Putting a table of graves on a free space site

+9 votes
I'm getting close to the end of my cemetery project, and I would like to put a table of graves, (with plot numbers since they're not in the profiles), on the free space site. Since my list has around 800 entries, would it be preferable to make a separate free space page just for that purpose (as one cemetery page I looked at did?)
I've figured out the basic formatting to make the table, but is there a way to make the Wikitree id numbers link to the profiles?
WikiTree profile: Space:Kendaia_Cemetery
in WikiTree Help by Virginia Peterson G2G6 (8.9k points)
Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I've been playing with the code and am almost ready for the unveiling of my table. My husband figured out how to make the names link to the profiles using Excel !

4 Answers

+14 votes
Best answer

Hello Virginia,

Here is a link to the Table of Graves I've been working on for the IOOF Cemetery in Crescent City, California.  I have not included the Wiki ID numbers, but I have linked the people interred there to their profiles. This may not be what you have in mind... hopefully someone else will add an answer for you.

by Robin Shaules G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
selected by Susan Laursen
As you will see in Robin's Table of Graves (TOG) page, it is separate from the main Cemetery page. This is the way the Cemeterist Project suggests handing all TOG's :)

Also, I should note that this is completely optional. In many cases the cemetery category itself serves the same purpose.
Thanks for the suggestion of linking the names instead of the Wiki IDs - it would work either way. But I still have the problem of how to do that - is there any way other than manually putting the links in the code?

One reason I see for making a table of graves in addition to the cemetery category page, is to make it easier to find a particular grave by the last name, or to sort by plot numbers to see who's most likely related. I've been frustrated sometimes when I want to find a particular person on the category page, but I can't remember a woman's last name at birth (which is how it's indexed), or the official first name appears instead of the name they often went by.

One reason I see for making a table of graves...

I completely understand! I just wanted to mention for the masses that TOGs are not required from the Project perspective. For some reason, many Cemeterists thought they were required, and many have now been abandoned and left in very incomplete states. Most of those also went no further than a name and link to a profile!

But in your case, I think would be well worth the effort :)

Thank you sweet Susan!
+8 votes
I would say that either way would work. However, a table with 800 rows might look better if it has its own page. Just my opinion.
by Mark Williams G2G6 Pilot (927k points)
+5 votes
I did a table awhile back, but I like some of the suggestions I've seen here. I might do some updates to this if I can find time to work on it again.

by Scott Fulkerson G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
I thought you did a very nice job on this Free Space page.
+5 votes

Hi, Virginia!

Another example for your consideration:
Fairmont Cemetery is broken out into supplemental pages, one for each section. Section one is complete and contains a table of headstones
I've got a google sheets document set up with formulas to generate the markup for creating the tables. It's also a cross-ref database with FamilySearch ID's, FindAGrave Memorials ID's, and checks against a book of burials.

Az :)

by Azure Robinson G2G6 Pilot (811k points)
Wow! What a nice job you've done, Azure.

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