“Liberal” Rev. Harry Emerson Fosdick (1878 - 1969) Easter Weekend Is here…

+11 votes

Happy Easter Weekend Wikitreers,

We have Rev. Harry Emerson Fosdick (1878 - 1969) who was one of the most prominent Liberal ministers of the early 20th century. Although a Baptist he served as pastor in New York City at First Presbyterian Church in Manhattan’s West Village and then at the historic inter denominational Riverside Church in Morningside Heights Manhattan. He was considered a Protestant Christian Minister. 

Rev. Fosdick was born in Buffalo New York a graduate of Colgate University in 1900 and Union Theological Seminary in 1904. He was ordained a Baptist Minister in 1903 at Madison Avenue Baptist Church at 31st Street, Manhattan per his Wikipedia source. 

We need collaboration in updating his categorization do we categorize him as a Presbyterian minister or Baptist minister ? 

I just obtained the vintage book titled “The Meaning of Faith” by Henry Emerson Fosdick so I’m very curious about our gentleman who was considered very “Liberal” of his day in this topic. Yes enjoying the book very vintage 1917 good condition and some stencil highlights notes etc from prev owner a true treasure in my collection 

Any collaboration in updating this wonderful profile this Easter Weekend would be appreciated. 

Thank you

Note: he needs connecting as his mothers maternal lineage is not available on wiki yet

Edit: typos

WikiTree profile: Harry Fosdick
in Genealogy Help by Andrew Simpier G2G6 Pilot (814k points)
retagged by Andrew Simpier
Late to noticing this; I had created this profile two years before this question was asked. Usually I try to connect or put at least a little more effort into profiles that I create; I'm glad to see my stub of a profile attract some love and attention and find it in so much better shape than I left it. Thanks everyone.

Hi Nathan

It’s a collaboration in progress and Wikitree builds upon and improves daily. Thank you laugh

He is a fascinating figure in religious U.S. history yes

Hello Andrew Simpier,

Rev. Fosdick has an early connection to Alcoholics Anonymous. He published a review of AA co-authors William “Bill” Wilson’s and Dr. Robert “Dr. Bob” Smith’s “Big Book”, endorsing the books’ self-help approach (a revolution 90 years ago) and asserting its anti-sectarian, yet spiritual approach.     Best,                                                 John Bean

3 Answers

+9 votes
Best answer

Here is an obituary for him:


It sounds like he did not get along with the Presbyterian leadership very well.

by Roger Stong G2G Astronaut (1.8m points)
selected by Andrew Simpier

Great obit lookup! yes

It’s interesting his position in the Presbyterian church of his day and age

Per Wikipedia 

“The national convention of the General Assembly of the old Presbyterian Church in the USA in 1923 charged his local presbytery in New York to conduct an investigation into Fosdick's views. A commission began an investigation, as required. His defense was conducted by a lay elder, John Foster Dulles (1888–1959, future Secretary of State under President Dwight D. Eisenhower in the 1950s), whose father was a well-known liberal Presbyterian seminary professor. Fosdick escaped probable censure at a formal trial by the 1924 General Assembly by resigning from the First Presbyterian Church (historic "Old First") pulpit in 1924.”

So he resigned from the Presbyterian church 

Considered by one foe “The Jessie James of the Theological World

I guess he stepped on a few toes?

Edit: text highlighted bold

He must have been a character.

The sister in law Winifred who his brother Raymond married abt. 1910 had a very tragic ending along with her two kids it appears. See Raymond’s obit for detail.

See Winifred (Finlay) Fosdick (1885 - 1932)

She tragically died on Easter or the day before how ironic

+8 votes
connected his family to the rest of the Fosdicks and uploaded a photo
by Aaron Gullison G2G6 Pilot (211k points)

Thank you! yes

Just noticed the brother Raymond Blaine Fosdick Sr is a notable as well with a Wikipedia link. I added link to his page. Interesting it appears the sister never married? This gentleman had much tragedy in life with his first wife and children tragically passing
+8 votes
His mother is now connected.
by Larry McQueary G2G3 (3.7k points)
Thank you. I added obit links to Rev. Harry Emery Fosdick’s parents
It appears Rev. Harry Emerson Fosdick had no children his brothers died tragically and sister never married.

Is it end of the line for this family group?

 If so this would make the tragedy of his brother and wife all the more awful.

Edit per obit had two daughters

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