I perhaps could have explained a little more thoroughly. It's not a case of multiple memorials or a legitimate sameas=no. I had written to the cemetery superintendent specifically asking about reinterment. His response said he has records of a lot of reinterments, but not for this person, and he could not confirm that the person is actually buried in his cemetery. He mentioned that other members from that family had been buried on family property in the area in the 1700s, but if there ever was an actual cemetery or any memorials, everything had probably been plowed over long ago.
The reinterment explanation was speculative, and there are presumably no records to support it. The Find A Grave memorial includes no photo and no plot numbers, as most of those in the cemetery do. Another possible explanation is that the Find A Grave contributor simply invented this memorial without any supporting evidence, for whatever reason. The original creator is gone, and the current manager says he's not accepting messages. I'm not in the area, and I'm saying that trying to resolve this is not a project that I am willing to undertake right now. So I left it in the form of a Research Note for now.