Help us remember Unnamed Infant Hollenkamp, the 800th Hollenkamp profile on Wikitree!

+4 votes

Dear WikiTree'ers,

Please help us remember Unnamed Infant Hollenkamp, the Eighthundreth Hollenkamp profile on Wikitree, deputising for all Unnamed Infants going by that same (and any other) last name! 

To commemorate Hollenkamp-800 we kindly ask Wikitree'ers to help us to fully source and enhance the profile further. 

From all contributions made before May 15th, 2023, 0:00 UTC, the Hollenkamp name study project team will be giving away a free FamilyTreeDNA mtDNA test, contributing to The Million Mito project. This is to commemorate all mothers and the hardships they have to go through! 


Eligibility: The raffle is open to all registered WikiTree users who are at least 18 years of age. Members of the Hollenkamp One Name project on Wikitree are not eligible. 

Entry: To enter the raffle, participants must improve the Wikitree profile Hollenkamp-800 prior to the end of the raffle period on May 15th, 0:00 UTC. Only one entry per person is permitted; participants are encouraged to make as many profiles changes as deemed necessary, but each person making multiple changes will be considered only once.

Prize: The prize for the raffle is an mtDNA test with FamilyTreeDNA, including shipping, with an undiscounted value of $159 plus shipping as of 16 April 2023. The winner will be chosen at random from all eligible entries.

Winner selection: The winner will be selected by a random drawing conducted by the members of the Hollenkamp One Name Study on Wikitree. The drawing will take place within seven days of the close of the raffle period.

Notification: The winner will be notified by email through their Wikitree profile within three days of the drawing. If the winner does not respond within 14 days, a new winner will be selected.

Taxes and fees: The winner is responsible for any taxes or fees associated with the prize.

Disclaimer: The raffle is not sanctioned by Wikitree. The raffle organizers are the members of the Hollenkamp name study project, and they are not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged entries and reserve the right to cancel or modify the raffle if necessary.

WikiTree profile: Elizabeth Hollenkamp
in Appreciation by Sven Elbert G2G6 Pilot (109k points)

2 Answers

+4 votes
Hi Sven, I enjoy remembering the children and thought I would have a look to see what everyone has done. I added a sticker and then went to look to see where the parents were born. Then hey presto - is Elizabeth the name of this baby? The record I found is dated 9 days after the existing record - typo? administration delay? I've added it to the profile
by D Grosvenor G2G6 Mach 5 (59.3k points)
Wow, what an excellent find. And also a huge thank you to all who have started to contribute. I believe you are right - Hollenkamp's first name might be Elizabeth, indeed. Will be interesting to see what else we can find and how we can embed it into other events of local history, maybe.
Just noting, that this name change would also make a qualifying entry, by the way ;)
+2 votes

Hello, the two (only) entries into our prize draw are:

  1. D (Grosvenor) Crawford
  2. Doug Tabor
We will conduct the drawing soon! and post with the results.
by Sven Elbert G2G6 Pilot (109k points)


Thank you very much to all who participated. We have exciting news to share *drumroll* the winner of the prize draw is :

  1. D (Grosvenor) Crawford

Congratulations, we will reach out via email!


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