Is Pierre Guillaume the same as Bezier-3

+5 votes
Bezier-3 appears in the 1686 census at Port Royal, Acadia as Pierre Joan age 60 with his wife Magdelaine Brun. He has many aliases. His wife shows up without him later in the same census. Then he appears to show up later in the same census apparently as Pierre Guillaume age 60. I feel strongly that Pierre Guillaume is really Bezier-3 but want other opinions before I add him to the Bezier-3 profile as living alone later in the 1686 census.
WikiTree profile: Pierre Bezier
in Genealogy Help by Ralph Geer G2G6 Mach 4 (49.1k points)

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Hi Ralph,

Good observation. It is possible that it is the same person, however Pierre Guillaume has his own entry in Stephen White's Dictionnaire, p. 782. White likely did not have enough sources to believe that he could be the other Pierre.   He is listed alone, no parents, spouse or children mentioned, only his name and age recorded in the 1686 census. Nothing more is known about him. If you wish, you could create a profile for him, and add a research note with your hypothesis.  Birth would be in France, marked uncertain. The citation for White's Dictionnaire: Stephen A. White, Dictionnaire généalogique des familles acadiennes. (Moncton, N.-B.: Centre d'études acadiennes, Université de Moncton, 1999), Print. p. 782. Pierre Guillaume, born around 1726. On 1686 census at Port-Royal, age 60, alone.

Thanks for everything that you do, Ralph. Your steady  contributions help improve the quality and accuracy of information in Acadian profiles.

by Gisèle Cormier G2G6 Mach 7 (75.4k points)
selected by Ralph Geer
Thanks for your help. I will do as you suggest and make a new profile for him.
Thanks for the star, Ralph.

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