Why does "[WikiTree ID] may have more DNA descendants" show up?

+6 votes
At https://www.wikitree.com/treewidget/Irwin-6746/890 under Y Chromosome and to the right of John Oliver Irwin, it says [Irwin-6741 may have more DNA descendants]

But if you go to the son of Irwin-6746 and go to https://www.wikitree.com/treewidget/Irwin-6744/890 then you don't get that message.

Do you know why https://www.wikitree.com/treewidget/Irwin-6746/890 does not display all his Y Chromosome descendants?

Thanks and sincerely,
in WikiTree Tech by Peter Roberts G2G6 Pilot (762k points)
I don't know how I missed Peter's original question, as this is my third-great-grandfather, and a profile I created!

Jamie Nelson's answer feels right, though I wish there were a way to change that behavior. The senior Isaac Irwin-6746 shows up in my DNA Ancestors View. I am Irwin-2986.

Isaac Irwin-6746 and his wife Martha Unknown were the parents of both Isaac Irwin-6744 and Elizabeth Irwin-6756 Stewart. Isaac Irwin-6744's son, Edward Augustus Irwin-6742 married the granddaughter of Elizabeth Irwin-6756, so they are 1C1R to each other.

2 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
This happens if that line of descendants is descended from the starting person multiple times. Sometimes the first way they are descended is not through a direct male line, so they may not show up earlier in the Y descendants list.
by Jamie Nelson G2G6 Pilot (709k points)
selected by Peter Roberts
+4 votes
Probably because his son has the "No more children" checkbox checked in the edit page, while his father doesn't?
by Dave Nershi G2G3 (3.1k points)
Irwin-6746 does _not_ have No more children checked

His son Irwin-6744 does _not_ have No more children checked

His son Irwin-6742 DOES have No more children checked

His son Irwin-6747 DOES have No more children checked

His son Irwin-6717 DOES have No more children checked

Still unsure why Irwin-6746 and Irwin-6744 don't get the same message since they both don't have No more children checked.

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