"Welcome to the Weekend Chat!" All Members Invited!! April 7th - 9th, 2023 [closed]

+30 votes


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CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot and enjoy the multitude of topics.


Enjoy yourselves and spread the love!

WikiTree profile: Pip Sheppard
closed with the note: Great to hear from everyone. See you next weekend!
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.9m points)
closed by Pip Sheppard
Sorry to hear about the shoulder Pip, hope you are right handed. And I wish you patience because rest and recovery can be so aggravating.
Pip, Just a regular fire, long before bombing
Pip, I WISH I could get my husband to clean the garage!  He has boxes that haven't been opened in 20 years and got transported here when he moved in last December.  April is designated box clearing month!  How many done yet?  Zero.  Let's think of it as reciprocity - we'll clean here so you don't have to clean there.
The 1931 Census of Canada is preparing to release on (or shortly after) June 1st.  I'm excited because the 1920s were an eventful decade for my Mom's bio family in B.C., and I've had only the "before" snapshot from the 1921 Census.
I have been waiting for the Canada 1931 census as it will have my husband's parents on it, there was always a question about a possible additional sibling for his dad.
Pip I need to do more on my living or recently deceased family before I forget the important things only someone like me would know. These should be great profiles but we are attached to the memories so strongly that it is hard to look back at them.
having lived an adventurous life (swam with sharks and whales)  multiple sports injuries, bad arthritis I keep Blue Emu on table next to me  it works!  hope you feel better soon  sending you hugs of crystal green energy for healing.

Haha. Cindy, I still have boxes in the basement, opened but not emptied. My wife swears I'm hiding her stuff, but it just ain't there.

Hilary, your are exactly right. There is so much in my head that isn't put down. I'd feel really bad if I didn't at least get a free space page for all those memories.
Thank you, my dear Laura!

43 Answers

+28 votes

Here is the theme song: ( I was ready this week)devil

O. C. California

(Note FYI: O. C. California is "Orange County", California)

Unauthorized parody by Dave Draper

Sung to the tune of "Hotel California" by the Eagles

Here is the music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BciS5krYL80

Here is the parody: Click on the song, then click back here and the song should still play while you sing along!

  • I was heading down the highway
  • In the cool County air
  • Looking at all the buildings
  • Rising up in the air
  • Up ahead in the distance
  • I turned right at the light
  • I had to park the car and run inside
  • Before they closed for the night
  • At a desk near the doorway
  • I rang the desk top bell
  • And I was thinking to myself
  • "This could be Heaven or this could be Hell"
  • Then she came I asked her
  • I asked her, “Show me the way”
  • There were voices down the corridor
  • They yelled out, “Come this way!"
  • Welcome to the O. C . California
  • In the records place
  • (in the records place)
  • Such a lovely place
  • Plenty of records in the O. C. California
  • Any Time of year
  • (any time of year)
  • You can find them here!
  • Sat at a table that listed
  • It’s got a leg that’s been bent
  • In here are lots of little noisy boys
  • They’re just demons
  • I wished they go in the courtyard
  • I’m starting to sweat
  • Found records to remember
  • Found some to forget
  • So I called up the desk clerk
  • Are the Census to find?”
  • She said, “We haven’t those records here
  • Since 1969”
  • And still those voices are calling from far away
  • Sat my lap top on the table to the right
  • Then I heard them say:
  • Welcome to the O. C . California
  • In the records place
  • (in the records place)
  • Such a lovely place
  • Plenty of records in the O. C. California
  • Any Time of year 
  • (any time of year)
  • You can find them here!
  • Bars on the Windows'
  • Something don’t look right
  • Lady said there’s a problem here, no
  • Internet tonight
  • And in the managers office
  • The gathered for a meet
  • They came; said, “You can’t do that!”
  • “Get off that WikiTreee!"
  • Last thing I remember, I was
  • Running for the door,
  • Grabbed my lap top away from me
  • And smashed it on the floor
  • “Relax,” said the night man
  • “The program is Ancestry
  • You can only search on Find A Gave
  • But never on WikiTree!”

For more of my silly song parodys: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Dave_Draper%27s_WikiTree_Song_Parodys-1

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.9m points)

Hahaha! Classic, David.

  • So I called up the desk clerk
  • Are the Census to find?”
  • She said, “We haven’t those records here
  • Since 1969”

Early Tennessee census records... MIA.

This is genius, David.

Thank you!  I worked on this last night at work, then finished it up this morning about 5 a.m. Illinois time. We tried to create this on ChatGPT, but it didn't work! So this is the real deal!wink

Very clever David!

(From an OC Girl)

Thank you Cousin Karen! (Karen and David are 25th cousins once removed) heart

Wow that's awesome
Wow that's awesome and you are very good
David, There appears to be a lot of concern about the use of AI in many areas.

I tend to think that whatever can get done wrong will get done badly or incorrectly.

I'm also a bit of a Luddite!
A luddite once told me, there is never enough time to do it right, but there is always enough time to do it over.
Really enjoyed your song!
+29 votes
This week has certainly been a whirlwind! Anyone else wonder where the first third of the year went? Just me? I suppose I can just be happy that we stay busy, making lots of memories.

Dealt with one particularly sad/angering episode this week that has fully conquered my head space. I went up to school to pull out our carnival games for the PTO’s Kindness Carnival and found someone broke into and pillaged our closet. Many of our carnival games were missing, broken, or at the very least strewn about so it was very treacherous in there (I try to keep it organized so I have enough room to maneuver with my cane.) I managed to scrape enough things together so the kids will still (I hope) have a good time on their last day before spring break but my heart hurts. The only people who could access that closet are school staff or parents who had access to a master key so they all know that is a space solely devoted to providing supplies and enriching experiences to the students. Who steals from children?! Though I was very much looking forward to this event and working with the positive behavior intervention team to give the kids a really fun day to reward their good deeds, it now has a sad shadow hanging over it. Luckily the kids (hopefully) will not feel the pinch. I have made games with less (recycled soda bottle bowling, solo cup push surprise reveals, cereal box dominoes, etc) but hate scrambling at the last minute when we had this event planned for months and thought we were good and ready. I suppose no plan survives first contact. On a very positive note though, one of my loving Appalachians, Sandy, donated some games via Amazon so the kids will have something to do. I really love that delivery services allow us to care for each other from afar. That really saved my week.

