Merge request

+6 votes
A merge request was submitted 4 November 2022 for Sarah E. Whitener aka Harris (Whitener-136) and Sara Elizabeth Harris formerly Whitener (Whitener-89). The manager of Whitener-136 has not responded and has been inactive for over a year.
WikiTree profile: Elizabeth Harris
in WikiTree Help by Kathy Sullivan G2G6 (6.8k points)

2 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer

Since one of the profiles is not open and the profile manager has not been active in years you should follow the unresponsive profile manager process.  You've started by posting a comment, next you should ask to be added to the trusted list and send a PM to the profile manager.  If there is no response then you can request that the profile be opened.  

Here's the Help page: Help:Unresponsive Profile Managers (

by Kathie Forbes G2G6 Pilot (992k points)
selected by Susan Smith
+3 votes

I would suggest following the procedure for dealing with unresponsive profile managers.

by Larry Jones G2G6 (9.8k points)

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