Can someone figure out what this location might be?

+2 votes

Jacques Bardin's place of origin is currently unknown.  I have found data in Hôtel-Dieu de Québec records which is likely for him, giving a place of origin as Petit-More, Saintonge.  Anybody have a notion what this might actually be?  Hôtel-Dieu records were one liners, mostly phonetic.

WikiTree profile: Jacques Bardin dit Charron
in Genealogy Help by Danielle Liard G2G6 Pilot (767k points)

2 Answers

+4 votes

Maybe Western France.  Saintonge seems to be a place near there.

by Stu Ward G2G6 Pilot (231k points)
thanks Stu, I know where Saintonge is, the specific location is what I am trying to figure out.
You likely got the same thing I got when I Googled it.
lol, got nothing for a location by that name.  Which is why I'm asking my friends over in France if they can figure it out.

Maybe a bit farfetched, but this article mentions monks from Saint-Maur in relation to Saintonge:

hmm, what I find about them in wikipédia is that they were a Benedictine monk congregation, with chapters all over France.  Nice try though. 

+2 votes
by Stanley Baraboo G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
Hmmm . In "Petit-More" is a preface to numerous locations on their drop down location list .. ?

interesting, although I'm not sure this Le-Petit-More would fit, as it's described as a hotel in Poitiers.

The Geneanet guy found less data than I did.  FaG is really out, this man was certainly not born here.  Nor was their marriage on 29 August 1704, as Geneviève asked for the inventory to be done of her prior marriage on 29 September 1704.  She was yet to remarry, but was doing it in order to do so properly.  Jacques died before 2 july 1721.

Thanks for looking though.

and ... lists "Le-Petit-More" as a preface to over a dozen locations .. Haiti, Martinique, France, United States etc etc .. in their drop down location menu .. ! .. that was a surprise to moi ..  lol
It's a shame we don't have access to the original handwritten documents. "Le Petit-Niort" seems like a possible lead, I could totally see that misread as "Le Petit-Mor(t)"...
I agree, it's difficult when all you have are transcriptions, although the people who did the work have good repute for this sort of thing.

Just went looking for Saint-Martin-du-Petit-Niort, now known as Mirambeau, for which there are records available online, collection du greffe, no table and there are no names in margin to make things easy, one has to read through each record to figure out the names even.  Added link in research notes, for anyone brave enough to go through them.  Even the presence of the name Bardin would be more than we now know.

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