article you might find interesting - paints a picture of the place at the time your forebears lived thereabouts:


Thank you. Very interesting. There is also an excellent paper by Eric Hopkins which focuses on nailing families from the Waste and surrounding areas which I had read previously. Elizabeth's mother and her family were nailors but most had abandoned that trade by 1860.

Hopkins, E. (1977). The Decline of the Family Work Unit in Black Country Nailing. International Review of Social History, 22(2), 184-197. doi:10.1017/S0020859000005496

Thanks Joe
Thanks Susan.

Great that you've added some of these insights to Elizabeth's profile, certainly adds to the back story of these folk.
There was a Primitive Methodist Chapel at Love Lane, Lye.  Here is Love Lane on google:


On the old map the chapel isn't shown, but you can find Love Lane by following the road which leads north-west from the large school just below the words "Waste Bank"

The National Archive catalogues marriage registers for 1905-1974: https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/c/F103561
+3 votes
by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (959k points)

Thanks, I know where Wollescote is. But I am more interested in the word which precedes it ..."Waste". Was she born in Lye Waste which was adjacent to the original village of Lye? But if yes, why does it say Waste Wollescote, not simply "Lye"? Was there a boundary change? Just trying to get this sorted now given the current location cleanup.

Looking at the birth certificate I would agree that she was probably born in Lye Waste, in the parish of Wollescote which has been simplified by the recorder to "Waste Wollescote".
Thanks Elizabeth. I knew Wollescote was a residential area but was confused because Wikipedia says Wollescote shares a border with Lye (so I could not see how Lye or Lye Waste could be in Wollescote). I did not realise it was also a Parish. Do you know where I can access a map for this period? What should I put in the birth location field? Lye Waste, Worcestershire, England or Lye Waste, Lye, Worcestershire, England or something else?
Lye Waste, Worcestershire, England should cover it!

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