I also have been planning a trip to visit my mom to talk out her newly diagnosed Alzheimers. We knew something was going on but at 63 I didn’t think we were going to get a dementia diagnosis, I was still expecting something organic/physically fixable. I figured Easter was as good a time as any to get her some grandkid time, they always manage to cheer her up. So making the 8hr trek to see her (northeast of Baltimore, in the sticks) should be a fun drive if the weather cooperates. (Not looking great so far, cold and rainy during pack-up)

Genealogically, big week! I had my live cast debut (nerve-racking but fun to hang out with WikiTree stars Betsy and Sandy and new friend Gaile) on the RAWK wrap up. I am just amazed at all the work that went into my tree! I can’t thank everyone enough for working through the late nights and conflation frustration. I’ve also been working on Appalachian cemeteries, we are focusing on Kentucky this month (but I still have been categorizing in Maryland in my “spare time”). Now that the RAWK is officially over and my grand surprises have been revealed I can work on adopting my new family and seeing if I can continue the good work laid out for me by so many randomly kind Wikitreers!

I hope everyone who celebrates has a marvelous Easter and Passover, gets to spend time with family, living and non.
by Erin Robertson G2G6 Pilot (190k points)

You have had the week, haven't you Erin? I am so sorry you've had so much to deal with. Kudos to Sandy for coming through for the kids. 

Erin, my dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in his early 60s, so I know what you are going through now and what's coming up. You'll definitely be in my prayers.

You did have a great RAWK experience! I think that is just fabulous, all those WikiTreers coming together. Just typical of our community.

Erin, thanks for doing the greeting on WikiTree!

Alzheimer's is difficult. I hope you get a chance to see your mother.
I am so sorry about the fun carnival games being taken.  You are always such a lovely upbeat and happy person so for you to get this upset really hurts your friends to see.  I love your ingenuity with recycling and finding a way for the kids to still have fun!

Speaking of fun.... what a blast it was to research your family line in Maryland!  Thanks for bringing me back home during the month of March with RAWK.

When with your Mom, find out the medical facts and then tuck them away.  Don't let them overcrowd your thoughts (hard to do!) but instead wrap each other up in love and laughter.   Sending you hugs.  Safe travels!

Erin,  so sorry you had such a rough week with your mom and the carnival situation.. Here's hoping for a fun day for the kids!

It was fun to see you in person on the RAWK wrap-up. You did great and your nervousness didn't show at all. smiley

Hi Erin, I want to add kind words and support to you and your family regarding your mum's very early Alzheimer's diagnosis. There really are no words. Love each other. Hug each other. Remember her for her. During visits, recall favorite and happy days and experiences.

I had a doctoral student (now a professor in her own right) whose husband was all of 63 and he was recently diagnosed with early onset dementia. It is just the two of them. Fortunately, her university is working with her to provide time for caregiving and a feasible working schedule.

My mum was 96 when she was diagnosed. We were fortunate to have her and her memories for so long. We were some of the lucky ones.

While we may know what you are experiencing, each person's family experience is unique. Just know that so many of your family on WikiTree care and are here for you.

I'm so sorry about the loss of your games and more importantly, the ongoing dx for your mother. Glad you enjoyed the Rawk Reveal; it was so interesting. Glad you had some good surprises.

Safe travels this weekend to see your mom!
Hi Erin, Really enjoyed seeing you in your RAWK-cast. I feel for you and your situation with your Mom, if nothing else, situations like this teach us to appreciate the present. Hope you are able to clear your head of the frustration and anger over the games/supplies-closet brutality. It's always a drag when the best-laid plans go awry.

Glad to be a greeter with you!
+23 votes

Hi from southern Ontario,

Chez moi/at home: what's happening here? Weather, it’s spring so the weather changes daily. Wednesday was warmish about 15 C, but really wet, torrential rain on and off all day, total 2 inches of rain, though I am not complaining, further north and east that same storm was freezing rain, major power outages in Ottawa and even worse in the Montréal area where 500,000 people have no power. Today will be 6C and sunny!

WikiTree: Alton Cemetery Project; I decided to work on the few unconnected people, there were 9 of them, 5 with no connections, 4 with 3 connections all to each other and now there are 8 . 

The remaining 4 no connections people will likely stay that way, 3 of them have common local names, which seems like it should be helpful but the only record for them is the headstone with only the person’s name and, 2 were children born and died between censuses, the other has only James Hunter Died Mar. 10, 1885, Aged 76 yrs. I’d like to think he is a member of one of the 4 local Hunter families, but it doesn’t seem that is correct. 

The 1 that got connected was a William James ‘Bill’ Hillock died in 2018, so no current records. I felt like a detective, I tracked him down through other relatives mentioned on his obituary, picked a sister to investigate, because she married a John Keast and it is such an uncommon last name. Obits and other social notices are a gold mine of information.

Turns out he was descended from the most prolific Hunter family in the area. I already had the immigrant ancestor David Hunter, and 19 descendants including his kids and their families, now there is another 20+ descendants. Connected through his grandson whose name appears to be David Abdash Hunter, or David Ahdash Hunter. The name on the original records for marriage, death seem to be transcribed correctly.   

I looked up the name and it appears to be most common in Iran, Iraq and Ethiopia, so that is a mystery as the family origins are in County Tyrone, Ireland. One online tree has used Alex, but I see no evidence that is correct. 

Other: I invited my family to visit next Sunday to view the new kitchen and have potluck dinner, so far 5 of 7 sibs will be here, that means at least 10 people, if the youngest sib and family are here as well that adds another 5 people and my DH’s stepsister will also be here. Plus my daughter who lives locally and her family adds another 4 people, about 20 in total, just a small group, when all my nieces and nephews were younger 38-40 people was common at family events.  

