Need help finding Marriage & Divorce certificates

+3 votes

HI genealogists,

I am urgently trying to locate my father and mother’s marriage and divorce certificates, needed to apply for dual citizenship to Spain by Dec 2023. Thanks to a Wiki Researcher, they found my father on a 1950 census and got what I think is their marriage date! 

Charles Kennedy McCracken & Maria Beatriz Alvarez married 10 April 1950. 

My father & mother attended the Univ of Penn, lived in Phila, Bucks, Delaware & Montgomery Counties. I haven't found these certificates in PA yet.

Any tips or tricks? It's a mystery. State vital records start in the 1890s.

I greatly appreciate notes from anyone. Thank you

in Genealogy Help by Jerri Allyn McCracken G2G Rookie (220 points)
edited by Jerri Allyn McCracken
Hi Jerri, you need to get more people interested, so add some details!

If you can, change the title to something like "Need help finding Marriage & Divorce Certificates.

Also, on your your post put tags (you will see the spaces) with the surnames McCracken & Alvarez and Spain.

Also, you should edit the question and add as many possible dates as you can, marriage and divorce dates, etc. Unless you donʻt want to share - perhaps some details about your birthdate and place.

More details help others research your question - there are lots of great researchers here.

Good Luck
You might try looking in Maryland. They had very few restrictions on marriage until recently so people would drive there from nearby states for a quick marriage or elopement.

Since these are relatively recents evens they will likely not be on line. 

Where were you parents married or divorced? If you don’t know, try looking in, you may need to subscribe for increased access, for newspaper announcements of the events. Look up online for the counties and states where the events occurred for the process and forms to get copies.

Because of privacy laws you make need to prove your parents are deceased.

I suspect legal copies are required for your purpose. Some jurisdictions have “informational” copies for genealogical purposes. These are not accepted for legal purposes.

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