how to delete this Eighteen-5

+4 votes
I have added Eighteen-25

and now I wish  to delete this Eighteen-5
WikiTree profile: Frederick Eighteen
in Genealogy Help by Gerald Woollard G2G Crew (610 points)

2 Answers

+6 votes
You cannot delete a profile, but you can merge them. You must merge them to the lower number. That means you must merge Eighteen-25 into Eighteen-5.
by Dieter Lewerenz G2G Astronaut (3.2m points)
Only if they are the same person. See Gailes reply
+7 votes

Gerald, have you seen the comment by Sara Long on Eighteen-5 that says:

"I think that you have details of two different Frederick Eighteen people confused on this profile. The Frederick child of Edward and Ann, according to the 1861 census was born in 1854. The Frederick who was the father of Emily, Frederick, Ernest, Albert and Walter was born in 1844.

The one born in 1854 could not have married Mary Rudland the mother of those 5 children as that marriage took place in 1867 when he was only 13, and the marriage register gave his father as Webb Eighteen not Edward. I'm not sure whether you would want this profile to remain as that representing Edward's child, or representing the children's father. If you could let me know then I can set up the new profile and sort this out."

It looks like some of the data has been changed on one of the Frederick profiles to make them look more similar, but these definitely do appear to represent two different people. Please do not attempt to merge them unless the age issue is resolved.

by Gaile Connolly G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)

I agree

Here are certainly  two Fredericks  of the right age on the 1861 census. 

 sharing links  

Frederick b 1854 scholar b Ipswich but lived Hadleigh father Edward.

Frederick b 1844 basket maker b Layham a lodger. with Robert Sowman

In 1851 an 8 year old Frederick b 1844,  Hadleigh  was a lodger with Roger James

 Index  to the register entry for 23 year old Frederick marrying Mary Rudland   in 1867 link

In 1871, Frederick b 1844, a basket.maker  b Raydon is with wife  Mary and family 

Hadleigh, Rayton & Layham are adjacent to each other. 

The problem is what happpens to the younger Frederick b 1854 ? He's not with his family in 1871. 

Can't find either in the GRO birth index .You might find them with some creative spelling. 

THANX for the legwork, Helen.  I just changed the proposed merge to a rejected match, but don't know enough about this time/place to edit the profiles.
I created Eighteen-25 to represent the person born in 1844.  I still have to clean up the profile on Eighteen-5 to correctly capture the information that applies to that profile.  Will work on it tonight.

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