I'm early because I have to create a presentation for the Tuesday night Horticultural Society meeting, the booked speaker has disappeared, no replies to emails, phone messages over the past 2 weeks, and he doesn't have an address for the meeting location. I am not amused.

by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (943k points)
M, when I come across an unusual name (like Keast), I feel like I've hit a gold mine. It sure makes it easier (sometimes) to track folks when there are only a few of the name. Nice detective work on your part.
Hi M, Kudos to you on the Alton project. You do keep busy with it! And it is so nice (and typical) of you to step in for the Horticultural Society. They are so very lucky to have you. As to some 20 or so for dinner? For me, nope, nopitty nope nope. I can handle maybe 2 or 3 at most. I am become a cranky hermit.
Carol, maybe you have to grow up with 9 immediate family members.

As each child got married, another person was added, then they added kids, some only 1 child, others 6 kids. so my parents had 17 grandkids, my oldest grandchild, my parents first grt grandchild is 5 years older than their youngest grandchildren.

Dinner is potluck, the vegans and vegetarians, and other people all bring whatever they wish to eat. And we all just eat what we like, I won't have much to do.
+24 votes

It's Good Friday!

Pip, take it easy. Don't overstress the shoulder. I understand about researching relatives I never met. My heart breaks because I never met my Aunt Alice who died during the Jonestown incident in Guyana.

Currently it's 33°F with a wind chill of 25°F and sunny skies in Rochester, Minnesota USA. However, the rumor is that... spring/summer will arrive during the Easter Octave! Highs next week will be in the 70s here in Med City. That's Tucson weather. cool

Another rumor is that Mayo Clinic might drop the mask requirement. I don't know if it will affect my workplace but we will see. surprise

Due to academics and my family life, I'm not going to do a lot on WikiTree until this summer. I've logged out of Discord for the Easter Triduum to reflect on Jesus Christ. Plus, I'm spending more time with my husband during the liturgies. He lost his job but he'll be looking for something that's less stressful on his back. 

Enjoy the weekend and be kind to yourself and others.

by Eileen Robinson G2G6 Pilot (239k points)
This will be a busy weekend, Eileen. Had Maundy Thursday last night, Good Friday today, Easter on Sunday. There is a liturgy for Saturday, but out church doesn't do it. Others I know do.

I hope your husband can find a job quickly. Back pain is no fun and it can be debilitating. My youngest injured herself the other day and now had severe pain in her arm. I told her to quit that weightlifting.
Hi Eileen, you were on my mind yesterday as I introduced my cousin Bob and wife Sandy to El Cisne. They really enjoyed the food and it was a nice getaway after my computer being hacked. It is great that you can set priorities and focus on spiritual matters, school and family life with WikiTree on the back burner for a bit. We are always here for you! I will set my intention for you husband's back health and finding a new less stressful job.
WikiTree will always be here when you come back. Hoping your husband is able to find something soon, sometimes things fall apart so better things can come together.
Eileen, I recently visited one of the big downtown Toronto hospitals, they still have mask mandates for everyone who isn't a patient in the building.

In a lot of ways it makes sense to protect patients from any infections that visitors or staff might be carrying and vice versa.
Eileen, I still wear masks to stores, etc. There are people in wheelchairs, elders, people with canes which suggest debilitation and I want to protect them as well as myself. It's not just COVID either. RSV is still a problem and here and I read recently that respiratory infections, including RSV are on the rise in Tucson and in Arizona. In addition, it is time for Valley Fever here in the Old Pueblo. So I keep my own mask mandate.
Oh... I will still wear a mask (mask mandate or not). I don't want to deal with respiratory diseases. My asthma remains to be under control.
+22 votes
My daughter and her girls took me out for dinner to celebrate
my return from Florida.  In turn I was asked to shorten a prom
dress for a forth coming dance in three weeks.  I'm certainly glad for the lead time.  She had to stand on a chair for measurements to be taken because I can't get down with the bad hip replacement result.  If she had only grown taller by 6 inches I would have had less to do.  The back had a sloping  train which made a hard pinning job.  After two different attempts I have it right, I hope.  We will see on Easter when I join them for dinner.  Grandma's sewing abilities has always been in demand over the years.

The weather has been very erratic.  The grandson who was supposed to have opened up my garage door approach still has not come back to finish the job so I park in my driveway.  He is supposed to carry the heavy things from my car into the house but I find myself rifling through packages and carrying in what I need one thing at a time.
I have almost got the snowbank removed by pulling the soft snow down so the sun can melt it.  I can't shovel while hanging onto a cane or walker but can drag a hoe out without having to lift.  I have discovered a lot of adjustments to the easy way of doings can still allow me to be very independent.
by Beulah Cramer G2G6 Pilot (623k points)
edited by Beulah Cramer
Beulah, one of the benefits of all the rain we had this week has been the disappearance of most of the snow, there is still a snow heap in the middle of the court but its only about 6 feet high instead of the previous 20ft.

My garden is snow free, hooray!

Beulah, my mom was a great seamstress, and we were always running to her to fix items for us, from clothes to pillow covers, etc. Now, I have to go into town, and it just ain't the same.

All that snow! Do you wish you lived in Florida instead? laugh

What really hits home is the $50-$100 to alter a rented dress
(that grandma is not supposed to do).  That can be more than the dress my granddaughter found on line and I hope will wear for two more years.  Usually there is no one local to make repairs.

I could never stand the 100+ temperatures during the summers.  I about died with the 90+ ones we had during March, which indeed, did break records for amounts and earliest times of the year.
Hi Beulah, I love your independence...you clever woman!
Thank you for the good thoughts.  I feel the same about you and how you manage all of your health problems.  I have it
easy, quite often just having to change Depends for IBS on occasion.
I think "life" just likes to make us stay creative, coming up with adjustments and such to get by. I'm so glad you are able to sew for your grandkids, what a special gift to wear something made right just for you by someone you love!
You definitely have a wonderful "can do" attitude! Hope you have a lovely weekend. I know the dress will be perfect.
+24 votes

I don't know where this week went but it sure did go by fast.

I had so much fun working on Erin's RAWK.  It was great working with other WikiTree'ers that I don't often get a chance to work with from other Projects.  Many thanks to the Italy, Germany, and Ireland Projects!!  For those of you that missed the RAWK Wrap Up, two interesting finds we added to her tree:  Mary (who destroyed her marriage license, check out the profile to see why) and PFC Johnny Williams (tragically killed in Vietnam, ambushed in a Cemetery).

