how get someone to help me?

+3 votes
How can I get someone to help me?
in WikiTree Help by Malcolm Clissold G2G Rookie (220 points)
Can you give a bit more information on what you want help with?
On your profile you will find messages from a WikiTree greeter (scroll down).  In the messages there are some links that will take you to pages that will get you started.

Welcome to WikiTree. There is always someone here at G2G to help you, but the links will get you on the right track.

1 Answer

+4 votes
Malcolm - Please create the profiles for your parents and grandparents so that others can help you.
by Judi Stutz G2G6 Pilot (389k points)
I tried to to that, but the data points I put in went away.  Am confused on how to get stated.
The profile creation process recently changed, so it is now a multi-page deal.  Be sure to read each page and note if it tells you anything.  (I missed setting the sex-at-birth on a recent profile, and it popped a warning at me.)
If you get such a warning, and are not sure how to proceed, come back here and tell us what it said.

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