How could I use DNA to see if a profile not listed as my 4th great grandmother is in fact my 4th Great grandmother?

+3 votes
Person is Funderburk-94
WikiTree profile: Mary Faile
in Genealogy Help by Emily Riley G2G3 (3.5k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

2 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer
Hi Emily,

I'm not an expert in this but start by reading the help pages.

Hopefully, members with experience in this area can help further. If not, consider contacting a mentor, some specialize in DNA. The mentor page can be found under the Help drop down menu.

Good luck!
by Peggy Watkins G2G6 Pilot (958k points)
selected by Maggie N.
There are several Wikitreers who may be DNA relatives of Mary; if you have taken a DNA test you could compare your tree and your DNA to theirs.  Being several generations back, it's possible that you may not share any of her DNA or share DNA with other descendants, but you might be able to use triangulation to prove a connection.
Thank you, Peggy!
Thank you, Kathie! It's a place to start!
+3 votes
I checked this site - and I am a DNA match on this site to:

 my 3rd great grand father - Daniel Beaver Knight(Knight-18276)

my 4th great grandmother - Mary Funderburk Faile(Funderburk-94)

My 4th great grandfather - John THOMAS Knight(Knight-10159)

my 5th great grandfathers - William Knight(Knight-10244) and David Funderburk(Funderburk-95)

my 5th great grandmothers - Catherine Rape Funderburk (Rape-23) and Elishiba Ervin Knight (Ervin-743)

I don't know how else to convince anyone that Catherine Beaver was Catherine Funderburk and Mary Beaver was Mary Frances Funderburk. I'm a direct descendant. I'm looking at the profiles and see the connections.
by Emily Riley G2G3 (3.5k points)
Hello Emily,

This site (WikiTree) cannot tell you if you match anyone. It has no functionality for people to upload DNA measurements and compare them.

Perhaps you are saying that WT identifies you as a DNA match to those ancestors because your DNA test is listed on their profiles? That just means you would *probably* share DNA with those people if they lived in modern times and could do a test. Once you tell WikiTree that you took a test, that information appears automatically on profiles of your ancestors and cousins who are close enough and biologically linked to you on WikiTree.

If you want to use DNA evidence to support the connections among your ancestors, you need to go to another site where you can compare your DNA with others who claim descent from those same ancestors. You can then write up the results of this analysis on your ancestors’ profiles here on WikiTree.
I already did that. I have a tree on and told the profile manager of my matches to the descendants of all of those people plus the biological half siblings of Daniel Beaver Knight and Mary Frances Funderburk. I'm not getting anywhere and it seems like I'm having an arguement with my sister.
And another thing... The profile manager keeps putting Mary Beaver as the mother of Daniel Beaver Knight. I get that little message about the DNA on the profile for Mary Funderburk but I don't get it on the profile for Mary Beaver. So, are you sure there it means nothing?
Once an ancestor currently connected to you on WikiTree is replaced, it takes up to 24 hours before your DNA test disappears from the old profile and appears on the new profile. So yes, it means nothing with regard to whether you truly got DNA from that person. It’s just a reflection of which profiles on Wikitree are currently linked as your ancestors, with a delay for the system to update.
Okay, Thank you for that information. The profile manager and I stayed up half the night switching the mother of Daniel Beaver Knight back and forth. The information about the DNA matches is now on the profiles.

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