I started a OPS that is for a coal mining town:  Itmann, West Virginia.  I am hoping to convince the Appalachia Project to join and and add a profile once in a while to it.  A fellow WikiTree'er, Bob,  grew up in Itmann and is joining me on a webcast to discuss the town.  I thought sneaking some WT love in, with this OPS, would be great.

On the work front:  I had a wonderful guest for my webcast yesterday, the Appalachian Artisan Center, who was recommended to me by another WikiTree'er:  Ron Robinson  The AAC was completely wiped out by the July 2022 Kentucky flood and are rebuilding.  Sadly, rural internet failed me on the webcast and the guest kept coming in and out.  But, I was able to mention Mel's OPS:  Hindman Settlement School (who also suffered severe flood damage).

No Bingo tonight because it's Date Night on WikiTree!

by Sandy Patak G2G6 Pilot (358k points)
That is one funny story about Mary and the marriage license!

Sandy, your leadership qualities are sterling, only enhanced by your upbeat personality and willingness to help wherever you can. Thanks so much!
Hi Sandy, I am glad no bingo tonight because I really have no decent computer until the Geek checks it out for bugs after being hacked yesterday. Congratulations on the OPS and have a worderful date night. Invite me to date night when Antonio Banderas, Johnny Depp, or that Thor hottie from Australia are available.
Looking forward to paying it forward on your OPS, all those wonderful late night pushes to get my CC7 just a LITTLE higher, then higher still!

I like to think we can all learn a little from Mary, love wins but sometimes even love needs to learn a little lesson in punctuality ;)

Thank you so much for all your behind the scenes work on my profiles and collecting all those fun facts. It really was a fun reveal.
+24 votes

Hello from North-East England, where it's a lovely sunny Good Friday afternoon.

I've been on leave from work this week, as it has been Holy Week - so busy at church. Our vicar (ordained minister) left us in September, so it's been mainly down to me (as lay minister) to organise the services.

Yesterday evening I went to another church in our town for the Maundy Thursday liturgy - it was nice to just be a member of the congregation for a change. This morning we had the Liturgy of the Passion which I led. Tomorrow evening (Holy Saturday) I will again be the other church for the Easter Vigil - this time I will be assisting, and our Paschal Candle will be blessed there and the element (bread and wine) consecrated for me to lead a service of Holy Communion by Extension on Easter Sunday morning - for which I've had to produce an Order of Service: now I just need to write my sermon.

Genealogy-wise, I've been working on my One Place Study of the small village where I live. Unfortunately, the returns for the1951 census (the first to include family relationships) were badly damaged, so a lot of the information (about a third of the page) is totally missing.

Wishing those who celebrate, a blessed Easter - and best wishes to everybody else.

by Ruth Jowett G2G6 Mach 4 (49.7k points)
Ruth, I know who it feels to actually to sit with the congregation\ once in a while. I am the only lay server for Sunday services at out little Anglican church from around October until May each year. The other fella only comes up here from Florida to the mountains six months out of the year. Last night, I got to sit with my wife for the first time in months as our weekday server did the duty.
+21 votes

¡Buenos días a todos from the Old Pueblo! It is 7am and 47F (8.3C) with an expected high of 87F (30.6C) and sunny skies today (not so sunny for me, though. Read on).


My life has not been so sunny since yesterday! My computer and bank was hacked online due to my ignorance. I saw a charge of $499.00 for a computer on PayPal that I did not purchase on my cell phone. I opened my email and sure enough, there was the charge. There was a number to call if I did not authorize the charge. I called the number, talked with what I thought was a reputable person, followed his instructions to a ‘Federal Communications Instruction’ site, then my checking account was opened with him online and saw the $499 charge. He started giving me instructions as to removing the charge. Meanwhile, my cousin Bob and his wife Sandy arrived. They live in Wisconsin and had been visiting friends in Sierra Vista and stopped by on their way back to Phoenix, then home to Wisconsin. I had Bob come to my home office and ‘the voice’ on the phone asked who was with me. I explained the planned visit and that my cousin was helping me now. The voice proceeded to talk me through my checking account to remove the $499 and suddenly as I entered information, a $200 became $20000. Long story short, Bob told me quietly to shut down as this was a scam. I was having trouble using the cursor and the guy asked what I was doing! I told him ‘trying to access the calculator and my mouse wasn’t working.’ I ended up pulling the plug on the computer. It is still unplugged, and I am using my laptop.


The guy was still on the phone asking about my leaving the phone on as I went to the bank. I shut the phone off and a few seconds later my phone rang, and it was him calling from Massachusetts! I turned the entire phone off and Bob, Sandy and I drove to my bank which is withing walking distance to my home. I barely opened my mouth to tell them what happened, and they CLOSED all my accounts! They said this is classic. The FTC site was so real! I never would have guessed.


So, while the bank reissued new accounts, Bob, Sandy and I went to El Cisne for lunch, then to Best Buy to make an appointment with a Geek to come to my home today to check my desktop for further bugs. I will not be able to access my new online bank account until they see the receipt from the Best Buy Geek. Bob, Sandy and I returned to the bank to drop me off, then headed to Phoenix. I am grateful that the serendipity of their visit coincided with this fiasco as they provided outstanding emotional support. If the Geek does not finish by 6pm today, I will have to wait until Monday to go to the bank for online banking! I will be spending today and Monday calling all the vendors who have autopay from my bank to give them the new account number. I will be 78 years old on Monday and this is quite an unexpected and unwanted life lesson!


After this fiasco yesterday, I cannot even recall one uplifting or fun experience that has occurred this past week. Again, I am very thankful that Cousin Bob and Sandy were here yesterday so I did not face this alone. A friend is taking me to the University of Arizona tomorrow to see the Linda McCartney photo exhibit. Their home is still in East Tucson, and she attended the University of Arizona. I am looking forward to that as a getaway.


