Author Ruth Sheldon (Fosdick) Jones (1909 - 1973)

+4 votes

Hi Wikitreers, 

We have author Ruth Sheldon (Fosdick) Jones (1909 - 1973). Researching the Fosdick genealogy. 

Ruth Fosdick was born on January 24, 1909 in ?? Her parents were Frank Fosdick and Myrtie Constantine. She married Rufus Horton Jones She died on November 13, 1973 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine, United States

Collaboration is needed to find her cemetery memorial. Does she have a findagrave memorial? Place of birth? Marriage date? 

Thank you

Note: Is she a notable? I have not found a Wikipedia page for her

WikiTree profile: Ruth Jones
in Genealogy Help by Andrew Simpier G2G6 Pilot (832k points)
edited by Andrew Simpier

3 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer

The New York, New York Index to Marriage Licenses, 1908-1910, 1938-1940 has her marrying Rufus  Horton Jones on March 11, 1939, in Manhattan, New York.  It lists her birthplace as Buffalo, New York.

The New York, New York, U.S., Riverside Church Records, 1841-1945, reflects that they were married at Riverside Church:

by Roger Stong G2G Astronaut (1.8m points)
selected by Andrew Simpier
+5 votes

According to Library Thing , she was interred at Boothbay Harbor, Lincoln County, Maine

by Nancy Thomas G2G6 Pilot (285k points)

Husbands FindAGrave Is it possible she is buried at Evergreen Cemetery Portland, Cumberland County, Maine, USA with him or in separate cemetery?

I have no clue. I checked the four cemeteries Find A Grave has listed for Boothbay Harbor and found nothing. If you find an obit, it might mentioned who handled the arrangements. I cannot access

You could always call Evergreen Cemetery and ask if she was interred with him.
+4 votes

I gave this a try:

Find a Grave lists 4 Ruth Jones buried in Cumberland County, Main.  However there are large number of Jones burials in that county. And I don't think they are who we are looking for.

There are only 9 Fosdick burials in that county, and I don't see a "Frank" listed

There are two Rufus Horton Jones listed in Evergreen Cemetery in Portland Maine  (one is Rev. Sr. 1877-1907 and the other is Jr. 1907-1976 (that's weird) unless the dad died the same year the son was born.

Ruth could have been cremated.  Ruth could be buried without a head stone (but the cemetery should have records of a plot)

Or the Find A Grave taphophiles missed her marker

Or maybe she went to live with a son or daughter and is buried in that area.  This happened a lot in my family, where the husband was buried in Nebraska and the wife, never remaried was buried in California, because she went to live with her children.

I have not checked Family Search yet.

Good mystery! Keep searching!wink

EDIT:  Find A Grave does not have a listing for her in Lincoln County, Main.  That only means those cemeteries are not fully documented.

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (5.0m points)
Obit doesn’t mention a burial place unfortunately but a beautiful mention of her life

Edit: typos

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