FamilySearch shows the parents with the same three children as currently on Wikitree.
Their son Andrew appears in the 1881 census in the household of his uncle Andrew McColm at Whitehill Farm, Ayr, Ayrshire, Scotland, age 1.
His birth is on ScotlandsPeople:
SIMPSON ANDREW MCCOLM M 1879 595 / 176 Irvine
The daughter Mary appears with her parents in her Simpson grandmother's household at 2, High Street, Dalmellington, Ayrshire, Scotland, age 0. Jane is not there.
Her birth is on ScotlandsPeople:
SIMPSON MARY MCCOLM MCCOLM F 1881 586 / 45 Dalmellington
They are the only Simpson births with MMN McColm in the relevant period.
None of the three Jane Simpsons, born 1879-1881 in Ayrshire in the 1881 census can be her.
The only evidence for Jane Chalineu Simpson seems to be FamilySearch's entry:
"Scotland Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950", database, FamilySearch ( : 12 February 2020), Jane Chalineu Simpson, 1881.
Source Details v 586 p 15.
Microfilm Number 232664
The microfilm is of Registers of births, marriages, and deaths, 1855-1875, 1881, 1891; and general index, 1855-1956
Th entry therefore comes from the birth registers for 1881. The detail 586/15 almost matches Mary's entry, and 15 is a plausible transcription error for 45.
My best suggestion is that Jane Chalineu Simpson is a horrible transcription error for Mary McColm Simpson, but you'd have to pay for a copy of Mary's birth registration to confirm that the date and place are the same.