As to genealogy, I worked on Thurston of New York in between working on the Baldwins of Buckinghamshire (Bucks). They are a real ‘crap tangle’ as Jo FitzHenry so eloquently says. I think I mentioned this last week. I re-posted a request to join the Baldwin one name study and will add stickers as I work on these profiles. I am also still cleaning up the Dormers. I was in the midst of redoing Sir Michael Dormer when the bank scam occurred and will need to figure out how to recall all of the profiles I had opened and activity working on before the scam. The one upside is that I believe I found a bit of ‘evidence’ to connect my Baldwin line from Bucks in an old  genealogy book with Sir John’s line that will take our line further back. A quasi-rabbit hole now but want to check this out with the England Team.


PIP, thank you as ever for wrangling the chat! And to all my fellow chatterers happy second weekend in April and HAPPY EASTER AND PASSOVER.

by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Yep, I've seen this scam before... many times. And, I'm so sorry you had to deal with all of that. The scammers DO make it look so real. I got a scam email just the other day. Looked all official, but I knew it was a scam already. I've had to warm my wife away from several scammers. I hate it for you!
Hi Pip...thank you for your kind words. Today I am depressed over the situation. What a hard lesson. You have a very blessed Easter.
So far I have not fallen for the Grandparent scam on about five tries.  One hung up when I said "Get a real job".  If I
have a question about not recognizing the voice I have thought  I would ask if it was  "George or William", neither of which I have a grandchild named as such.  If they pick one of them I will know for sure it is a scam.  No girl has called so far!!!

Carol -

In hopes that this will cheer you up and not feel alone....

My father-in-law, who lived with us, before going to asst living two months ago, got an email in December about buying gold coins and "have instant increase in income".  He called them and within 2 minutes he had turned over 2 checking & 1 savings accounts as well as spreading a major malware throughout our house.   

My kid, who is in cybersecurity, saw someone trying to get into his computer.  He ran through the house telling all of us to unplug our computers immediately (because shut down would take too long).  My laptop and my FIL's computer, laptop, and tablet were all hit.  It took over a week for my kid to clean and fix them.  

Unplugging your computer was an excellent and brilliant idea!

@Beulah.... what a fabulous idea to give them a name that you don't have in the family.  

Carol, it is always amazing how many scams of different sorts are created by 'the nasty people".

So far I have had no such issues, but I am extremely suspicious.

Beulah, what a great idea!
Carol, so sorry this happened to you, and SO glad your bank was so responsive.



Thank you all for your kind words of support and insight. I was at the bank yesterday with my 'Geek Squad' report and was set up with online banking. Much wiser NOW! The Geek, Taylor, was at my home for 2.5 hours checking ALL my computers and making sure they were contected to the printer. He also showed me how to identify the ends of urls so that I know correct from scam. He explained how these shi-ts do this. It is remarkable. I love him! If only I were 50 years younger and he wasn't married!
Is it kosher, allowed, and not too involved to pass on his url information?  A thumbs up for the good guys!
@Beulah, sorry but I won't share this one. He's all mine, and his wife's of course.
Sorry, I didn't make it clearer.  How can the url tell us if it is a scam?
being a caregiver is a labor of love.   Love transcends time and space and is the best medicine   My Dad had dementia but was happy and had lots of friends so it was not horrible for him.   the worst thing is isolation   Just enjoy the time you have and don't worry things tend to work out.  Trust that God has a better plan than you do.   my experience with my parents was it eemed to affect short term memory more than longterm  So ask questions about the past  and you might find some interesting family stories.  We all like those!
+21 votes
Well I am a bit late again. Over the last couple of weeks the grandson and his wife moved out, Granddaughter # 2 moved back up from Tennessee, Granddaughter # 3 is working on moving just a couple of streets away, both of those girls are very pregnant so we are helping a lot, Granddaughter # 2 is possibly moving in with us so it is hectic around here. I did do some merges and merge proposals but not much else genealogy wise.

Edited to get the numbers correct.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.8m points)
edited by Dale Byers
Never a dull moment, huh Dale? Hang in there.
Sounds like you're about to be surrounded by blessings. Congrats.
+23 votes
Hello from my little corner of South Africa.

The local weather report: Windy, very windy. And the temperature is about 23°C. The wind was making me walk like a drunk person this morning.

Life in general: The place where I "work" is closed until Thursday, which is nice because I haven't had a break since I started there nearly 1 year ago. I know it doesn't sound like a long time, but this is physical labour I'm talking about. And I put in more hours that everyone else there. They all got a break in December. The only break I got was a mental breakdown.

On the family tree side of things: I discovered some information that's not so great. I have a relative called Salome who was born on 11 June 1884. She was 6 years old when her mom got married (but not to Salome's biological father) and then the was dumped on the doorstep of a Mary Barnes Tredrea (I'm not sure how they are related) and died in 1964. And in keeping with the other criminals in my family and having them incarcerated in Bodmin prison, I have another family member who spent some time there. His name was William Roland. He spent 9 months there for breaking and entering (if I remember correctly, he stole food.)

I wonder what I'll find next week.
by Living Buttrum G2G6 Mach 1 (15.8k points)

There's always something new to discover, Keren, the good and the bad, I still think it is worth the effort.

I've had jobs like yours... work the hardest, get little or no time off. It is wearing, so I'm glad to hear that you are getting some time off for yourself.

I don't think anyone should ever be locked up for stealing food but that's just me.
+23 votes

Hey, everyone! I finally found y'all! (I've been unsuccessfully looking for you on Discord.)

Happy weekend feasting from St Charles, MO! Spring is (sorta) here, my lilacs are starting to bud out and the Iris are up. Of course, so are the weeds.no

I've been focusing on a couple of people and locations this week. For the USBH Project, I've been extracting the names and pertinent information on Free Persons of Color from the 1850 Charleston County, South Carolina, Census. There are about a thousand or so, and some of them quite wealthy ($30,000 real estate value, for instance). For my family, I've focused on my maternal side Boon/Boone/Brooke connections to try to get one more generation back. My mother always said we were "related to THE Daniel," but I'm pretty sure we're not. Our Boone ancestors were mostly from Pennsylvania Province and moved west to Columbiana County, Ohio, then on west to western Ohio, then on to Illinois and Indiana. None of them went to Kentucky, which sorta "kills" the connection to that "famous" branch. (so far)

Anyhow. Off to grab a refill on my cuppa. BRB

by Carole Bannes G2G6 Mach 5 (56.9k points)
Yep... weeds. I've got then, too, but our irises are poking through the mulch. No blooms yet. I buy the double-blooming kind so we get flowerings twice a year.

