How long have you been on WikiTree and why did you get involved?
I joined WikiTree in September 2019 and was quickly impressed by the highly active and supportive community and the focus on fixing issues. I joined the England Project in July 2020, completed OT1 under the expert guidance of Jo Fitz Henry and joined the Hampshire Team.
After spending a lot of time growing my family tree I decided to ‘give something back’ and in October 2021 I became a Data Doctor. Data integrity is very important to me so it seemed to be the best team to join.
In December last year I decided to join the Wiltshire Team, as I live in the county, and in February this year I took on the vacant Wiltshire Team Leader role. Every year I am a member of WikiTree feels better than the previous one. Long may that continue.
What do you spend the most time doing here?
My time is split between my family tree and the projects and teams I am involved with, plus the occasional blitz on a challenge.
Which projects are you most involved in?
I am a member of the Data Doctors Project and the England Project where I am a member of the Hampshire team and Team Leader of the Wiltshire team.
We need more active members to join the projects as there are still a lot of data issues that need fixing.
What inspires you to contribute so much? Do you consider your work here to be part of your legacy?
I am a proponent of open and free software and have been using Linux as my computer operating system of choice for over 20 years so joining WikiTree was a no-brainer.
Of course it is part of my legacy and I hope my work will be continued by one of the younger members of my family.
What is your favorite feature or function on WikiTree?
I love the browser extension. I use Vivaldi and it looks very good and adds a new dimension to the WikiTree website.
Also, I like the ‘one global tree’ approach. The only way to go IMHO.
Do you have any tips for someone who wants to get more involved?
Don’t think about it just do it. There are many different teams you can join so there is something for everyone. You will learn a lot and get a lot of satisfaction from being involved.