Is there a place to look up Secret Santa 2022 results?

+12 votes
I am pretty sure that what I asked for didn't get an answer, but just to be sure, is there a place to go look this up to see if anything was done? Mine was wish # 52.
WikiTree profile: Giles Parman
in The Tree House by Ken Parman G2G6 Pilot (135k points)

2 Answers

+9 votes
Best answer
HI Ken,

Here is the link to the post where you signed up. Go to page 3 and scroll down to your post.

by Kathy Nava G2G6 Pilot (419k points)
selected by Ken Parman
That's just a link to the original question, but there are no answers.

Try clicking the link again. When I just did, it was all there.

Nothing for me... just my original post and saying I was # 52...  If you're seeing more than that, please copy and past it here so I can see....

Dear Wikitree Elf,

Wish I could join you in your quest to provide Genealogical Joy to the Wikitree world, but I am already quite busy helping others. If you can see it in your heart to help me with one of my issues, that would be most appreciated.

My 4th Great-Grandfather served in the American Revolution and I have plenty of documentation about him, his life and descendants.  What I can't find, is anything that confirms the names of his parents, place of birth, any siblings, etc.  All I have to go by is what people have passed down... no documentation.  I am looking for that "one thing" that can solidify his roots.

My 4th Great-grandfather is Giles Parman (Parman-5)

Thank you in advance for anything you can come up with!


Wish 52!
Thank you!!!
There is nothing in the change log from December 2023 so nobody worked on your wish. That is why there is nothing posted on your wish.

Thank you!  That is what I was trying to find out. smiley

Ah, I got it now. If it had been worked on, it would have the sticker saying the profile was worked on in the 2022 Santa help. That would be on his profile page.
Now see, I didn't know that :-)  I'll just resubmit when the 2023 version comes around.  It's a tough nut to crack!
+7 votes

Maybe there is some information here that you can verify:

Giles Parman m. Mary Dodson in -

There are about 50 replies. 

by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (985k points)
I think I've already looked at that page, but I don't think there was any actual documentation provided. These are the most likely parents of the Giles Parman I am interested in. Thanks though.... Was hoping that maybe someone came up with some revelation and just forgot to share :-)

Lucy, I just checked this and nothing new has been added since about 2012, so it's still a very solid brick wall.... with lots of speculation about what's on the other side smiley

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