+2 votes
I went to Q&A Forum and now I can not find how to LOGOFF! If I am on the main FamlyTree page, I have to scroll down in order to see the logoff button but I am trouble even reaching that page. Grrr.

If I do  not LogOff, can someone go in as me and mess with my data?
in WikiTree Tech by Ken Walker G2G Crew (750 points)

1 Answer

+5 votes
I think the Logoff is now the last command under the 'My WikiTree' menu on any profile page. (It doesn't appear on a G2G page.)  I'm not sure what it would take for a hacker to impersonate you if you remain logged in, but I have not been logging out recently and haven't encountered any problem.
by Dennis Barton G2G6 Pilot (605k points)
The only times I ever log off are when the session expires and it is forced on me.  I immediately log back in.

IF, however, I was on a shared - or public (at a library, for example) - device, I would always log out.
I confirmed what Dennis wrote. Except for when you're on G2G (like now), you will find "Log Off" at the bottom of the "My WikiTree" menu (which appears at the top of the screen).

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