Update: Migrations France website reopened sporadically - Archival pages with images available

+19 votes

Many of us were recently surprised by sad news that the highly used and useful website "Migrations France" was closed: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1560484/attention-migrations-site-closed

The good news, at least for now, is that the site was back online - at least sporadically - as there may be issues with their servers. I've made a donation and also asked them whether there is anything else that we and other appreciative genealogists can do to help ensure that the site remains available.

Note: Server access via the Migrations website appears to be sporadic. The Wayback Machine has records from various capture dates although not all dates have fully functional content on sub-pages. I've added Internet Archives links below that appear to contain generally functional key information and most images.

For anyone who hasn't used the site and appreciated the wealth of information it contains – and even more importantly original images that we've been able to use for research and citation – the main page is at the following:

Among key parts of the collection are those related to our Nouvelle-France pioneers (including family informantion and original acts of marriage, baptism and death) for:

Other archived collections of interest include:

I'll provide a further update if and when I hear anything about their needs for maintenance and/or plans.

in Genealogy Help by Tyler Benoit G2G6 Mach 1 (11.8k points)
edited by Tyler Benoit
Merci beaucoup, Tyler.
Thank you, merci, Tyler! I had used this site years ago on Ancestry. Will revisit it again soon.

2 Answers

+12 votes
Best answer

Thank you for doing this Tyler!  yesheartenlightenedlaugh

For everybody's information, please note that the site has not been getting updates on research for a few years now.  As we all know, ongoing research often reveals more info.  Have contributed to Migrations site with such in the past.

by Danielle Liard G2G6 Pilot (766k points)
selected by Jeannette Saladino
Just heard back from Jocelyne, the problem is with the server, who had a fire and are trying to get back online, not very successfully.  Jocelyne tells me she has tried to find another server to house this, but so far no luck, due to the program she used, ''Frontpage 2002-2004''.  All other servers she has contacted have refused to take this.
+8 votes
That's wonderful news, Tyler, Thank you.
by Mark Weinheimer G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)

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