Ancestry links going to a "partnerize" website [closed]

+11 votes
Clicking on several of my linked Ancestry sources, I see they are no longer going to Ancestry (these were built using WikiTree Sourcer).  All are going to  I went back to some earlier sources (not a profile I have worked on recently) and get the same thing.  Is this a new issue?
closed as a duplicate of: Problem with links?
in WikiTree Tech by Renee Newman G2G6 Mach 2 (23.8k points)
closed by Steven Harris
Oh no!  My Ancestry links are going to as well.  I haven't noticed this before.
I just noticed someone else has already asked the question but I searched the term Partnerize before I posted and came up with nothing!  Hope there is a fix soon.
The (I think) first thread about the issue --
All of my Ancestry sources are doing the same-Partnerize. Not just my new entries, but all of the older ones as well.
That was also reported, Shannon.  Not much we can do but wait until there is a fix announced.

2 Answers

+8 votes
It seems to be fairly new. I hadn't noticed it before today, and there are a few other posts referencing the same issue. This could be a huge problem.
by Mark Williams G2G6 Pilot (864k points)
+8 votes
This is not the only issue Ancestry is having. FTM (now owned by Mackiev) has been unable to sync with Ancestry (condition orange). Not saying the issues are connected, but the end users are paying the price (in more ways than one) for what now seems to be a corporation that is focused on populating the genealogists world with duplication and confusion. What used to be pretty stable albeit expensive is out of control. Since Ancestry owns FindAGrave, as well there is no guarantee we  wont face future problems with that site. I cant say I trust the direction it is heading but that is only my opinion.
by Mark Hough G2G6 Mach 3 (30.7k points)

Are we sure this issue is caused by Ancestry? Maybe it's Partnerize.

If you start with a URL (from the example Lewis Bundick-195) like

it exhibits the problem. But if you remove the Partnerize prefix


then that works fine by itself.


It went to a membership sign up (even though I have a paid Ancestry account).

Mark, it works for me. Can you log in at the sign up?

Yes, it does. I wonder if non members can also use a sharing link.? I hope so, as it should be as convenient as possible for all. Well, I don't write or understand coding, so being patient is all I can do. Thanks for the reply.


Thanks Mark!

Ancestry non-subscribers can open image sharing links, but lately the image resolution has been low, often illegible, unless extra steps are taken. They cannot access Ancestry record links.

Mark, links to ancestry posted on g2g always take me to the signup page, because I am not logged in to ancestry on this browser.  If I click the same link on the other browser where I am logged in to ancestry, I get the page intended.

I sometimes have the same issue with logins. Some browsers have are secure and will not cache data. Most browsers allow the changing of security settings and some have hidden tweaks. Cookie settings, history keep/no keep settings, and such can impact things. The trade off is sometimes security for ease of use. Or it could be a gremlin!

Thanks Jim. I saved the "extra steps" link and will give it a try..


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