Can I get help with reading a 16th century English will?

+4 votes
Hello, I'm still in my first 2 months of being a WikiTree member. My question is whether there are members who would be willing to take a look at 16th century will. I find it difficult to make out many of the words even though most are clearly written, but I'm sure those with expertise would be able to read it. The will is from a Lady called Cicely (Unknown-577602) who married John Copinger and later married Robert Long. I am really struggling to find out Cicely's maiden name, but thought that the will might state this or have some clues. It is possible to download a pdf version of the will from the National Archives if anyone would be willing to take a look.
WikiTree profile: Cicely Long
in Genealogy Help by David Baker G2G Crew (850 points)

3 Answers

+3 votes
by Living Mead G2G6 Mach 7 (78.1k points)
Yes, that is the will.

Thank you.
+4 votes
I'm afraid Cicely's maiden name isn't mentioned in the will. She is the widow of Robert Longe and the will mentions her brother Thomas Long but this is probably her brother-in-law. In a contract of 1561 July 5 between the executors of her will and some men in Norfolk she is also called Cicely Long (Norfolk Record Office, FLT 1 / 351).
by Tineke Slof G2G6 Mach 4 (43.9k points)
Thank you for taking a look at this. Much appreciated.

Thank you for looking at this. Much appreciated.

Interesting that you could read 'her brother' Thomas Long (who is probably her brother in law). On Ancestry I found the title of Cicely's will in 'UK Extracted Probate Records 1269-1975) that said:

1559 Coppinger, Copinger, Long formerly, Cicely, widow, St. Laurennce Jurie, London; Essex; Surrey 44 Chaynay

I was wondering whether the 'Long formerly' might mean that her maiden name might be Long (as well as her second married name). A Long shot...

I don't think so, she married if I recall correctly into the Long family. Another brother in law William mentions Cecely (poor kinswoman) which is probably the same Cecily. There's a transcript of his will on his profile. Long-25659
Her brother Thomas Long is "mentioned on page 2, line 17 of PROB 11/42B/502: "Item I give to my brother Thomas Long a golde ringe ...."
Thank you, I'll have a look at that.
That's interesting, I'll take a look at that line of the will to see if I can read it.
That is interesting about Cicely being a poor kinswoman. I had not noticed that. But perhaps it is a different Cicely (?), because I believe she was not poor, as both husbands (John Copinger and Robert Long) were to quite wealthy.
On the one hand it does seem unusual for her not to be mentioned as a sister in law, on the other, there is no shortage of Cicelys.
+2 votes
In the will of John Copynger, Cecily is just called Cecyll without a family name. Their children are mentioned and John's brothers Thomas and Robert Copynger. Another brother mentioned is Robert Laurence Draper (draper is probably his profession). Robert Laurence could be the husband of a sister of John Copynger but it could also be Cecily's brother of brother-in-law. The surname Laurence might be worth investigating. There seem to be no more clues for Cecily's maiden name in this will.

The John Copynger of the second will had a wife called Jane.
by Tineke Slof G2G6 Mach 4 (43.9k points)
edited by Tineke Slof
Thank you for these lines of enquiry arising from your reading of the will. Yes I believe that the other John Copinger married Jane, daughter of William Bond, Esq.

In this book you find interesting information about Robert Long and people mentioned in his will. John Copynger is mentioned and also Cecily, again without her maiden name.

Yes that PhD thesis in where I noticed that John Copinger was a fishmonger. I'll take a look at the additional information about Robert Long you mention, thank you.

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