867: Too many Inline citations

+2 votes


I've created this space as a central place to track residence / connections for family members for a specific time period to show how they were living together / near each other in a way that wouldn't be clear from individual profiles.

I saw this data doctor page recently that says pages create validation errors if there are more than 100 references. (I got there from GEDImprove page via GEDI challenge.) Have I understood this right?

If so is there a better way to collate the kind of data I am collecting?  Even having it on the person page and linking back out from the central page might be problematic.  For https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Burnand-61 I already have 76 sources and I haven't listed all his electoral roll records there yet either.

I am going to have similar problems when I do space pages for ships as there are a lot of Lloyd's registers records and newspaper articles to link for each ship.  



in Policy and Style by Abigail Axton G2G6 (6.4k points)
Hi Abigail. If more than 100 inline references is deliberate and meaningful, a reasonable solution would be to mark the resulting DBE 867 suggestion false.
Hi Jim, thanks for your reply.

So this is not a permanent error, we can just say "Nah, it's meant to be like that!"?

And would you say that in these instances that would count as meaningful? It's not going to trigger an admin to come along and 'tidy' it or something?

 I like the idea of being able to visualise where people were, spatially, as I am interested in these wider connections - the push and pull factors of how families not just individuals moved and clustered.

I've found mapping essential a number of times when tracking down renamed roads etc as addresses often need to fit the wider pattern of both the individual and wider family.

Thanks :)

Hi again Abigail. Neither of the two possible causes mentioned at the data doctor page you cited applies in this case. So yes, I do think what you are doing is meaningful. Marking the suggestion false indicates that what you have done is intentional not accidental, and it will take it off the suggestion list which might otherwise lead someone to attempt to modify it.

Your space page is very impressive! I think it's fine that such detailed work should eventually have more than 100 inline references.

Thank you for both the answer and the encouragement! :D
Abigail, there's something I should have thought of before but forgot: database error suggestions are only generated for personal profiles, not for free-space profiles. So in fact no suggestion will ever appear for your page, and contrary to what I said you won't need to mark it false!

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