Thanks Shirlea, my mtDNA haplogroup is H5 (actually my mom's test). Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be of much help on a genealogical timescale since it appears to be distributed pretty much throughout all of Europe, albeit at slightly different concentrations. Looking at the handful of most distant matrilineal ancestors of my matches isn't very conclusive either, but it does appear to favor Scandinavian origins. My closest match (GD=0) has a MDA from France in 1605, but with a decidedly non-French name, Fant, the origins of which (depending on who you believe) could be English, French or Italian, but the current highest concentration seems to be in either Finland or Latvia. Of the seven GD=1 matches who have MDAs there are one each in Finland, France, Germany, Ireland and Sweden and two in Norway. At GD=2 the MDAs are again dominated by Scandinavian countries with one from Finland, two from Norway and five from Sweden as well as two from France and three from Germany.