New member introducing myself

+7 votes
oh, I didn't do this yet Hello folks I'm a mutt My family is a bit mixing pot of everything, As you can see from the beginning of the tree, I started with the easy one, I say easy because I knew that those were somewhat done already. Hehe. I knew that they have been done for many years by other people. The Johnson-Claflin, side does go back centuries I believe that they go back to Norse (Viking) that was done many years ago, My family in Wisconsin has the "paperwork" on it because I don't have children I never pursued getting them there are a lot more, we have a lot of Sicilian, Neapolitan and other parts of Italy since my moms side only came over in the 1900's, so that's going to be harder. although it was done on some other sites.

 then there's the ones who don't want to be published? like everything is out there anyway so what's the difference in public record? it's not like  your ss#...Well thank you all for the extra help. I figured out how to thank people. Have fun y'all night.
WikiTree profile: Kenny Johnson
in The Tree House by Kenny Johnson G2G6 (6.0k points)
Hi, Kenny.  Your introduction  sounds so enthusiastic!  Really made me smile; and made me want to respond and say "Hi" and "Welcome!"  You popped on my G2G feed because we have both tagged Johnson. We are 12th cousins. With William Warner being our common ancestor and your 12th great grandfather. Trying to follow those connections made my head spin even with the Connection Finder. As it most cases the connection was not where I expected, not through my grandfather Johnson's line. Sounds like you are starting out a bit like me. I inherited a tree, but I did not have any documentation. Also, sounds like you might have access to some? Yeah!  Hope you enjoy your journey; and although I'm no expert; I'm happy to help anyway I can.
so we are distant cousins there are a few names in there, but I still don't know where the Johnson name comes from. there is a rumor that it was changed some time ago from Johnston?
Names do "morph" over time.  Sometimes people with shared ancestors may add, or drop, a letter in the spelling of their names.  Or sometimes it might be constant use by clerics writing names down a certain way — as with my first cousin three times removed who began life with two forenames and a single last name, and ended it with one forename and his second forename as part of his last name.
so how do you post a picture This thing comes up in another language.

3 Answers

+6 votes
Welcome! I’m glad you are here. Feel free to reach out on G2G (this forum) when you get stuck. People are very friendly here.
by Nikki Davis G2G6 Mach 1 (19.4k points)
+3 votes

Hi Kenny!

Welcome to WikiTree! I am Dave Draper and I am delighted to see you join our community. Here, we are passionate about building a single family tree and discovering our ancestry. I hope you find WikiTree as exciting and rewarding as I have. There is a learning curve so here is a link that might help you get started. WikiTree How To Here is How To Do IT

It looks like you are off to a good start, and it will take a while to appreciate just how powerful this site is and the benefits that will eventually come from connecting your pedigree to the big tree. 

Please feel free to ask anyone about anything on this G2G forum!

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (5.0m points)

Names do "morph" over time, my parent's last name sounded like

" lou-wee-bis-see" I do not know how to spell it turned into LUIBIL by my eldest aunt's teacher because she didn't like how it sounded. so yes i do understand and they are the only ones that we know of. 

+3 votes
Smith D Weldon findagrave ID 90915191
by Chris Mckinnon G2G6 Pilot (716k points)

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