In the featured connections, if a connection goes through a husband or wife, I am "NOT A BLOOD RELATION".

+3 votes
In the featured connections, if a connection goes through a husband or wife, I am "NOT A BLOOD RELATION".

 Is there a way to have BLOOD CONNECTIONS instead?
in WikiTree Tech by Donald Smith G2G Crew (480 points)
On any profile, use the drop down menu under the name of the individual. You will see ʻconnectionʻ at the top (thatʻs what you are using), if you scroll down you get to "Relationship to Me". Try that.
Can someone help me here. I don't see any "Relationship to Me" in the "Connections" section of the drop down menu under Hair-1029.
It's under the Hair-1029 menu at the top right of the page.  The sub-menu items are shown in alphabetical order, and "Relationships to Me" is about five ticks from the bottom.

That is not what I am looking for. I am looking for On any profile, use the drop down menu under the name of the individual. 'You will see ʻconnectionʻ at the top (thatʻs what you are using), if you scroll down you get to "Relationship to Me". Unfortunately, I only see a "Connections to Me". I do see the "Relationship to Me" but that is not really what I want. I am trying to find a way to completely disconnect myself from my mother's 1st husband who was not my father. I am tired of having him be the only person who is shown as a connection to me, despite the fact that I have many blood relatives who should be showing up as connected to me either through my father or through my mother and her parents. WikiTree needs to change or fix this!

Hmm, I just saw your earlier question that seems to relate to this one.  If I am reading all this correctly, I think it's a combination of the terminology and the status of development of ancestral lines that is the root of the problem.  Someone who was married to your mother is going to show up as a "connection" because your mother has a relationship to both of you.  That's how the term is used here.  Similarly, you would also have a connection to any wife of your biological father.  

I think the reason you are not seeing more connections on either of your biological parents' side is that neither of their ancestries have not been developed very far.  It looks as if both lines only go as far as their parents, and your father's wife has no other connections showing.  It'll take a little time, but the way to increase the connection count through your biological parents would be to research their ancestry farther back, and if you're interested, looking at siblings of your direct ancestors as well.
My family line goes way back, but more connections show to my exhusband. I want to see my bloodline connections and have tried everything, it seems the only way to get the right connections is to completely delete my exes family line.

Susan - connections go through marriages, not just bloodlines.  If you want to see (blood) relationships, that's a different tool.
If you're looking at the connection finder, you can simply click the X beside a name to remove them from the chain.  (You cannot delete profiles, and detaching them would not be upholding the Honor Code.)

4 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer

Hi Donald,

WikiTree has different definitions for Relationship and Connection.

A Relationship is what you are typically thinking of a "blood" or DNA relationship to yourself.

A Connection can be a Relationship (see the definition above), but it also includes marriages. The way to think about this is that a Connection to any profile goes "up" to both parents, "down" to any children, "sideways" to any siblings, and also any spouses. This continues out at each "step" along a Connection path.

WikiTree has two different tools for these. The Connection Finder is used to find the Connection to someone else. The Relationship Finder is used to find the Relationship to someone else.

It is important to remember what the definition is of a Relationship and what the definition is of a Connection when using these tools and don't get them mixed up.


I would also suggest to the WT team that Help pages that explain the differences between these concepts and tools be made more prominent, as this is a Frequently Asked Question here on G2G.

by Eric Weddington G2G6 Pilot (557k points)
selected by Susan Laursen
I understand the terms, but I want to see connections to my bloodline not my ex.
+3 votes

Do you mean this Featured Connections report?

The report is already split between "Ancestors and Cousins" (blood relation) and "Connections". 

by Steven Harris G2G6 Pilot (813k points)
edited by Steven Harris
Also, "relation" means through blood, and "connection" includes those through marriage. So there really is no "blood connection", that is just a complicated way of saying "relation".
+3 votes

Hi Donald, I'm your 23rd cousin, twice removed, which just means we share a grandfather or grandmother back in time...probably 25 generations back. That would be most likely in the 1400's (I'm at work, don't have time to check it out), but we are blood related!!!!wink

That being said, my wife and I are 17th cousins, so we have to double check our connections because sometimes the connection finder gets confused or chooses a different path to the person we are investigating. 

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (5.0m points)
edited by David Draper
+4 votes

Thanks to all that replied.  I never used the options at the bottom of the page before (Relationship Finder).  Finally figured it out.


by Donald Smith G2G Crew (480 points)
Hey Don 7th Cousin kevin saying good afternoon. I was less surprised to find we are cousins than I was at the connection. I recently came across Ves Akers, who rode w/ Quantrell in the Civil War. It seems he is a shared connection. What do you know of any other family history associated w Raytown Mo?
I have some Akers but don't see a Ves.

I am just getting started using some of the expanded features of wikitree, after finding out how to see BLOOD relations.  I have started with Shirley Temple-Black and that opened up a whole new world.  Tried it with Lorne Greene but not related through blood.

Sylvester Akers-2251. His headstone denotes Quantrell affiliation as well as listed on known riders of Quantrell. His daughter, Mary Belle Akers-3032, married a Kinyoun who remarried after a divorce from Annie Laura Smith. It took me by surprise when connection finder went thru Akers. I'm finding a lot of relatives that lived and remained in Jackson Co prio yo and after the civil war.

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