Connecting Children

+3 votes
How do I connect my mother and her siblings to Arthur and Beatrice? I only have my mother set up for now. I am unsure of how to create profiles for her siblings? I feel like a baby giraffe learning to walk when it comes to WikiTree....LOL!
WikiTree profile: Arthur Rowlen
in Genealogy Help by Brandy Jacobs G2G Rookie (280 points)
Are Arthur and Beatrice her parents?
Yes...someone else is a manager of their profiles. He was helping me and I'm trying not to add more work for him.

Neither of those profiles currently has a manager.  Someone jumped in and adopted Arthur while I was typing this.
Unfortunately, you don't yet qualify as able to adopt, so I'll grab them for you for now.

In order to connect your mum to Arthur as her father, you need to click the edit tab on her profile, and on the right add Rowlen-23 to where it says :
Edit Family Help

Father: [add father]

Then you do the same thing to add Beatrice as her mother, except you would add Powell-25513 to the link for mother. 

Also, I sent you a private message -- which goes to your email.  If you don't see it in your inbox, check your spam folder.
I tried to come back to help I got lost in this maze lol. but yes it is on the right hand side there is a link to add more people on the top sort of . it is not that hard. I find that when i am done doing some stuff, I take a break and clear my screens. it helps clear not only my head but my machine.
I finally figured it out....I needed to sign the honor code!!! I have successfully added them to her profile.

Thank you everyone for your assistance.
Brandy - if you respond to my private message (via email), I can add you to your grandmother's profile.
I figured it out finally. Thank you for your help! I really appreciate it!

5 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer

Hi Brandy,

1. Arthur’s WikiTreeID is Rowlen-23. You can start at your Mom’s existing page, click Edit (near the top), click Add Father (under Edit Family section). Then select “Connect an existing profile as her father”.

Enter Arthurs ID (Rowlen-23) then Continue.

2. To add new pages for her siblings you can start at Arthur’s page, Edit, add/remove child, Create a new profile, then continue.

There are help pages but they are sparse: Adding Family

by Joe Murray G2G6 Pilot (118k points)
selected by Brandy Jacobs
we are all just learning here. it seems easy with the exception of finding my way back here to answer you people. have a good one, peace  this thing needs spell check. it has everything else
Kenny, to find your way "back" to places where you've posted to g2g, if you have the "email me" option on your posts marked on, you will get an email notification with a link.
Otherwise, if you click your g2g profile ( -- and you really need to change that last name per my earlier explanation) and look at all answers, or recent activity.  If you're looking for questions you asked, then click all questions.
I tried to correct the name but it said I would have to start over, I'll keep it Idc about it. I have way too many hrs. ask my wife in it , lol I have only been on here 5 days yes but I have been doing this for many years. that is how I got so far so fast I know that connection, I have others I just have to pit them in. I don't have my pc I am using a chromebook makes a big diferance

spell check would be really nice in this green drop down box.

Kenny, try sending an email to  and explain you are having truble correcting your last name.

how do i thank you?
+4 votes
I am 4 days old here I have 9 siblings to add to my dad and 6 for my mom l have been playing with it too? there has to be a way we will find it. you are not alone. I know it can't be that hard, but again I messed up my name? lol. i wish you luck. ken btw.
by Kenny Johnson G2G3 (3.0k points)

Kenny, you can correct you last name at birth by clicking the little link next to it when in edit mode.  (Note, there is a separate field for the Jr.)

Right??? I'm pretty tech savvy but this site is sending me in circles!!! LOL...
There is a "learning curve" (difficulty seems to be determined by how open someone is to learning new things!), but it DOES get easier the more you do things.  (I don't even think of it now, I just do it.)
+4 votes
Hi Brandy,

When you create one of her parents, you can create that parents children, hence your Mom's siblings.  There are privacy concerns to be aware of if any of them are still living....
by Rick Morley G2G6 Pilot (284k points)
Their profiles were created by someone who was helping me. I'm trying to be helpful and not create more work for them.
I think this is an easy to use site, it is all new. the people that be did a wonderful job. 3 cheers to them all.

I have some in site on things coming from the other sites
+4 votes
I also want (permission before I do anything) some people get "hurt" if I add  them you know what I mean...
by Kenny Johnson G2G3 (3.0k points)
The person that is helping me is SUPER kind. I have somehow fallen into a major study of my mother's paternal line that I was completely unaware of. I just don't want to burden him more than I need too.
+2 votes
did you figure it out?
by Kenny Johnson G2G3 (3.0k points)
I who knew you had to sign the honor code??? FACE PALM! I felt really stupid...but hey it's a learning curve right?
It would be nice to sign , but you don't have to be under pressure. look I have been doing this for 30 years I'm 56 years old. I worked  all of my life like I did because I thought one day I would have a family. and l like doing It. I like looking into the past I always ask a lot of questions. I have scrap notes all over the place. jotted down from phone calls from years ago. you would not believe and I am glad I did that because those people are gone now. just enjoy what you are doing and have fun, when it becomes a chore it is time to go outside. rest takes time away from whatever it is. I got a lot done here because I have that much in front of me. I know I have certain connections in my family and I know how to get to them after that I'm dead in the water.  I got a lesson in life early I got a second chance from the powers that be. to slow down. just enjoy.
this is how I feel what do I know?

I am just a P in the pod of life

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