Cool stuff you are finding in Charleston!
Hey Carole, 9c3r kevin from the western side of the state- go, or, way to go CHIEFS! Welcome to the Chat-man Sheppard's Weekend Chat. It's not spring here til you "Show Me" some mushrooms and crappie. We are close, I saw some asparagus sprouting today.

As far as 'The Daniel' I know several that were his equal w/o the pomp and circumstance and myth and lore. Still an American icon to say the least.

The Free Persons of Color, particularly the wealthy ones I am quite interested in. I do look forward to reading your findings here on the Chat.
I love lilacs! A favorite scent for sure.
Hi from Fenton!  We are practically neighbors!  St Charles is about 30 minutes from us.  Know it well.
+26 votes

Good morning all from the very rainy and stormy southern Virginia/northern NC. I do like a good thunder storm and my little garden plants are loving the rain. I will get those planted this weekend, I got my plant boxes all put together and got enough soil to start those. 

Tomorrow rain or shine I will attend a Easter Egg Hunt with 3 of my grandbabies at Pleasant Hill Christian Church. Tomorrow night I keep 2 of them for mom and dad to attend a wedding. Sunday 3 different grandkids stop by and 2 will stay with me for their Spring break. If I can talk the other grandson's mother into clipping his apron strings I might get him for at least one day, send a prayer please. (That grandson has helicopter parents frown)  I'll be off work Monday to stay home with them and ready to go back to work on Tuesday...LOL...No, just joking,  I miss them terribly since they moved to Virginia Beach. 

Last week I failed to mention a couple of things on the genealogy front so I'll add those today. I forgot that I got the Blue Owl for 50 profiles sourced during the March Sourcerers Challenge (I did 71 I think) got an approval on how I sourced, which if you recall I had struggled with since I started here. That was my first Sourcerers Challenge and I enjoyed it.  Also, I started a One Place Study for my county seat, Lawrenceville Virginia. If you get a chance go check it out (it's not finished but I guess I have a pretty good start on it)


I received my official DAR# with my official "pedigree" papers showing 11 generations of Abernathy's in Brunswick County Virginia, John served in the Revolutionary War.  The Abernathy's first came into Virginia in 1652 from Scotland. Captain Robert Ebernethell [Abernethy] who was captured at the Battle of Worcestor in 1651 and given the choice of "The Tower of London or as an agricultural servant of the colonies of America" ...he was deported October 1651. 

This week I'm still working on my Guy/Barnett relatives. That Native American/Melungeon/Mulatto  line is difficult to say the least. 

Everyone stay safe this week and  Happy Easter or Eostre to any that celebrate.

Have a great WikiEnd!


by Teresa Willis G2G6 Mach 5 (54.6k points)

Hi Cousin Teresa, my Draper family is still living and buried in Henry County, Virginia!  Many around Martinsville!wink

Teresa and David are 14th cousinsheart

Greetings and Salutations David, I always enjoy meeting my cousins heart  I'm a few hours from Martinsville but I absolutely love that area!

Really nice start to the Lawrenceville OPS, Teresa!

Congrats on your DAR certification! That is excellent. And double congrats for your work with the March Sourcerers Challenge. Your have made the deep dive and are not officially a hooked member of WikiTree! yeslaugh

Yay! The DAR paperwork arrived! And, congrats on the Blue Owl.  I love seeing more OPS  on WikiTree.  You added a lot of great detail and fun facts.

Stop in the Appalachia Project Discord chat for help with the Melungeon line.   We have several that are researching them.
Thanks Pip and Sandy for the congrats and for Melungeon information.
I just drove out from under the rain (from VA Beach to northeast of Baltimore) but will probably go home to a lawn fully sprung and ready for a good mow. I love the spring rain (don't love driving in it so much!) congrats on your pedigree and have a great holiday with the grandbabies.
Thanks so much Erin! I agree about driving in the rain, but worse for me is the drive you mentioned, VAB to Baltimore, I would not want to drive that, stay safe if you do that one often.
+24 votes
Good Friday- top of the morning, to friend and foe both near and far. Another week shot to pieces, which reminds me of last weeks discoveries. I finally visited the Civil War Museum that I have driven by daily for almost 25 years, without stopping. Pretty cool stuff was to be had. I was greeted by a quote from 'Give 'em Hell Harry'-" The only thing new in the world is history you don't know." All of a sudden Mark twain came to mind, "A man that doesn't read is no better off than the man that can't." I could hear both chuckle, in my mind, as they said I bet he wishes he read more before he had trouble seeing the words. It seems as Harry dedicated the Museum when it was opened some 100 years after the battle of Lone Jack.

Over the years I have heard discombobulated information about executions and Order #11 etc. etc. I have newfound knowledge that shines new light on an old topic. The battlefield is where the Museum stands. The battle was fought along what is now, as it was then, the main drag thru town. It seems I was misled some ten years ago at a re-enactment when a local advised the battle was where the reenactment occurred. It made sense as the reenactment took place on the Cave farm. As far as the mass grave I have often been misinformed about, it is on the grounds of the museum. After the battle, some 170 men were left for the residents to bury. Three days were spent digging two trenches one for Confederate, one for Union. The battle occurred on Aug 15-16, 1863. Temperatures were reported to exceed 100* F. For those that are not familiar w/ Missouri weather, I'm guessing humidity was almost the same. Along with the dead were all of the horses that were killed.

Now for the genealogy of the times. Approximate one month later; Order #11. Aug 6, 1863, six men were arrested by Union troops while trying to abide the order about three days prior to the deadline. The men ranged from 17-75, all were neighbors or related one to another. (From the record, this occurrence happened about 3/4 of a mile from where I sit at present). The men were executed and left in a field. Their family members buried them in a shallow grave before leaving the area. Two of the men were named Hunter. The witness, Martin Rice, was released as he had "loyalty" papers on his person. Rice's son-in-law was one of the victims. Look into "Six Man Cemetery" for more info. As all structures, crops and anything that could be used was destroyed, records are pretty much non existent. We, Smith's, lived on the west side of the county. My 2x grandma was Laura Bell Hunter, my great aunt was Helen Mae Rice. All came from North Carolina or Kentucky.

