No categories for Russian Orthodox?

+4 votes

In my current endeavour of (creating and) connecting notable Baltic German profiles, I came across Slavistics professor Peter Schalfejew whose father was a Russian Orthodox priest. So when I created a profile for Basil Schalfejew, I was surprised to find no categories for Russian Orthodox priests. There are plenty of categories for other religious occupations but for Orthodox, there are none apart from a general Eastern Orthodox category which doesn’t even mention the Russian Orthodox Church. !?! Or did I miss something?

Anyone out there who is researching the genealogy of Russian Orthodox priests and also in need of corresponding categories?

WikiTree profile: Basil Schalfejew
in WikiTree Help by Oliver Stegen G2G6 Pilot (236k points)

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The ideal method of researching and creating new subcategories is to

  1. Start with the profile of a religious professional.
  2. Make sure that the profile is well-researched and sourced. The research into what makes the person a religious professional will provide insight into the needed category structure.
  3. Research the specific Faith Community and its Regional Entities.
  4. Identify the currently existing Categories to identify the levels which need to be created.
  5. Starting with the selected profile, create the missing subcategories going up the line. This is easier than trying to go downward.

When the new category trail has been paved, you are probably knowledgeable of similar profiles which need to be categorized with the newly created subcategory. Doing so will call attention to the existence of the subcategory.

I'm not on the categorization team but as you can imagine I have an interest in Orthodox professionals' profiles.

by Dina Grozev G2G6 Pilot (218k points)
selected by Oliver Stegen
Over the last couple of years, the broader Religion category was reorganizing with a particular emphasis on the category structure. Before creating new categories under Religion, I would check in with them as to whether they had concluded their reorganization.

Edit: Sent Jamie Nelson a message on this.
THat page really should be made private, since T Stanton is correct and that the category structure for religion was simplified.
Thanks, Dina, for the cross reference.

Thanks, T, for the illumination. What did Jamie say?

Thanks, Natalie, for the confirmation. Which page did you mean that should be made private?

Btw: Whoa! I didn’t want to volunteer for creating new categories. I’ve got enough pots on the WT fire for my capabilities. ;-)
Oliver, Jamie said she wasn't involved with that reorganization so I'm checking in with Doug McCallum.
Thanks again, T.

And Doug's input on this? Should the category process Dina linked to still be applied? Or is there now a simplified structure for religious groups and their personnel?
No response to date. I will post back when there is or convene the four Religion leaders to determine if the categorization overhaul is ongoing or completed. Sorry I don’t have an answer...Quakers which I lead was not involved in reorganization as its structure was clearly defined.
Hi, I just saw this post. I have talked with my parish priest about this website and he said he might be able to find someone to write a better description about the church. In the meantime I will write the various diocese in America and see if they can write a description of their diocese including their hierarchy.
Thanks, Chris!

Please note that there is a reorganisation of religious categories so please contact T Stanton (comment above yours) before adding categories. Thanks again!
Thanks T for the post link!

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