Can anyone find any records for this profile from England?

+6 votes
I am hoping someone can help find more on him and his parents, as well as, maybe his wife.

Thank you so much for any help that can be provided.
WikiTree profile: George Holton
in Genealogy Help by Lisa Murphy G2G6 Pilot (372k points)
edited by Lisa Murphy

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+14 votes
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It looks like his parents are wrong if he was born in Cherrington, unfortunately you have a choice of two:

First name(s)    George
Last name    Holtom  [Holton]
Birth year    -
Baptism year    1823
Baptism date    20 Jan 1823
Relationship    S/o
Father's first name(s)    Stephen
Occupation    Labourer
Mother's first name(s)    Elizabeth
Residence    Cherington

First name(s)    George Hale
Last name    Holtom  [Holton]
Birth year    -
Baptism year    1825
Baptism date    07 Sep 1825
Relationship    S/o
Father's first name(s)    George
Occupation    Farmer
Mother's first name(s)    Sarah
Residence    Cherington

I don't think your profile and wife are the correct parents for George Wellington either as he was unlikely to be born in Canada if his parents were in Warwickshire in 1851.
by Gill Whitehouse G2G6 Pilot (193k points)
selected by L Parr
Whichever George it was born in Cherrington, he married a different Elizabeth.

First name(s)    George
Last name    Holton
Sex    Male
Residence    Cherrington
Banns year    1846
Banns date    27 Sep 1846
Marriage year    -
Denomination    Anglican
Place    Cherington
Spouse's first name(s)    Elizabeth
Spouse's last name    Kitchene
Spouse's residence    Cherrington

The other George seems to have married Mary Kitchen of or in Whitchurch, Warwickshire in 1845. Edit: Actually George Hale Holton was still unmarried in the 1851 census, so perhaps it's the same George that married both Kitchens - he and Elizabeth don't appear to have had any children.
As well as that, several of the children's death records and the 1861 Canada census say that Elizabeth Buchanan was born in Canada and George in England.
There was a George belong to those parents but he wasn't born in Cherington, perhaps his father had a second marriage as George was born before that marriage in 1830. (Edit 1841 census)

: George Holton    M    45        Suffolk, England
: Elizabeth Holton    F    35        Suffolk, England
: George Holton    M    15        Suffolk, England
: Laura Elizh Holton    F    8        Suffolk, England
: Margart Holton    F    1 5 Mo        Suffolk, England
First name(s)    George
Last name    Holton
Gender    Male
Birth year    -
Birth place    -
Baptism year    1824
Baptism date    29 Aug 1824
Place    Wissington
County    Suffolk
Country    England
Father's first name(s)    George
Father's last name    Holton
Mother's first name(s)    Ann
Mother's last name    -
Record set    England Births & Baptisms 1538-1975
Category    Birth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records
Subcategory    Parish Baptisms
Collections from    England, Great Britain
First name(s)    George
Last name    Holton
Birth year    -
Year    1830
Licence date    10 Nov 1830
Marital status    Widower
Residence    Wiston
Spouse's first name(s)    Elizabeth
Spouse's last name    Peglar
Spouse's marital status    Single
Spouse's residence    Nayland
Place    Wiston
County    Suffolk
Country    England
Archive    previously hosted on
Source    Archdeaconry Of Sudbury Marriage Licences Pt Iv 1815-1839
Page    237
Record set    Britain, Marriage Licences
Category    Birth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records
Subcategory    Parish Marriages
Collections from    England, Great Britain

I went back to check out George Wellington. There is documentation that George and Elizabeth (Buchanan) were his parents. I realized I had pulled the wrong records for the older George. So currently I have them as parents on the records but nothing much, specific to them.

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I haven't found anything to say where in England he was born, so probably Warwickshire should be removed unless you have some evidence that says otherwise. He could just as easily have been born in Suffolk or anywhere. :)
Thank you, I did change it to England. His wife Elizabeth Buchanan was born in United States in her son's obit and England in her son's death record from Idaho and passed in Michigan. George Sr. passed in Texas in 1888.

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