As if that is not enough to absorb, I was doing a quick search and encountered the president that joked that he slept thru half of his presidency. More on that after I find some more sources.
by K Smith G2G6 Pilot (450k points)
edited by K Smith
Thanks for sharing this story and both sides: the wrong information and the accurate.  I had heard that many townsfolk would bury the dead.  I can't imagine what they went through in the heat and the trauma of burying so many soldiers.  And for those that were executed, that is incredibly sad.  I think I would have to leave the area too.
K, I have driven past our historical society building more times than I would like to admit and I haven't even broached the door yet.

I never knew about the True Grit connection with Lone jack. I think all those times I watched that movie (the one with John Wayne) and never checked it out. Went looking on Wikipedia just now, and they have an article on the battle (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Lone_Jack), You added more info above that what's in the article.
We have lived here since 1840's. I reckon it will be home another few years.

As far as the heat, it says that oxen were used because the horses would not go in the area due to the stench. I remember how our horses would react to the smell of decomposing animals.
I went to join the volunteers that run the museum but, no one was there. I guess I got my wires crossed. I've placed my order for a Rooster Cogburn T-shirt, as usual, they didn't come in my size. As far as movies, my favorite is the Outlaw Josey Wales. Said to be based on Cole Younger and Jim Lane. Like many of the Bushwackers, Cole Younger and his dad were Union supporters until his dad was robbed and murdered by union troops prior to the civil war.
Pip. I wouldn't bother w/ your Historical Society. They probably have nothing of interest, or a bunch of young people "kids" would be hanging out there. You must be a busy man, I haven't been to one yet that I didn't want to go back to. They are like a good fishing hole. Do me a favor, stop in there and tell me what they have, I still need a lava lamp and might add that to my road trip.
Our local historical society are far more interested in 'old things' than the people who owned or used them.

It is an area where some Alton people lived for varying amounts of time but were buried at Alton cemetery.
Missouri was a divided state Both Union and Confederate areas.   Both of my Great Great Grandfathers fought for the Union.   most German areas in the state went Union.  Irish and French seemed to go Confederate.   I just added a lot of info to my line's Civil War history.
My aunt was a Rice whose family came to America in the 1830's. They had family that were here since 1790's. The established family were slave owners. The new arrivals were not. The more established went to Texas. About 1/2 of my family stayed and fought for the confederacy, the other 1/2 went west or to Texas. Those that went to Texas fought for the Union. On my maternal side, they were predominantly Union supporters, they were also loyalist in the Revolution.
+22 votes

Howdy folks! Greetings from sunny, and not windy at this moment, central Oklahoma. We were almost at 90F earlier in the week, then a cold front knocked us down into the 30s and 40s. It's supposed to get up to 66F today and warm up to the 80s by next week. Time to start planting. 

Last Friday was a bit crazy around the Sooner State. The eastern half got severe weather and a bunch of rain. Our half got 45 mph winds, 87F temps, and 15-20% humidity, which turned into a lot of wild fires. One fire was heading directly to the mother in law's place, but stopped about a quarter of a mile from her property. She had the horses in the trailer and her truck loaded with stuff in case she had to bug out. A lot of her neighbors weren't so lucky. They lost houses, barns, businesses, and some livestock. We went out there the next day with cases of water, toiletries and other such things that are handy when your house burns down. It was a sad sight, for sure. crying

We will be going to the mother in law's for Easter Sunday. We're going to cook several racks of baby back ribs in her smoker, cole slaw, and au gratin potatoes. Should be pretty good. 

Genealogy wise its wash, rinse and repeat. laugh

Thanks, Pip, for being the host with the most, and I hope your ailments go away quickly! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Until next time....


by John Vaskie G2G6 Pilot (255k points)

Howdy, Ranger John! When I heard about the fires out your way, I was concerned for you. Glad to hear you and your mom-in-law are ok. So sad about the others, though.

+23 votes
Hello, everyone!  Wonderful weather this week, sunny and warm, and the wind is not too bad.  Had a photo pop up in my social media feed from last year when we had a couple inches of snow on the ground, with my daffodils and hyacinths blooming through it all. So, much better weather this year.

Last week I spoke at a genealogy society in a small town about an hour away regarding the genealogy resources we have at the library.  From the sign-in sheet, there were 37 attendees from eleven different towns! Hope some come to visit and research their families.

I was pleasantly surprised at the number of Kansas locations that popped up during the recent challenge regarding the Germans from Russia. I knew there were many who settled in the state, but did not think there would be so many from these seven starting profiles.
by Michelle Enke G2G6 Pilot (473k points)
I am so glad you mentioned the Germans from Russia landed in Kansas.  I was happy to see those settlers too!

Congrats on speaking at the Gen Society!
Michelle, my stepdaughter has Germans from Russia that settled in Kansas (then on to Greeley, Colorado for mining). What a connection!
+23 votes
Hi everyone i hope that everyone is having a wonderful weekend. I live in Denver Colorado and it's been cold the last few days. So the last couple of months have been the hardest for me and my family we lost gram on my kid's dad's side of the family and last month I lots my dad . It was the most pain that I have ever felt and I'm still not okay. Not to mention I just found out that my brother is going through hell . I'm not going there right now anyway it's affecting my whole family and I have a feeling that it will break us all when the out come comes if that makes sense. I just wish that life would get better for all of us. Some times just being on here helps me to think about other things because I have to agree it's very hard to fill in bio and everything else thank you for your patience and for taking time to read my crazy life
by Lisa Betancourt G2G3 (3.0k points)
Lisa, having lost both parents with two years recently, I know just how hard it is to process. My heart still hurts over it. I have not done much a bio on either one. It's still too close.

