feature request - Unconnected in "My Connections"

+11 votes
I find I frequently look at the "My Connections" button on categories (migrant voyages, cemeteries, towns). Sometimes, I pick the most remote connection and try to reduce the number by finding a missing connection (eg adding a spouse and connecting his/her parents as well).

If there are less than about eight profiles in the category, it's obvious if the connection list is shorter, but if there are over 50 profiles, it's hard to notice there are unconnected profiles, and even harder to work out who it is.

The page has "Ancestors and Cousins" and "Connections" sections, sorted by connection length. I'd like to request a third box at the bottom for "Unconnected" or "Connection not found" to clearly identify profiles in the category but not in either of the other lists. This would work as an invitation to try to connect the unconnected profiles instead of losing them from that view.
in WikiTree Tech by Scott Davis G2G6 Mach 4 (45.5k points)

3 Answers

+10 votes
Best answer

Although it's not quite as convenient as just clicking the button, while you are waiting for the enhancement if you want you can actually get this information using WikiTree+. WikiTree+ does also have the advantage that you can do the whole category at once rather than doing one page at a time.

Taking as an example Category: Ravenswood Cemetery, Ravenswood, Queensland, the query to show the unconnected profiles in that category is https://plus.wikitree.com/default.htm?report=srch1&Query=CategoryFull%3DRavenswood_Cemetery%2C_Ravenswood%2C_Queensland+unconnected&MaxProfiles=500&Format=.

by Paul Masini G2G6 Pilot (472k points)
selected by Susan Laursen
+6 votes
This is something we had talked about doing, but it's kind of on the "do eventually" list right now. But I've made a note that someone other than me wants this feature!
by Jamie Nelson G2G6 Pilot (710k points)
+5 votes

If it helps, the WikiTree BEE extension puts a 'Table' button on category pages.  Click this and wait to get all the people on the page in a sortable table with a button to show the person's close family listed in another table in a pop-up window.  In the left-hand column of the table with the person's name, there is an indicator (a jigsaw puzzle piece) for people who are unconnected. 

by Ian Beacall G2G6 Pilot (393k points)

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