Adoption Angels now has 53 sets of wings!

+21 votes

I was just checking to see how many people have earned the Adoption Angels "Wings" badge and the answer is 53! That means 53 Angels have helped at least one WikiTree member find their biological family. Many of these Angels have solved numerous searches, but sadly can only earn one badge.

We currently have 56 Angels helping 42 people around the world to connect to their biological family. 

I am proud of our Angels who give generously of their time to make these connections so everyone can know where they fit into the global family Tree.

A huge thank you to the AA team

If you have experience using DNA to make family connections and would like to earn one of these spiffy badges, join us by answering our join post

If you are looking for your birth parents, grandparents, or great grandparents, see our application checklist for more information about how Adoption Angels can help you. 

in The Tree House by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)

5 Answers

+20 votes
Best answer
The Adoption Angels are some of WikiTree's quiet heroes who work so well behind the scenes to help folks who need this particular kind of help.  You all are amazing!!
by Eowyn Langholf G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
selected by Bartley McRorie
Hear, hear! Adoption Angels epitomize the best of the WikiTree spirit. Their generosity amazes me.
+10 votes
I would echo Eowyn's comment. The work done by this group is nothing short of amazing!
by Shaun Boyle G2G6 Mach 3 (38.0k points)
+5 votes
I would love to help, I have already adopted a few profiles
by Tawny Christensen G2G3 (3.6k points)
Hi Tawny, Adoption Angels works with adoptees looking for birth parents. We don't work with adopted profiles.
+6 votes
Hello Adoption Angels

My adopted family was removed from my profile and I was told that wiki allows one family. I've just read that there is an ADOPTEE add on to a profile. Could someone please help me with this, then I could possible re add many of the vines and pass this info onto the many adoptees I know of.

Lithuanian and Latvian Jews went to Canada in the early 1900s. Some left for South Africa and some have returned. I was told, and I am aware that wikitree is a fact only site, that I had a half brother 4 years my senior. I have since met this person, who is actually my first cousin.

My biological family are from Lithuania and Latvia.

A cousin has done extensive work on related and unrelated families and the database is open to the public.

If anyone is knowledgeable, I am happy to add you as trusted member in order to further the global bush
by Sharon Flax Waddington G2G6 Mach 1 (11.2k points)

Hi Sharon, please see this help page for three ways for adoptees to add both families to WikiTree: (see #5 especially).

If you have any questions about it, you can send me a message. 

@Sharon, Hi, feel free to explore my two profiles. (I hope I have set the templates up correctly smiley)  Martin Brabander is my name, and I was adopted. so this is my adopted family on Wikitree. is my birth family profile.  By old style research supported by DNA, and a very helpful bunch of people on here, I have been able to identify my unknown father to one of 3 deceased brothers. I am attempted to contact surviving children, but am resigned at this stage, to never identifying which brother.
I found the link that Emma has provided to be fairly helpful, but looking at an existing pair of profiles helped me work through it.

Thanks for the example, Martin!
+3 votes
Please advise which DNA test covers the paternal - I would like to find my biological father and apparently most DNA cover only the mother
by Sharon Flax Waddington G2G6 Mach 1 (11.2k points)
Hi Sharon, an autosomal DNA test will help you find both birth parents. We recommend Ancestry DNA over the others if that is available in your area since they have the most testers. Then upload that DNA for free to My Heritage, FTDNA, Living DNA, and Gedmatch for more matches. If Ancestry DNA isn't available, any of the above tests (plus 23andMe) available to you will work.

As Emma suggests, I found the Ancestry Autosomal test most effective. I was able to upload to all the sites Emma mentioned for free, and have had good connections from them all. I also got the Y-DNA test through FamilyTreeDNA because of my particular roadblock, but I have not found this as useful. It is a different presentation of results than I was expecting, and a much higher learning curve. 
I would also like to add yourDNAportal to Emma's list. Much newer and smaller, but I know matches on there are committed researchers and tend to get back to you. It doesn't include those people that got a DNA test as a fun Christmas present 7 years ago, and have forgotten it, so never reply. One thing I really like is it was established by people with involvement in Wikitree, so many of my matches on there also have their wikitree id listed. It makes connections easier


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