We are here for you, Lisa. We, in a way, are part of your family, so we care. Hang in there! Praying for you and your family.
Lisa, know that you have many caring viewers on here who are willing to encourage you, pray for your requests, and help in any way you request at times.  We may have the same problem and can give advice.  Don't feel that you have to rush information onto computer records.  Once it has happened it won't disappear, and can be dealt with when you comfortably can handle it.  Be kind to your self.
sending you warm hugs of understanding  I lost both my parents and fatherinlaw in 2015 between july 1 and Nov 16lost my youngest son Jan 2021 and the people here helped me get through those times.  just know many here on the chat have been caretakers of family members and friends.   Or loved ones want us to go on and thrive.  They are our cheerleaders on the other side.  Love transcends time space and disease.   You can contact me anytime just to vent i am up ver late most nights   so never hesitate if you just need someone to listen to you.
+21 votes

Hails and horns, Wikipeeps! It has been a busy week on the genealogy front. Don't let my activity feed fool you, I have been busy. Check it out!

1. I posted a blog about how similar two guys named "Anthony" in two different languages are to one another. https://allroadhaverhill.blogspot.com/2023/04/52-ancestors-week-14-begins-with-vowel.html

2. I spruced up the profile for my 3rd great-grandmother, Philomene Godier by adding sources and a couple newspaper articles. I saw that she didn't have a Find a Grave entry so I made one and basically copy/pasted the bio there. That's one way to get around that site's "No WikiTree" rule. Ugh...That's the least of Find a Grave's problems. Still, I made it. And it looks decent. 

3. I bit the bullet and asked around about these potential ancestors I have for William Stevens. They were vexing me for a while and I thought I'd ask someone. Eventually, I came across a guy who was researching the towns of Stratham and in Maine. He said that William's father had to be one of three men who were living in the area. He ruled out one of them. So, that technically leaves too. To make things even more interesting, there is only ONE Stevens living in Kennebunk, ME at the time. So, I may have found the link. We have the guy's grandparents on Wikitree, already. Now it's just a matter of connecting the dots. Perhaps I'll make a post about this in genealogy help....Been a while since I did that.

I signed up for the NEGHS weekly challenge. Sure it's inside my comfort zone. But, why not? Dare I say why not?

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Pip, rest that shoulder. We need you to do pull ups and then maybe some Jean Claude Van Dammne splits. =D

by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (873k points)
Chris, I just can't understand FindAGrave's no WikiTree policy. What's up with that. I guess they have to do that because of all the other sites out there, too, who would feel like they could be included.

Once again, nice work on your blog. I enjoy reading it every week.
Thanks, man.

I don't get it, either. They just hate the link for some reason. Whatever. Thanks for the comment!
What have I missed w/ Finda Grave?
Find a Grave doesn't like links to WikiTree for some unknown reason. If a user were to link WikiTree on a profile on Find a Grave, it gets deleted. That's only part of their problems.
I have learned something new. I add links in the flowers all the time; guess I will stop.
Yeah. It sucks that they're so petty about it. =(
FindAGrave is owned by Ancestry (although it remains free, at this point). Ancestry doesn't want to advertise "free" sites that might be better than they are at the family tree building business, IMO.
I'll never understand Find A Grave.

I don't think Pip is ready for Jean Claude Van Damme splits. He may be able to do some yoga stretches... possibly.
@ Carole: At least we can put Wikitree links on profiles on Ancestry. That's the weird thing. You can put them in external links.

@ Eileen: I don't understand it, either. Probably better that way. And you might be right about Pip. =D

Meanwhile, I just got some news! Tuesday, I'll be going to the Haverhill Library and City hall to look up some stuff. =D
I am not a fan of Find A Grave so i try not to use it as a source.   you can't convince me they don't use us aas a source.   A lot of their dates don't seem to jive with the official death certs.   /i like those.  And here in the St Louis area the archdiocese has a great searchable site of all Catholic Cemeteries.  much better than Find A Grave in my opinion.
+22 votes
Greetings Pip from a cool northwest Georgia, 80's yesterday and 50's today, yep, that's us alright.  Looking out my patio doors though I can see all the trees greening and looking beautiful, the grass though is knee high already and don't look like the rain is going to let up enough days for it to dry up enough to mow, guess it will have to be the weedeater.

On the genealogy front I have been concentrating on getting the northern Georgia profiles into their cemetery categories, wow, there are a lot of them to do.  Also helped out some on one cemetery in Kentucky.

On a personal note I lost an old friend a couple of days ago.  He will be sorely missed by my family.
by Paula Franklin G2G6 Pilot (120k points)
Yep, we got your weather, Paula. Warm, then cold and rainy. Now back to sunshine a somewhat warmer. That last warm spell we had got our trees finally starting up leaf out. Glad of it, too!

So sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. I know that feeling. Peace to you and your family.
+17 votes

On this day:

1347: The Charles University is founded

1936: Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia is born. Srećan rođendan!

1939: The multiple Academy Award winner Francis Ford Coppola is born. Happy Birthday!

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
I'll be reading three lessons tonight while I greet since this was such a busy weekend. First off, Charles University. Thanks, Professor!

April 9th is known as Unicorn Day and Name Yourself Day.  since I am a Sagittarius the horse is cousin to the unicorn...call me sunbeam  or Moonshadow....Adventuremama......

+18 votes

Hello from Christchurch, New Zealand on this lovely Easter Saturday. Shops will be mad today as they were shut yesterday and will be shut tomorrow as well baring a few exceptions so a good couple of days to stay inside and work on Wikitree.

Haven't done much on my watchlist person profiles this week but basically have a week to drop as many unrelated profiles off the list before it grows again with Connect-a-thon. My CC7 has gone up 20 profiles since 1st April so that is good.

Also been doing some analysing for my Kellett Name Study and have found at least 50 branches so far going from one person families to a family group that married into other Kellett families.

by Darren Kellett G2G6 Pilot (552k points)
I have a work colleague / friend in the Chch area. I've had the wonderful opportunity to travel there twice. You guys live in a beautiful area. I loved visiting Akaroa.
Very much like the idea of staying home and working on WikiTree, sounds like a plan!
I have family in Christchurch, they arrived in Feb 1956 from Wiltshire, England
Yeah, I need a few days just to stay home and work on WikiTree. It has been a whirlwind of activity lately. Happy Easter to you, Darren.

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